Re: Parallel Programming with Lisp for Performance

2014-06-03 Thread daly
STM process 1 does a rollback causing process 2 to do a rollback causing process 1 to do a rollback ... etc. Anyway, an interesting talk. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@googleg

non-literate, excellent documentation style

2014-05-25 Thread daly
t. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with yo

Code Poetry

2014-05-23 Thread daly
Ok, so I'm a bit over the edge about how good code should be written, as many of you might have guessed... but it could be worse: "good code reads well, best code rhymes" and, best of all, it is a contest! Tim Daly /me mutters about being one-upp

Re: Heidegger, literate programming, and communication

2014-05-22 Thread daly
>I know Clojure doesn't have all the documentation many would like, but Tim, >this bit of info is in readme.txt, and the first 3 lines of every source >file from the library :-) Touche! +2 points to you! I love it when my oh-so-noisy self gets skewered by facts! :-) Tim Daly --

Re: [Axiom-developer] Heidegger, literate programming, and communication

2014-05-22 Thread Tim Daly
out." Fortunately statistics show that programmers retire into management at age 35 so we won't have to wait that long. If there is any justice, the managers will have to hire noobs to maintain code they wrote so they get to listen to the noobs trash talk about their code. :-) Tim Daly

Re: Heidegger, literate programming, and communication

2014-05-22 Thread Tim Daly
function. If no code references the library then it won't get documented. Any living piece of software is going to have changes made but I'm hoping that the core remain reasonably stable. Assuming, of course, I can distinguish core code. Reading code is SO much fun :-) Anyway, tha

Re: Heidegger, literate programming, and communication

2014-05-22 Thread Tim Daly
Forward from Ralf Hemmecke: On 05/22/2014 11:21 AM, Gregg Reynolds wrote: > I can tell you I would rather maintain the four lines of C++ without > the largely useless commentary. That's a simple AXIOM program, but I'm sure one can easily translate it into any programming language. foo(a: Intege

Heidegger, literate programming, and communication

2014-05-21 Thread daly
udiences will need different implementations (e.g. docstrings for REPL users) but we must avoid losing ourselves in the noise. Axiom, by choice, has a defined audience. Does Clojure? Tim Daly [0] Pharr, Matt; Humphreys, Greg Physically Based Rendering ISBN 978-0-12-

[ANN] Clojure RETE implementation - CLIPS-like expert system

2014-05-13 Thread daly
Ryan, Does this system compile the left hand sides into a shared data structure? Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are

Re: Java API is copyright protected?

2014-05-10 Thread daly
O; they won't go away any time soon. So what would a non-JVM Clojure do? A non-profit JVM-compatible Clojure product would potentially escape using clause (1) below [3], assuming it was used for "non-profit educational purposes". Can a non-Java Clojure be defined? Tim Daly ==

Java API is copyright protected?

2014-05-10 Thread daly
It appears that the Java API can be copyright protected. This would mean that you have to get Oracle's permission and possibly pay a fee to use it. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subsc

A video on programming

2014-05-09 Thread daly
"Literacy, Programming, and Open Source" by Robert M Lefkowitz -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members a

Must hear...

2014-05-09 Thread daly
There is a 3rd part to this series. Enjoy... Robert Lefkowitz -- The Semasiology of Open Source (part 3) Tim -- You received this message because you are subs

[ [clisp-list] [CfP] International Lisp Conference 2014, Aug. 14-17, Montreal]

2014-05-07 Thread Tim Daly
From: Didier Verna ILC 2014 - International Lisp Conference "Lisp on the Move" August 14-17 2014, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada Sponsored by the Association of Lisp Users In cooperation with: ACM SIGPLAN

Re: Proposing a new Clojure documentation system (in Clojure)

2014-05-06 Thread Tim Daly
> Adding complexity and weaving heapings of prose in amongst the code > isn't going to make the developer that wrote the above rewrite it in a > better way. You'll just end up with more bad documentation getting in > the way of what the code actually does. Bad documentation is worse than > no docum

