there were some breaking changes in the SVN head lately
in preparation of v1.0. Rich updated the ants demo some
days, ago. So maybe you now have the new demo with the
"old" clojure. I got the demo working without problems before
the changes.
Hello stuart,
On 19 Nov., 13:45, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on the multimethod chapter this week. This has required a
> lot of exploration, as the multimethod feature set goes well beyond
> what most people are using yet. I have hit one rough spot: derive. I
On 19 Nov., 09:47, Simon Brooke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Java has a simple and neat convention for achieving global namespace
> distinctness without the overhead of a central registry - you just
> reverse your domain name and append a bit. Is there a similar
> convention for Clojure names
the following thread was a poll for features, but also about what
people do
with Clojure.
On 19 Nov., 06:53, samppi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but I meant creating methods rather than regular functions, in a
> lexical scope. Is it possible to create methods using fn?
(ns foo)
(defmulti bar ...)
(ns foo.test)
(defmethod foo/bar ...)
One can also use the MultiFn Java met
Hello Stuart,
On 18 Nov., 15:58, Stuart Sierra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. I want to keep optional messages per-assertion. These are very
> useful in the RSpec testing framework for Ruby; they're like comments
> explaining what each assertion is supposed to demonstrate.
I'd also like to see
blindly copying code is usually not a good way to learn a new
I don't know, whether this is more idiomatic Clojure code, but
it works...
(defn build-tree
[item depth]
(when (< 0 depth)
(let [i (* 2 item)
d (dec depth)]
[item (build-tree (dec i) d) (build
On 18 Nov., 03:01, Adam Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm in the middle of writing some code to extract sql results, which
> means I'm doing a *lot* of forcing right now. It's almost enough for
> me to wish there was a convention (and provided definitions) for
> denoting lazy/strict vers
On 17 Nov., 13:05, Konrad Hinsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (defn replace-syms
> [sym-map expr]
> (let [replace #(replace-syms sym-map %)]
> (cond (contains? sym-map expr) (get sym-map expr)
> (list? expr) (map #(replace-syms s
On 17 Nov., 09:07, "Michael Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/env java -cp /sq/ext/clojure/clojure.jar clojure.lang.Script
Most systems only allow one argument to the command.
scsh solved this issue with the special \ argument and
block comment #! ... !#
#! /usr/bin/scsh \
-m or
Hi Simon,
there is a detailed explanation of syntax, data
structures etc. as well as a complete reference
at the Clojure site[1].
Then there's a wiki[2] with a lot of information of
setting Clojure up with different editors like emacs
or vim and a lot of examples. Also explaining
some of the qui
On 17 Nov., 02:09, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could of course work around this by putting your loop in some
> other function and calling it from inside catch.
In this specific case I used:
(last (take-while #(not (nil? %)) (iterate #(.getCause %) e)))
However, a separate funct
Hi Stuart,
> I spent a few minutes trying to write a macro to do this that doesn't
> use eval. So far no good. Is it truly impossible, though? I have never
> seen a good discussion of "things that can be done only with eval".
> Any pointers?
The problem is, that macros happen at compile ti
On 13 Nov., 07:27, Larrytheliquid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to pass a vector to a function like let, rather than manually
> typing in the brackets?
let is not a function, but a special form (see:
It is only possible via eval to achieve th
simply change to the namespace in question:
in /foo/foo.clj:
(ns foo)
(defn- private-foo-func
[x y]
(+ x y))
in test-foo.clj:
; Make sure foo namespace is loaded
; correctly before we go on.
(require 'foo)
(in-ns 'foo)
; Make sure, we don't interfere with
On 10 Nov., 12:48, Chanwoo Yoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (ns test
> (->:import "import org.apache.http.HttpVersion; import
> org.apache.http.http.client.HttpClient"))
ns is itself a macro, which treats the :import, :use, :require and
:refer-clojure clauses specially. Since it does not e
On 6 Nov., 13:30, Chanwoo Yoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is {:a 1} not a hash-map? It seems that there is some inconsistency...
