ection is the enemy of the good."
> -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)
> --
> *From:* on behalf of
> Laws
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 9, 2024 2:46 PM
> *To:* Clojure
> *Subject:* what is the best forum for k
Hi everyone,
I did a lot with Clojure back 2012-2019, but I've been away from it for
several years. Now I'm beginning a big new project in Clojure. I'm curious,
where would I go to learn about the newest libraries and projects? There
was a time 5 years ago when I knew all of the best and most i
(-> xmlzipper
On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 10:44:13 PM UTC-5 Laws wrote:
> I changed the code a bit:
> cpe-dictionary (-> "official-cpe-dictionary_v2.3.xml"
ed in
0x296bfddb "Line number = 1\nColumn number = 1\nSystem Id = null\nPublic Id
= null\nLocation Uri= null\nCharacterOffset = 0\n"]
On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 7:50:12 PM UTC-5 La
So, I went to the government NVD website:
I downloaded the CPE Dictionary and unpacked it. It looks like standard
I copy and paste the standard XML example given on the Clojure XML
documentation page:
cpe-dictionary (-> "official-cpe-dictionary_v2.3.xm
Hmmm, okay, I was using slingshot/try+ everywhere and then, just once, I
used a plain 'try' and forgot to use the correct catch. My fault.
On Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 1:56:59 PM UTC-5 Laws wrote:
> I see this old post by Fogus:
I see this old post by Fogus:
With this example:
(defn constrained–fn [f x]
{:pre [(pos? x)]
:post [(= % (* 2 x))]}
(f x))
But I see this modern example:
(defn func ^{:pre
Thank you, everyone.
On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 3:22:53 PM UTC-5
> Assume I've been cursed to scrape HTML. If I convert the pages to Hickory
> I end up with a big mass of data which, sadly, lacks many "class" or "id"s
> that would let me easily pick out the
space with this issue, you can address like this:
> (ns whatever
> (:refer-clojure :exclude [boolean?]))
> But you can't really do that from outside the namespace or suppress this
> warning otherwise.
> Alex
> On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 11:22:28 A
I get a lot of warnings like this:
WARNING: boolean? already refers to: #'clojure.core/boolean? in namespace:, being replaced by:
Is there an official way to acknowledge that I'm aware of this namespace
issue, such that the
I've a new Mac, but I copied over my old Emacs setup. Not sure if this is
some kind of version conflict. I'm trying to run "cider-jack-in" for the
first time on this machine and I get this error. Does anyone have a guess
what this is about?
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid token
In Ruby on Rails, given an existing database, it is very easy to
autogenerate much of the code needed to serve a simple RESTful API. Does
the Clojure ecosystem have anything like that?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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To post to this
Thank you, everyone, I'll investigate these suggestions.
On Monday, August 9, 2021 at 10:50:04 PM UTC-4 Laws wrote:
> I've been away from Clojure for 3 years but I've decided my next project
> will be pure Clojure. I'm setting everything up on a new MacBook Pro tha
I've been away from Clojure for 3 years but I've decided my next project
will be pure Clojure. I'm setting everything up on a new MacBook Pro that I
just bought. I just installed Emacs and I'm wondering what kind of
starter-kit or framework do people prefer nowadays? Does anyone want to
rians Slack and
> where you can ask real time questions in the #beginners channel and
> next.jdbc-specific questions in the #sql channel.
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 6:03 PM Laws >
> wrote:
>> If I do thi
If I do this:
(class ds)
I see:
Is there anyway I can match against this? I'd like a runtime check to know
that the code really does have a database connection. Imagine code like
(if (= next.jdbc.connection (class ds))
(println "its n
Thank you
On Friday, February 10, 2017 at 11:08:33 PM UTC-5, Francis Avila wrote:
> Not all intermediates appear because in between your completed swap! and
> your log (really the deref of the atom) the value in the atom changed.
> You are using atoms correctly. Your swap! function would me m
I don't know what I did wrong here.
I wanted to build an accuracy test for some search matching code we wrote.
We match text using things like Levenshtein distance and Jaro-Winkler
scores. These parameters can be fine-tuned, so I wrote a small app that
fires 10 million requests at our search m
> is the pr.
> On 02/07/2017 02:32 PM, Laws wrote:
> > Sorry about that. Here is the whole of my project.clj. It is a fairly
> > small app.