Re: Proposing a new Clojure documentation system (in Clojure)

2014-05-06 Thread Tim Daly
Gregg, > My original comment on litprog ("bad bad bad") was admittedly a little > strong. I think its bad for some things, fine for others. And it's > possible litprog conventions will evolve to address the problems some of us > see with using it for programming in the large etc. Could you expl

Re: Proposing a new Clojure documentation system (in Clojure)

2014-05-06 Thread Tim Daly
> Compare Emacs Lisp, for example, which uses semi-structure > in the comments to drive many of its features. Speaking of Emacs, there are (at least) two doc systems available, the emacs "info" system and org-mode. Both of those evolved due to a need for a better documentation system. The claim

Re: Proposing a new Clojure documentation system (in Clojure)

2014-05-06 Thread Tim Daly
> Less trivial things that I would like to be able to do: > - transclude documentation from secondary files, so that the developer >of a piece of code sees a short piece of documentation, while users >of code can see something longer. > - expand the documentation system as I see fit;

deep thinking

2014-05-03 Thread Tim Daly
will follow, and express their wishes for the future. * Prologue: These comments give introductory remarks before a major section of code. A typical example can include the functions's purpose, return value, constraints on input, or even implementation details. * Unclassified ===

research on documentation

2014-05-02 Thread daly
How Programmers Comment When They Thin Nobody's Watching "Documentation is essential to software development. Experienced programmers know this well from having worked with poorly documented code. They wish to improve their documentation techniques and

deep thinking

2014-05-02 Thread daly
(Just as an aside, there is a conference called "Write the Docs". see > The only way to find out is to read the code - that is, the algorithm, > not just the names. (This code was documented, by the way.) In my > experience clashes between the natural language semantics

Re: Proposing a new Clojure documentation system (in Clojure)

2014-04-30 Thread Tim Daly
complete, efficent, and well integrated with the rest of the design. This isn't really a technology problem. We have the skill to create any technology we want. The problem is social. There needs to be a focus on creating "professional standards". We need to raise the bar of w

Re: Proposing a new Clojure documentation system (in Clojure)

2014-04-29 Thread Tim Daly
ore you with it. What I don't understand is your criteria for "what's important" and how that translates to action. If we can agree on "what's important" then the technical details would have common criteria for "simple and good enough vs something that&#

emacs + org-mode + ?

2014-01-28 Thread daly
your "professional standards" you expect for a "professional programmer". Tim Daly Curmudgeon at large -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to N

Academy Award goes to a literate program

2014-01-26 Thread daly
>From Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys, and Pat Hanrahan have recently been given an Academy Award for Technical Achievement, for the book Physically Based Rendering. This is the first time the award has been given to a book and (more relevant to LtU) the first

Lisp in Tex

2013-08-21 Thread Tim Daly
TeX is viewed as a document markup language but it is turing complete. Occasionally people get ambitious. Here is executable lisp in a Latex document: Perhaps some bright spot can do a Clojure-in-tex during the next Google summer of code :-) Tim Daly -- -- You

Re: Story

2013-08-08 Thread Tim Daly
han one package (namespace) so I guess I just haven't seen this as an issue. Styles vary. If you're using namespaces I presume you're also exporting an API. Logically that implies that the namespace and its functions would live in a separate chapter I suppose. Tim Daly -

Re: Story

2013-08-08 Thread Tim Daly
s, adjacent and intermixed with the code, but written for humans-to-human communication. Clojure is heavy with great ideas and they need to be communicated intact. Tim Daly -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To

Re: Story

2013-08-08 Thread Tim Daly
Re: org-mode. I stand corrected. Some days my religious zeal overwhelms my fingers. Thanks for setting the record straight. Tim -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note t

