Re: comp and partial vs ->>

2016-10-27 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, On Thu, 27 Oct 2016 12:34:19 -0700 (PDT) JHacks wrote: > For `comp`, at runtime, `(map str/lower-case)` and `(interpose \-)` > will return > transducers, and `partial` is needed to create the intended function, > e.g., `str/lower-case` bound to `map` and expecting a collection > argument. Y

Re: Regarding

2013-10-09 Thread Marek Kubica
On Tue, 8 Oct 2013 21:55:08 -0700 Andy Fingerhut wrote: > Those who created made some progress towards > rewriting the server side code in Clojure (it was originally > developed in Ruby on Rails, IIRC), but have found it challenging to > find enough time to finish that work. I re

Re: [ANN] 美味しいClojure

2013-10-02 Thread Marek Kubica
On Tue, 1 Oct 2013 22:01:02 -0700 (PDT) Nicolas Modrzyk wrote: > The whole text has also been written in English, so I guess there > could be a chance to put it out there. > But we have had no contacts with US/UK publishers so far. Did you try the usual suspects like O'Reilly or PragProg? They

Re: my first clojure "wat" moment - misunderstanding or bug?

2013-10-02 Thread Marek Kubica
On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 14:19:31 -0700 (PDT) James Warren wrote: > (defn foo [^Class c] > ;; note: (into [] (keys (clojure.lang.Reflector/getStaticField c > "dummyMap" works (keys (clojure.lang.Reflector/getStaticField c > "dummyMap"))) > (def m (foo DummyClass)) > (println m) > ;; (# # #) > (pri

Re: Introspecting documentation information

2013-09-26 Thread Marek Kubica
Hey, Thanks for your answer. On Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:34:20 -0700 (PDT) "juan.facorro" wrote: > Maybe this bit of code serves your purpose or leads you in some > useful direction. > (defn seq-docs > "Prints the docstrings of a seq of symbols." > [s] > (with-out-str (doseq [x s] (eval `(doc

Introspecting documentation information

2013-09-25 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, I was thinking of extracting the information that (doc) returns, but I couldn't find an universal way to do it: - When I use (meta (var foo)) this works, but only for functions - I looked in the source code of clojure.repl/doc but it uses a lot of private functions, that I'd have to copy

Re: clojure.string/capitalize API

2012-12-12 Thread Marek Kubica
On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 09:44:28 -0600 Grant Rettke wrote: > Fro that principle, who is the least astonished who is it based on? I jsut wanted to say, people coming e.g. from Python. But then I realized it does the same thing and afterwards I was enlightened that it doesn't matter since I never use

Re: Ranged types

2011-12-21 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, Wow, thanks for all that input :) It is always a pleasure to post on this list, to get such good advice. On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:51:31 +0100 Tassilo Horn wrote: > > I am idly thinging on how to create types with special restraints on > > them, like being only in the range 1-1000 or only even

Re: Ranged types

2011-12-21 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, Thanks for your mail, glad to get ideas so fast :) On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:51:04 +0100 Linus Ericsson wrote: > I would def a protocol CustomArithmetics and include the the > nescessary methods for arithmetics, and then a deftype for each > custom arithmetics. It would be possible to extend t

Ranged types

2011-12-20 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, I am idly thinging on how to create types with special restraints on them, like being only in the range 1-1000 or only even numbers etc and all normal operations like + and - still being valid. Anyone has an idea how to implement that? In Python I'd subclass the number type and implement all

Re: on lisp and scheme macros

2011-12-03 Thread Marek Kubica
On Sun, 04 Dec 2011 00:08:36 +0100 Tassilo Horn wrote: > Stuart Sierra writes: > > > I think that Common Lisp macros are, strictly speaking, more > > powerful than Scheme macros, but I don't have a citation. > > Let over Lambda is essentially a huge essay about why there's and will > never be

Re: I/O

2011-08-26 Thread Marek Kubica
On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 19:24:13 +0300 Mats Rauhala wrote: > The simplest way is to slurp or spit. slurp reads a file into a > string, and spit writes a string into a file. Yes, true, but first you have to know them. And "slurp" is not the first think I am looking for when attempting to read a file,

Re: online chapters of Practical Common Lisp

2011-08-24 Thread Marek Kubica
On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 09:31:53 -0700 (PDT) Vincent wrote: > will this online > helpful in clojure/functional programming understanding... I'd recommend reading a Clojure book, though. There are some similarities between CL and Clojure, but it's not like there is

Re: The Number of Clojure (Was: Alright, fess up, who's unhappy with clojurescript?)