Clojure holds promises about the interface and the performance
characteristics of the provided functions. In general Clojure is
a lot about abstract interfaces.
On 5 Nov., 15:40, Konrad Hinsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But does gen-class have to look the way it does? Couldn't the same
> functionality be provided in a way that looks more like a proper part
> of the language?
I'm not sure about the form itself. I had look at a CLOS tutorial
On 5 Nov., 08:31, Konrad Hinsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's exactly my point. Multimethods may well be sufficient or even
> superior for implementing OO concepts useful in Clojure. We will see
> when someone actually uses them this way (or has it already
> happened?). But as lon
On 4 Nov., 15:03, Konrad Hinsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As an illustration of the two approaches, consider a program to sort
> data. In OOP, one would define an abstract class "comparable" with a
> method "sort" that works by calling methods such as "greater" and
> "equal" implemen
On 31 Okt., 04:46, JCB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) does Clojure maintain the CL notion of a "running image" (ACL
> terms), or a "core" (sbcl terms)?
> For example, in ACL I can do (dumplisp), and I think sbcl has
> something called (save-lisp-and-die) ..
I don't think so, no.
> 2) Doe
On 31 Okt., 05:30, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It works with a literal for vecs:
> user=> (declare-init [[a 1] [b 2] [c 3]])
> #=(var user/c)
> But if I def the seq of seqs:
> user=> (def myvecs '[[a 1] [b 2] [c 3]])
> #=(var user/myvecs)
> user=> myvecs
> [[a 1] [
On 30 Okt., 12:43, Tom Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Then every iteration of ant behaviour (and evaporation etc.) creates
> > a new thread, right? This implies that an agent is not forever bound
> > to the same thread. Nor is a thread bound to one agent, as otherwise
> > one cou
On 30 Okt., 08:48, ntupel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interestingly java.io.OutputStream.write(I)V is invoked even though this
> should be covered by the proxy write method.
I lookep up the implementation of proxy-super. It replaces the
method temporarily. So proxy-super basically doesn't w
On 30 Okt., 00:31, ntupel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Consider the following code which attempts to redefine clojure/*out*:
> (def output-stream
> (let [buffer (new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream)]
> (proxy [java.io.OutputStream] []
> (flush []
> (.append output (.toString
On 28 Okt., 19:52, "J. McConnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For anyone using Meikel Brandmeyer's Chimp plugin for Vim, below is a
> patch that adds a MacroExpand command, which sends a (macroexpand-1
> ...) for the inner s-expr. Hope someone finds it useful.
Thank you for the patch. I add
On 7 Okt., 01:57, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Currently if you fail to provide or mis-name the main fn in a
> gen-class implementation, you get an error like:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
> net.n01se/main not defined
> This is wrong, since
On 28 Okt., 12:42, Chanwoo Yoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks! mb. I did a stupid mistake.
There no stupid mistakes. Unless you do them twice... ;)
> "export CLASSPATH=.:/Users/chanwoo/Documents/lisp/clojure/code:
Is this verbatim? The fi
> Hi.
> When I try to use 'contrib' library, next error message occurs.
> user=> (use 'clozure.contrib.duck-streams)
> java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate Clojure resource on
> classpath: clozure/contrib/duck_st
Hi Islon,
On 28 Okt., 04:38, Islon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any chance closure will get string interpolation?
> Do things like (prn "Hi ${someone}, my name is ${myname}") is nice, not
> crucial of course, but nice.
There is format.
user=> (def someone "World")
#=(var user/someone)
On 27 Okt., 21:08, Matt Moriarity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to write a macro to rewrite something like this:
> (set-props my-jframe :title "blah" :visible true)
> Into calls to the setter methods. I finally settled on this:
> (defmacro set-props [obj & props]
> (l
On 24 Okt., 00:42, BerlinBrown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And then I have a utility to load hello_world.lisp and execute
> the hello-world call.
> At the command line:
> #Inspect: hello-world function was called
> #Hello World
> #Inspect: hello-world has finished executing.