Re: IDE feature

2013-08-08 Thread Tim Daly
> Find me a person who fluently used paredit that stopped and reverted back to > manual parenthesis manipulation. /me raises my hand. Structural editing was useful in LispVM (on IBM mainframes) where the display was 12 lines by 40 characters. It might also be useful for the iPad lisping app. If

Re: Story

2013-08-07 Thread Tim Daly
to another person. This almost certainly involves reordering and restructuring code. The machinery needed to support literate programming is trivial. See > ... (snip) ... > * Tim Daly posted a tool that lets him essentially writ

Defining the ground truth

2013-05-22 Thread Tim Daly
ot;the person" who holds it all together? Is your whole project "dead code" if certain people leave? If you want your code to live, communicate. Write words for people who will maintain your code but you'll never meet. Tim Daly Knuth fanboi -- -- You received this message becau

Lisp In Summer Projects

2013-05-09 Thread Tim Daly
well-connected people, a nice check, and a chance to speak at a LISP conference. Best of all, they don't even have to be literate programs! :-) Tim Daly Elder of the Internet -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To pos

Hacker News, Clojure, and GSOC

2013-04-17 Thread Tim Daly
at push/pull git-like updates among themselves? A clone of Hacker News in Clojure would be a good GSOC project as it is well defined and small enough for a single person effort. Tim Daly -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group.

MPI and Clojure

2013-01-30 Thread daly
MPI does buffer copying when sending. Since Clojure doesn't modify data there is an optimization that could be made to skip this copy. Has anyone looked at MPI for Clojure with this optimization? Tim Daly -- -- You received this message because you are subscrib

Re: Light Table - a new IDE concept

2012-04-14 Thread daly
ess to a table of contents as well as an index of terms. The document is broken up into \chapter, \section, \subsection, and other text markups. Is light-table open source? How can I contribute these kinds of changes? Tim Daly -- You received this message because you

Re: Use metadata instead of :require-macros for requiring macros from ClojureScript?

2012-03-22 Thread daly
ile and in the ClojureScript case you extract it with tangle mydoc "ClojureScript code" >file In this way you can mingle code for both platforms and explain why they need to be different, which would be useful for other developers using your code. That way you don't have to wri

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-03-22 Thread daly
code. Sixty to Ninety percent of errors can be removed before the very first run of the program. And hour for hour, if you have a choice of writing unit tests and reading code, read the code." Thus, literate programming, which explains the reasoning behind the code and the issues involved, wo

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-03-18 Thread daly
On Sat, 2012-01-28 at 06:51 -0800, Folcon wrote: > Hi Tim, > > > Personally if you have done or would be interested in doing a quick > vid cast of how you progress through your workflow, I think that would > be very interesting. Sorry for the delay. Here is the answer to your request. Note that

Re: Can Clojure be as readable as Python or Ruby ?

2012-03-15 Thread daly
d to provide auto-insertion of delimiters and motion by expression which is a kind of structure editing. Clojure brings back some syntax issues because binding contexts require [ ] pairs and other structured surface syntax protrudes into your attention. Would a Clojure structure editor tend to drift

Re: Can Clojure be as readable as Python or Ruby ?

2012-03-09 Thread daly
ea isn't new. If you want "readable code" write a literate program. Literate programs communicate from person to person rather than having the person "decode" your idea from the code. If you understand the idea, any syntax is easy to read. Tim Daly -- You received this me

Re: Google Summer of Code 2012 - any mentors?

2012-02-29 Thread daly
t. Trust me on that. It's as much your responsibility > to steer someone toward success as it is theirs. I'm actually working on the ePub idea with a book so the "mentoring" would actually be more of a collaborative effort since it travels into what is, for me, new territory.

