Re: A new lisper's question about a macro

2010-01-25 Thread joel r
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 3:09 AM, ataggart wrote: > > (zipmap >  (map keyword (take-nth 2 ~params)) >  (map (comp var-get resolve) (take-nth 2 (next ~params > Neat :-) Thanks! - Joel Rosario. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To po

Re: A new lisper's question about a macro

2010-01-25 Thread joel r
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 3:42 AM, Richard Newman wrote: >> The former is a lot clearer to read, as it uses standard Clojure >> datastructures. > > ... which offers other advantages beyond the human, such as > > (def page-names keys) > > user=> (page-names foobar) > (:page :posts :post) > > Power co

A new lisper's question about a macro

2010-01-24 Thread joel r
Hi, I was wondering whether there was an elegant way to make this macro do more work: (defmacro define-template [template-name & template-params] `(def ~template-name (apply merge (map (fn [[k# v#]] {(keyword k#) (var-get (resolve v#))})

Re: Probability Monad

2010-01-09 Thread joel r
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Konrad Hinsen wrote: > It's a bug. More specifically, a typo in a recent improvement. It is fixed > now, so please try again with the current version - or in fact go back to an > older version before December 28. Thanks! I pulled the latest clojure-contrib source,

Re: Probability Monad

2010-01-07 Thread joel r
Hi, I'm new to monads in clojure, and I'm loving them, they're really awesome! But right now I need some help. Either I'm using dist-m wrong, or it's a bug I've found. It can be reproduced with: clojure commit f4c58e3500b3668a0941ca21f9aa4f444de2c652 clojure-contrib commit 25fec5b5771408c30b802b