There is
Hi Paul,
On 23 Okt., 15:11, Paul Drummond
> I am a bit puzzled by how metadata seems to behave differently
> depeding on where it's used and whether #^ is included or not:
AFAIU, #^ attaches the given map to the thing read.
> (defn #^{:doc "doc"} my-fn ([x] x))
> ;;W
On 23 Okt., 14:48, "J. McConnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a tiny patch against the VimClojure syntax file to allow Vim to
> recognize BigDecimal literals (numbers suffixed with "M"):
> kant[~/.vim/syntax]$ diff clojure.vim.orig clojure.vim
> 162c162
> < syn match clojureNumber
Hi Rick,
First of all:
#(x) is equivalent with (fn [] (x)). So as an example with reduce:
user=> (reduce #(+ %1 %2) (range 1 101))
user=> (reduce (fn [x y] (+ x y)) (range 1 101))
So it should be obvious, that #(3) throws exception as soon as it is
called, since it is equivalent to (fn
On 23 Okt., 08:50, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> This leads me to a more down-to-earth question: what is the right way
> to use clojure/zip in a program? First I tried
> (use 'clojure.zip)
I normally use an alias: (require '[clojure.zip :as zip])
user=> (-> (zip/ve
Hi Konrad,
On 22 Okt., 18:07, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> But assume I wanto to provide two implementations for such an
> interface, in two separate namespaces. Can I then write client code
> that will work with either one? I would have to pass it the namespace
> as an argume
Hello Stuart,
On 21 Okt., 16:37, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since there is now a movement afoot to write a comprehensive test
> suite, I want to re-post the spike I did earlier on ClojureCheck.
> It would be cool to use check-style tests for at least part of the
> Clojure
Hi Konrad,
On 22 Okt., 12:49, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> However, there is one point that is not clear to me: how does Clojure
> deal with data types in general, and abstract data types in
> particular? How would one implement a library for tree operations, a
> graph library
Hi Karl,
On 22 Okt., 06:43, Krukow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> user> (eval (list (symbol "Object.")))
> user>
> This seems to indicate that actually Object. is just a symbol like any
> other. So there isn't any special reader support for it, but instead
> the compiler handl
On 21 Okt., 19:08, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's my implementation:
> (defmacro >>_ [& exprs]
> (list 'let (apply vector (mapcat (fn [expr] (list '_ expr)) exprs)) '_ ))
Now this is a nice idea.
> I used it a couple times after first writing it, but have since failed
> t
On 21 Okt., 17:24, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't see much wrong with "doto->", though "do-with" or "do->" might
> be okay. I'd probably vote against "do-unto-others-as"
I would vote for do-with.
You receiv
Hello Stephen,
On 21 Okt., 17:05, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is the ".." aspect of it the "automatically make a list if it's not
> one" part?
This is actually a -> aspect. What I meant was:
(.. x (getModel) (getRoot) (state))
is equivalent to
(-> x .getModel .getRoot .sta
On 21 Okt., 14:41, mb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (defmacro doto->
The name is actually also up to discussion. doto is already
in use and this change is incompatible to "legacy" code.
I couldn't come up with a good alter
recently I ran in the a limitation of doto, that it only invokes
methods. However piping the object with -> does not work
also, since it's semantics are more like .. .
I'd like to propose the following chimera of doto and ->.
(defmacro doto->
[obj & forms]
(let [objx (gensym "obj__")]
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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On 17 Okt., 00:14, Mark McGranaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I first started working with Clojure a while back I tried to get
> my bearings by figuring out how to do some basic things in Clojure
> that I had previously done in Ruby. With all the recent talk about
> the seq api, I th
Dear Clojurians,
I'd like to propose a clojure.zip/goto function. It is basically
the inverse of the clojure.zip/path function, ie. it takes a
location and a path and walks through the zipper to the
given node and returns its loc.
(defn goto
"Follow along the path from the given loc. In case t
On 16 Okt., 09:14, "V.Quixote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So after (def OpenGL GL11):
> user=> (.GL_QUADS GL11)
> 7
> user=> (.GL_QUADS OpenGL)
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching field found: GL_QUADS
> for class clojure.lang.Symbol (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> Using (def OpenGL
On 16 Okt., 08:17, Timothy Pratley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What does 'mix in non-methods' means? I read the (doc ->) but I really
> don't follow that explination.