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-02-01 Thread daly
On Wed, 2012-02-01 at 10:43 +, Sam Aaron wrote: > On 30 Jan 2012, at 17:07, daly wrote: > > > > The key result was that I discovered what I call my personal > > "irreducible error rate". If I do 100 things I will make 3 errors. > > This was independent

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-01-30 Thread daly
On Sat, 2012-01-28 at 10:04 -0500, daly wrote: > On Sat, 2012-01-28 at 06:51 -0800, Folcon wrote: > > Hi Tim, > > > > > > Personally if you have done or would be interested in doing a quick > > vid cast of how you progress through your workflow, I think t

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-01-28 Thread daly
of literate programming. At the next conj I'll buy you a pint. > > On 28 January 2012 15:04, daly wrote: > On Sat, 2012-01-28 at 06:51 -0800, Folcon wrote: > > Hi Tim, > > > > > > Personally if you have done

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-01-28 Thread daly
ybody"? :-) There is no such thing as a simple job but I'll see what I can do. A watchable video takes time to compose. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@google

Re: Setting up Emacs to edit Clojure for Windows folks

2012-01-25 Thread daly
the position) "\C-x/1" (go to the beginning) "\C-[\C-a" (remember the point) "\C-@" (mark the s-expression) "\C-[\C-f" (push it to the killring) "\C-[w" (switch to other buffer) "\C-xo" (yank the s-expression) "\C-y"

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-01-23 Thread daly
e to do stuff I want and that's not really how open source should work. So, no, if CCW is already doing this then follow their lead. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to cloju

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-01-23 Thread daly
On Mon, 2012-01-23 at 16:17 -0500, Cedric Greevey wrote: > On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 11:19 AM, daly wrote: > > It accepts either noweb syntax for chunks, as in: > ><>= > > (this is lisp code) > >@ > > A rather unfortunate choice of delimiter i

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-01-23 Thread daly
s in: \begin{chunk}{chunkname} (this is lisp code) \end{chunk} You could also write one to process straight HTML, as in: I would even be trivial to write an elisp version that runs as an emacs command, although I've never felt th

Re: Literate programming in emacs - any experience?

2012-01-23 Thread daly Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at\documentclass{article} \usepack

Can Simplicity Scale?

2012-01-22 Thread daly
t; presumes you speak the "language". Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with

Re: are non programmers the better programmers?

2012-01-18 Thread daly
s from music class who have not taken any CS courses and some senior CS students and construct a test. If your hypothesis holds true then it seems that Google's "number of ping pong balls in a bus" test would select for people who cannot program. How very odd. Tim Daly -- You

Re: are non programmers the better programmers?

2012-01-17 Thread daly
hset was picked. but it didn't have to be one. > any non-map-collection type would have worked here. > > > > > It's often a lot easier to find a complex solution to a problem than a > > simple one. Simple solutions are hard work to find. > > i'd say they

Re: are non programmers the better programmers?

2012-01-17 Thread daly
These are very different goals and require different technologies. Code cannot communicate "why" it was written. Any real program that a company creates to solve a real problem is going to be a large, complex web of technologies and *ideas*. Once the original authors leave the project, the

Re: Use You a Spaced Repetition System for Great Good!

2012-01-10 Thread daly
ces used? When should they be 6 bit? What effect would this have on the O(x) complexity? Imagine if every Clojure programmer could answer those questions simply because they "read the book". I believe it would set a standard for code excellence that would outshine every o

Re: Use You a Spaced Repetition System for Great Good!

2012-01-04 Thread daly
27;t it be much more revealing to give an algorithm and ask to see it in several styles? Who do you want to be? The person who can reason out how many ping pong balls fit in the piano or the person who is fluid in styles? Who wouldn't love working with the Billy Joel of programming? Tim Daly

Re: Use You a Spaced Repetition System for Great Good!

2012-01-03 Thread daly
)? Sections on Java interop? Tim Daly On Tue, 2012-01-03 at 18:19 +0100, Linus Ericsson wrote: > Hi Joshua! > > > I've been using Anki for repeating unsorted Clojure-stuff in about a > year. It's good for knowing all the instructions and source code, but > the key to suc

Re: Clojure list syntax sugar: f(x) notation

2011-12-27 Thread daly
d computer algebra system, originally had a "syntactic sugar" almost exactly like the one proposed. I uploaded an ancient design document for this kind of language syntax, called "boot". See This turned into a huge point of discussion.

