Maybe I am missing a point but wouldn't it be better to restructure to use web
workers and have a UI layer that all apps (different workers) could utilise for
interactions with the user ?
> On 10 Apr 2014, at 12:12 am, t x wrote:
> Regarding yield:
> Understood, thanks for clarifyi
Well understood Sean!
If I work out away to up lift the code I'll contribute that back.
I was just checking to see if anyone else had tried.
If, like you, I need to find another way is Axis 1.x an easier platform than
2.x ?The Java SOAP landscape seems overly complex.
I really wish the
Might be a silly suggestion but are the first 3 connections leading to
redirects (30x's) ???
On 05/03/2013, at 10:18 AM, larry google groups
> So, thanks to Michael Klishin, Aaron Cohen, Frank Siebenlist and Craig
> Brozefsky I am now able to correctly ping the Omniture API. But I am
Would it make sense for the handler to have access to the exception 'e' ?
On 29/12/2012, at 6:14 AM, Michael Drogalis wrote:
> Hey folks,
> After watching The Language of the System and being directed to Joe
> Armstrong's paper on error handling, I concurred that his approach is
> fantastic
I would encourage you to blog, especially appengine-magic.
Does it use or need core.logic ?
On 07/08/2012, at 2:24 PM, Evan Mezeske wrote:
> I just launched , which might be of
> interest to this mailing list because it's constructed out of 100% Clojure