I am a fan of Michael Drogalis's library Dire:


And I found I was adding logging to any function I wrote to catch errors, 
so I wrote a macro that added in the logging: 

(defmacro handle-error [object-to-catch symbol-to-target & args]
  (let [result-fn (first args)]  
    `(dire/with-handler! ~symbol-to-target
       (fn [e# & args#]
         (let [error-key# (str ~symbol-to-target " " e#)
               error-message# (str (stack/parse-exception e#) " " e# " " 
           (timbre/log :trace (str error-key# " " error-message#)))
         ~(if (test/function? result-fn)

That seemed to work. 

But on a new project, I decided I wanted to use the "Erlang" style in Dire. 
I thought this would only mean changing: 

 `(dire/with-handler! ~symbol-to-target

 `(dire/with-handler ~symbol-to-target
I am not aware of anything else I need to change. 

I was also hoping to use this with Slingshot, but it seems that is only 
possible with "with-handler!"?  I tried a bunch of things but I could not 
figure a way to make this work. 

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