2011-07-26 Thread Marek Kubica
On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 21:30:25 -0700 (PDT) pmbauer wrote: > These "unhappy" threads need to die a horrible death. Well, criticism can also be constructive. It does at least show some of the problems and/or desires that the community has. Fortunately, noone is forced to read them :) regards, Marek

Re: Tail Calls and Continuations in Clojure

2011-07-16 Thread Marek Kubica
On Fri, 15 Jul 2011 12:59:47 -0600 (MDT) Joel Dice wrote: > The VM in question is Avian (, built > with optional tail call and continuation features enabled and using > the OpenJDK class library. It's not nearly as fast or sophisticated > as e.g. Hotspot, but it h

Re: pmap causes waiting

2011-05-27 Thread Marek Kubica
On Fri, 27 May 2011 18:35:47 +0200 Michael Wood wrote: > > And instead of exiting, it "hangs" in this state for a number of > > seconds before finally quitting. Why is that so and how can I fix > > that? > > > > I tried calling (System/exit 0) in the end, but then it didn't even > > display anyth

pmap causes waiting

2011-05-27 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, I wrote this script: (def number (ref 0)) (def add1 (partial + 1)) (def num-threads (Integer/parseInt (first *command-line-args*))) (def increments (Integer/parseInt (second *command-line-args*))) (defn add-number [field times] (dorun (repeatedly times (fn []

Re: how can I dispatch on "[[F" ..

2011-01-15 Thread Marek Kubica
On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 01:48:43 -0800 (PST) Meikel Brandmeyer wrote: > Or: > > (defmethod foo (clojure.lang.RT/classForName "[[F") > ...) But isn't this too dependent on the actual implementation? I would think that "[[F" is an implementation detail of the JVM. regards, Marek -- You received

Re: can I force the JIT to be called immediately for certain pieces of code after it starts executing with out waiting for the JVM realize it is necessary....

2011-01-02 Thread Marek Kubica
On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 05:41:08 -0800 (PST) ajuc wrote: > But in theory it could be posible to collect run-time data in one run, > then JIT code at startup, using that collected data and current > procesor architecture. Something like this is already used in practice, it is called Profile-Guided Opt

Re: My first Clojure program: request for code review

2010-12-29 Thread Marek Kubica
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 21:06:49 -0800 (PST) Benny Tsai wrote: > Sure, that would be cool :) > > Sorry for the hijack, Marek! Oh, no problem. I learn from reading discussions :) regards, Marek -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post t

Re: leiningen run

2010-12-24 Thread Marek Kubica
On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 23:54:30 +1100 Alex Osborne wrote: > I think this is a bug. I've sent Phil a pull request with a proposed > fix: > > Yep, bendlas in #clojure helped me to diagnose. Great that you have a fix alr

leiningen run

2010-12-24 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, Yesterday I started using leiningen and saw that it can run my programs. So I converted my project layout so that leinigen can use that. My project is currently quite simple. The program needs a single argument, filename, to read from. So I added a :main entry into project.clj and started $

Re: My first Clojure program: request for code review

2010-12-22 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, Thanks for your review and your improvements (of course also to Justin, whose improvements are also useful). I'll try to merge them into some "optimal" solution :) On Tue, 21 Dec 2010 20:46:56 -0800 (PST) Benny Tsai wrote: > Hi Marek, > > Here's my tweaked version: > > (ns karma > (:use

My first Clojure program: request for code review

2010-12-21 Thread Marek Kubica
Hi, I wrote a small log file analyzer for IRC logs. We use nickname++ and nickname-- to track the "karma", so after trying to write it in JavaScript (failed due to to the fact that Gjs/Seed are unmature yet), Factor (failed because I am just too stupid to understand it), Guile (failed because I ra

Re: The % Schemer Series - are they worth the money?

2010-03-23 Thread Marek Kubica
On Tue, 23 Mar 2010 08:37:06 -0700 (PDT) Sean Devlin wrote: > I'm looking to add to my bookshelf. I was wondering what this groups > experience with the Schemer series of books is? Yes, The Little Schemer is nice when you need to learn recursion. I currently read The Reasoned Schemer and it is

Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-21 Thread Marek Kubica
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 10:42:12 -0800 Tim Johnson wrote: > Here's how I installed the flash player on my system. > 1)Downloaded install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz > 2)Unzipped > 3)Copied to /usr/lib/firefox-3.5.2/plugins/ Here's how I installed the Clojure REPL on my system. 1)

Re: Displaying Clojure code on a Website

2009-07-02 Thread Marek Kubica
On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 08:15:32 -0700 (PDT) Kai wrote: > I haven't placed the code anywhere other than on my server. It was > just an experiment in Clojure but I'm glad it's useful to others. I'll > go ahead and make it open source and let you know when I do. It should > be relatively robust as it i