Re: Literate Programming

2011-12-24 Thread daly
ly better than most examples I've seen. I'd much rather maintain this program with the text than without it. I'd certainly place it on the high side of the curve. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To

Literate Programming

2011-12-23 Thread daly
ance is all. That we might achieve such essential Quality [2] with Clojure is the dream. Sir Tim Daly, Elder of the Internet [1] Alexander, Christopher "The Nature of Order: The Phenomenon of Life" 2002 ISBN 0-9726529-1-4 [2] Persig, Robert "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintena

Re: Literate programming

2011-12-23 Thread daly
ck some useful task, like a code-walker that will list all of the called functions in a Clojure s-expression, and try to write a literate version. Odds are good that you will learn more than you ever wanted to know about Clojure. And, oh-by-the-way, everyone else can read your literate code and learn

Re: Literate programming

2011-12-23 Thread daly
o be great, so it's kind of a chicken-and-egg problem. > I'm already partway there with the existence of Clojure, but although > it's the most intelligent language I've every come across (and it is > at least Lisp), it still isn't enough. > > On Dec 22, 11

Re: Literate programming

2011-12-22 Thread daly
On Thu, 2011-12-22 at 17:53 -0800, nchurch wrote: > Firstly, there really needs to be something like a Github for literate > programming. What a great idea! I'll see what I can do. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure

Re: Literate programming

2011-12-22 Thread daly
On Thu, 2011-12-22 at 15:35 -0500, Larry Johnson wrote: > > > On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 2:54 PM, daly > wrote: > > > > > The combination of literate + TDD seems forbidding. > > > Are you finding it

Re: Literate programming

2011-12-22 Thread daly
t; > > The combination of literate + TDD seems forbidding. Are you finding it hard to explain why you wrote a test? Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegro

Re: Literate Programming in Emacs?

2011-11-29 Thread daly
I would be really interested to see some examples of literate programs. Please consider releasing them as open source, possibly pushed to github. Tim Daly On Tue, 2011-11-29 at 11:26 -0800, Stuart Sierra wrote: > Here's the relevant bit of my .emacs for Babel + Clojure: > https:/

Re: "Simple" evaluation and environments

2011-11-29 Thread daly
ach data type? Are we missing any functions? Is our set of chosen functions "orthogonal"? Given the set of types and a list of functions could we construct the table automatically? Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure"

"Simple" evaluation and environments

2011-11-29 Thread daly
he text is written), the macro environment, etc. See chapter 2 of Lisp in Small Pieces for a really in-depth discussion. It is hair-hurting discussions like this that make lisp so much more interesting than other languages. There isn't a way to express the concepts in other languages. Tim Da

Re: Literate Programming example

2011-11-19 Thread daly
. However, as Knuth points out and as I've already experienced, writing a program in literate form vastly reduces the errors. There are two causes I can find. First, if I have to write an explanation then I have to justify my poor code hacks. Sometimes I find that I rewrite the code because t

Re: Literate Programming example

2011-11-18 Thread daly
On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 07:07 -0800, bernardH wrote: > > On Nov 18, 1:17 pm, daly wrote: > > Many of you asked me to show an example of a literate > > program and demonstrate the use of the tangle function. > > Thanks to your perseverance, I am looking into practicin

Re: Literate Programming example

2011-11-18 Thread daly
I believe I fixed it. Please try it again and let me know. Tim On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 07:46 -0500, Chas Emerick wrote: > On Nov 18, 2011, at 7:17 AM, daly wrote: > > > > > FYI, this is 404 at the moment. > > - Ch

Re: Literate Programming example

2011-11-18 Thread daly
sigh. Try On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 07:46 -0500, Chas Emerick wrote: > On Nov 18, 2011, at 7:17 AM, daly wrote: > > > > > FYI, this is 404 at the moment. > > - Ch

Literate Programming example

2011-11-18 Thread daly
ojure Conj. Hopefully someone will "catch the ah-ha" and write a literate program for next year's Conj. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: Reactions to google dart?