-> is more general than .. . .. only works on objects.
(.. foo (bar baz) (frob nicate))
is equivalent to
(. (. foo ba
On 16 Okt., 05:13, Timothy Pratley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a few follow on questions...
> 1) Is there any way to do away with the input bindings altogether? map
> doesn't need input bindings, but memfn does. I don't quite grasp why
> they are needed for memfn, or how to construct an
On 15 Okt., 19:09, "Graham Fawcett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (map f coll (range (count coll)))
> Rather than (range (count coll)), I would use (iterate inc 0), which
> incurs no overhead for counting the argument.
There is not only the overhead of counting, (count coll) might
also d
On 15 Okt., 19:11, CuppoJava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to use this macro to port a game-framework that I've
> written in Ruby, to Clojure.
> ...
> Do you guys have any ideas? Or a direction that I might consider
> looking in?
I can only offer a general advice:
Don't stick
On 15 Okt., 18:33, CuppoJava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That solution will work for this simple case, but my goal is to make
> it possible to create lazy-sequences in a more straight-forward
> manner. So that we can use the usual sequence functions (doseq,
> dorun, loop) instead of the lazy
On 15 Okt., 17:53, CuppoJava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's supposed to do is take an arbitrary-form, and create a lazy
> sequence out of calls to "yield".
You can construct the inputs in a lazy sequence and then map
yield over that:
(map yield
(lazy-cat (for [i (range 3)]
On 15 Okt., 09:22, Paul Drummond
> Hmmm. Now I am getting this:
> (require 'clojure.contrib.zip-filter :as 'zf)
> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to
> clojure.lang.Symbol (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> Any ideas?
You might want to try (req
On 14 Okt., 22:13, Fogus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am attempting to work Clojure (at least partially) into my job,
> but in doing so I wonder how many of you here use it at your own
> jobs as opposed to relegating it to hobby.
I'm using Clojure at my job, but mainly to make my life easi
On 14 Okt., 16:58, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have heard it claimed (on one of the Scala lists, I think)
> that patterns themselves are an anti-pattern...
I think there are always patterns. They are just different. In
Clojure there is maybe the "Driver Function" patte
On 13 Okt., 17:02, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> user=> (update-in m [:a :b] + 2) ; new
> {:a {:b 3}}
I think this is a good idea. This would also be in-line with things
alter and commute.
On 9 Okt., 06:41, Mitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been using chimp a little bit, and it works pretty well except
> for the \ef command. It gives me the following error:
> E119: Not enough arguments for function: 31_EvalFile
Please report such issues! Otherwise they can't be fixed.
On 9 Okt., 02:41, Jonas Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It almost works now, however something fishy is going on when it tries
> to launch screen from vim. I've done the following setting:
Do you also use the VimClojure plugin? Chimp heavily relies on its
syntax highlighting. Of cou
On 9 Okt., 08:39, Krukow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (str x " loves " y))
> Now the question is why is it logging 5 times? Is this a bug, or has
> something fundamental changed? I checked out Clojure from SVN a few
> days ago.
Have a look at the implementation of str in boot.clj:
>> gen-class loads eg. foo/bar/Baz.clj for class foo.bar.Baz. However,
>> maybe one also has support functions in the foo.bar namespace. Hence
>> one needs also foo/bar/bar.clj.
> I seem to be able to solve the problem by putting this at the top of
> Baz.clj:
> (ns foo.bar (:use foo.bar))
Hello again,
another thing I noticed: the loop could also stop
as soon as ret is false. Because at that point
it stays so due to the (and).
I assume that the vectors are likely small. So
this is maybe not much of a difference...
Hello Rich,
in the definition of isa? in boot.clj in the last line (no. 2879),
there isa? recurs into the contents of the vectors. It uses
implicitely the global-hierarchy instead of the provided
Shouldn't it be
(isa? h (child i) (parent i))
instead of
(isa? (child i) (parent i))
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