> >
> > (defproject csv-to-dynamodb "1.0&q
chitect's View --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood
> On 2/7/17, 2:32 PM, "Laws" on
> behalf of > wrote:
> Sorry about t
[org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm "0.6.5"]
[org.clojure/core.memoize "0.5.6"]
[org.clojure/core.cache "0.6.3"]
[org.clojure/data.priority-map "0.0.2"]
[org.clojure/tools.analyzer "0.6.4"]
Two months ago I could run "lein uberjar" and my project compiled. Then I
had to focus on other things for 2 months. Then today I come back to it,
change one line of code, and run "lein uberjar". I get:
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: cond* does not exist,
Exception in t
o (println "humongorous-api is shutting down")
(catch Exception e (println e
So... if I use the Erlang style I can not match against Object? I'm trying
to figure out what mistake I have made.
On Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 7:38:53 PM UTC-
I am a fan of Michael Drogalis's library Dire:
And I found I was adding logging to any function I wrote to catch errors,
so I wrote a macro that added in the logging:
(defmacro handle-error [object-to-catch symbol-to-target & args]
(let [result-fn (fir
If I write this in a file:
(defn different-order [order]
{:pre [
(map? order)
(:waiter order)
(:customer order)
(:menu-item-name order)
:post [
(map? %)
(:waiter %)
(:customer %)
(:menu-item-name %)
Sean Johnson has a great video about pattern matching, where he suggests
that any function that starts with a conditional should have the
conditional removed and the conditional logic implemented as
pattern-matching and restructuring in the signature of the function. But
after some experimentat
> I don’t know much about why the industry seems to have rejected XML as
Off-topic, but I think 2 issues dominated
1.) Unnecessary complexity in the
2.) draconian error-checking. I assume the move to JSON was to get away
On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 12:25:57 PM UTC-5, Laws wrote:
> The implication, as I read it, is that there is some place where I do
> something like this:
> response-in-amazon-format (make-response company-name
> outputSpeech-text false)]
t be some other element of your environment which you have not
> shared here which is throwing sand in the gears.
> On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 1:28:00 AM UTC-6, Laws wrote:
>> I've been staring at this for awhile, and moving it around, and re-typing
>> it, witho
> OP is missing a couple of closing ).
> Jony
> On Sunday, 10 January 2016 07:28:00 UTC, Laws wrote:
>> I've been staring at this for awhile, and moving it around, and re-typing
>> it, without seeing what the real error is.
I would guess that I was dealing with some variant of this:
but I can not figure out how my function is malformed.
On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 2:28:00 AM UTC-5, Laws wrote:
> I've been staring at this for awhile, and moving it aro
And yes, I did try running "lein clean".
On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 2:28:00 AM UTC-5, Laws wrote:
> I've been staring at this for awhile, and moving it around, and re-typing
> it, without seeing what the real error is.
> I have a file called server.clj whi
I've been staring at this for awhile, and moving it around, and re-typing
it, without seeing what the real error is.
I have a file called server.clj which includes this at the top in its
namespace declaration:
(ns salesvoice.server
[salesvoice.query :as query]
In query.clj, I
at got me passed the dependency errors.
On Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 5:14:51 PM UTC-5, Laws wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is a Clojure question, but I'm not sure where else to
> ask. I've been working on an app for the Amazon Echo. I'm trying to deal
> wit
n issues:
Compiling salesvoice.core
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
org/slf4j/LoggerFactory, compiling:(query.clj:1:1)
Have others dealt with this issue, when using an SDK that uses slf4j? Is
there an obvious way to configure this?
On Saturday, January 9, 2016 a
Nevermind. I just noticed they offer a Jar:
I'll just use that.
Ignore this post.
On Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 5:14:51 PM UTC-5, Laws wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is a
I'm not sure if this is a Clojure question, but I'm not sure where else to
ask. I've been working on an app for the Amazon Echo. I'm trying to deal
with this requirement, which I must deal with if I am to get the app into
the Amazon app store:
Check the request signature to verify the authenti
William, thank you for this. At a cultural level, I feel like the Clojure
community is often torn between being popular, on the one hand, versus
answering critics from the Haskell community, on the other hand. The
strength of Clojure is exactly that it takes inscrutable academic ideas and
I am looking for examples of some of the newer stuff in core.async. Has
anyone used offer! in real code? If yes, why and how? Can you post an
example of the code?
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