2011-11-17 Thread daly
Doug Crockford was asked for his reaction to coffeescript. He loved it. He was asked for his reaction to Dart and he said that the set of features that Dart chose are not the set of features he would have chosen. Crockford on JavaScript - Section 8: Programming Style & Your Brain http://www.

Announce: ClojLisp -- Clojure-in-CommonLisp

2011-11-15 Thread daly
I have created a 0th iteration of the clojure in common lisp effort. git clone git:// will create a directory called clojlisp containing: README -- how to get started from scratch clojlisp.pamphlet -- the literate program clojlisp.pdf -- a pdf

Re: Clojure-in-CommonLisp?

2011-11-14 Thread daly
On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 16:26 -0800, Phil Hagelberg wrote: > On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 4:18 PM, daly wrote: > > It seems to me that a Clojure in Common Lisp might be the > > easiest non-JVM port. It would be a DSL within Common Lisp. > > A CL implementation would even allow


2011-11-14 Thread daly
literate :-) Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from

Re: Clojure Conj extracurricular activities spreadsheet

2011-11-07 Thread daly
a time and place. Tim Daly On Mon, 2011-11-07 at 11:18 -0500, David Nolen wrote: > Anybody mind if the miniKanren / cKanren presentation happens at 6pm > Thursday in the main ballroom? > > > David > > On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Christopher Redinger > wrote: >

Speculative Execution

2011-11-06 Thread daly
would make an interesting bullet point. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with

Re: Clojure Conj extracurricular activities spreadsheet

2011-11-05 Thread daly
So, to be specific, lets assume that the literate programming session will meet in the presidential boardroom at 7pm on wednesday evening. It will likely be a small group and I don't expect it to take long. It is only scheduled for 15 minutes. Tim Daly On Sat, 2011-11-05 at 19:10

Re: Clojure Conj extracurricular activities spreadsheet

2011-11-05 Thread daly
What times are available? How can I choose a time for the literate session? Tim Daly On Sat, 2011-11-05 at 10:37 -0400, Doug South wrote: > On 04/11/2011, at 9:16 PM, Michael Fogus wrote: > > >> Any thoughts about when / where these events can take place? > > > >

Re: Homoiconicity in clojure (macro power)

2011-10-31 Thread daly
s data. Lisp data is code. This is not true in most other languages. Tim Daly On Mon, 2011-10-31 at 02:40 -0700, vikbehal wrote: > I am from java Background. We say Homoiconicity in Clojure (Lisp). > Code is data and data is code. I read various blogs on it, still not > clear,

Re: modern clojure summary

2011-10-30 Thread daly
might want to compute them or how the results fit into the larger context. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated

Re: Literate programming

2011-10-28 Thread daly
On Fri, 2011-10-28 at 09:54 -0700, Mark Engelberg wrote: > On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 10:58 AM, daly wrote: > >> Have there been any new developments on the literate programming / > >> Clojure front, in terms of tools that leverage existing build tools, > >> test suit

Re: Literate programming

2011-10-28 Thread daly
you might not have to change the explanation at all. Clojure is pretty well "firmed up" at this point. I don't know if there is going to be a large rewrite of the fundamentals. Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure&qu

Re: Literate programming

2011-10-27 Thread daly
very early adoptive, open minded community willing to challenge old assumptions. It helps to highlight what those old assumptions are, as Rich has done for Lisp, since they can be difficult to see and hard to displace. I am hoping the community will disrupt the tiny-files, javadoc, IDE, code-f

Re: Literate programming

2011-10-27 Thread daly
the long term the code will be the only remaining artifact after Rich leaves the project. Look at Sourceforge and you will see thousands of dead projects that will never be picked up because they are just trees of code, dead code. Et tu, Clojure? Literate programming is about making code live. I l

Re: Literate programming

2011-10-26 Thread daly
Try or the original paper or from the master himself: Tim Daly On Wed, 2011-10-26 at 19:49 -0700, jaime wrote: > is there a place introducing (

Literate programming

2011-10-26 Thread daly
ds of documentation were raised to this level then large systems like Axiom, Clojure, and ClojureScript would be much easier to maintain and modify in the long term. If you want your code to live beyond you, make it literate. Tim Daly -- You received this message because yo

Re: Rich Hickey: "Simple Made Easy" from Strange Loop 2011

2011-10-21 Thread daly
made a good tradeoff. I'm just bemoaning the fact that nil-punning is really vital in keeping data-type issues out of my lisp life and that won't work in Clojure. Ultimately this is cured by deep learning of the language semantics. I still have a way to go. Tim Daly Literate Softwar

Re: Rich Hickey: "Simple Made Easy" from Strange Loop 2011

2011-10-21 Thread daly
ng with data-level issue that could probably be abstracted away (e.g. a code smell). Clojure is a great language but the nil handling is, in my opinion, a design flaw. It forces the introduction of (empty?...) and an awareness of the data types into view unnecessarily. Tim Daly Literate Software --

Re: Rich Hickey: "Simple Made Easy" from Strange Loop 2011

2011-10-21 Thread daly
air to pin at least some of the blame on the > complexity of nil. Since nil can be used interchangeably with the > concept of emptiness in so many circumstances, and was interchangeable > in the initial context of my function, it was all too easy to rely on > that behavior. > Tim Daly L

Re: Rich Hickey: "Simple Made Easy" from Strange Loop 2011

2011-10-21 Thread daly
construct where the code could be so much cleaner if iterators just "did the right thing" with null, that is, end the iteration. The use of nil as a unified value for the many meanings leads to a lot of useful features. The context of the nil value completely defines the intended meaning

Re: Rich Hickey: "Simple Made Easy" from Strange Loop 2011

2011-10-20 Thread daly
e focus. I would encourage you to look at Lisp in Small Pieces. It is a literate program, a book, that contains a complete lisp system with the interpreter and compiler but it is written to be read. Tim Daly "The hardest part of literate programming is the documentation" On Thu, 201

Re: android / mobile help

2011-09-16 Thread daly
he updated link. I also have a keyboard/mouse (I'm using an Asus tablet) so I can edit the files. The only missing link is a good ssh/x11 app that will let me do the emacs editing. Tim Daly On Fri, 2011-09-16 at 13:36 -0400, David Nolen wrote: > On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 1:24 PM,

Re: Swarming experiment at Conj?

2011-09-08 Thread daly
hunt and kill prey). > Actually, I'd pattern it after Hickey's ants demo. Each "ant" (aka developer) that leaves the nest creates a git branch. They can "wander" (aka hack) on the branch. Returning to the nest causes a "merge". Hickey's overall ant con

jsfiddle development app

2011-09-08 Thread daly It would be interesting to develop Clojure code this way Tim Daly -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new m

Re: Clojure for Android

2011-08-17 Thread daly
I have written several android apps so I can help with some questions. Unfortunately I am completely swamped otherwise. If you make it a project on Github that would be useful. Tim Daly On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 22:33 -0700, Paul deGrandis wrote: > I'd consider taking this. I've wo

Re: Stanford AI Class

2011-08-16 Thread daly
Ng's course on machine learning is online. I've already taken it. You need a background in probability. Tim Daly On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 08:52 -0700, ax2groin wrote: > The NYTimes article on the class also mentions two other classes being > offered for free: > * Machine Lea

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