Are there any hints, what I should do. I am working on macOs.
Paul Butcher schrieb am Montag, 2. Dezember 2019 um 22:46:45 UTC+1:
> I’ve just published a clj template for for an Electron application
> built with deps.edn, Figwheel Main, Reagent, and test integration via
ble, of course, and quite
simple. But it is in no way simpler than using the native Clojure language
features. Using normal hash-maps and functions isn't more difficult.
Building a DSL for objects isn't worth the effort.
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Thank you for the explanation; until now I associated this behavior only to
keywords not not symbols.
Am Samstag, 26. Oktober 2019 19:12:11 UTC+2 schrieb Andy Fingerhut:
> Both symbols and keywords, when placed inside of an expression in the
> first position, e.g. (:my-k
... instead of an exception?
Can anyone explain it to me?
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... instead of an exception?
Can anyone explain it to me?
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Am Mittwoch, 4. September 2019 13:19:30 UTC+2 schrieb Johannes:
> Until today there is no response to my post on org mode list.
> In the meantime I've upgraded Aquamacs to the lastest stable version (3.5)
> and upgraded all my packages (esp. Org mode version 9.2.6
c C-c
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :results value
(* 3 5)
I get the error message:
executing Clojure code block...
nrepl-send-sync-request: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
There is a running cider-real.
The former behavior wasn't nice but better than this.
Any ideas what to do?
Am Freitag, 9. August 2019 08:36:32 UTC+2 schrieb numb...@gmail.com:
> Actually I commited that patch, I intened to fix a problem in ob-clojure
> which also is a feature for ob-clojure allow user can specify `:ns` header
> argument. I noticed this result problem. I tried to dig in. But have n
Thank you, Pete, for your investigation.
Am Mittwoch, 7. August 2019 14:37:06 UTC+2 schrieb Peter Hull:
> On Wednesday, 7 August 2019 12:42:07 UTC+1, Peter Hull wrote:
> The connection returns two values, first 'nil' then '24', and function
> nrepl--merge concats these into the incorrect r
My versions:
;; org-mode 9.2.5
;; Aquamacs 3.5 GNU Emacs
;; CIDER 0.21.0 (New York), nREPL 0.6.0
;; Clojure 1.9.0, Java 11
Is there a better place to post the problem?
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Now, I've found the source of the problem. I'd got an "old" alias named clojure
in my .profile. Now all works fine.
Am Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018 16:28:04 UTC+2 schrieb Johannes:
> I suppose I have installed the command line tools on my Mac with
y do:
JohMBAir:~ johannes$ which clj
JohMBAir:~ johannes$ which clojure
JohMBAir:~ johannes$
> On Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 9:28:04 AM UTC-5, Johannes wrote:
>> I suppose I have installed the command line tools on my Mac with
che: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.main
Any hints, what is going wrong?
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"Content-Type" "text/plain;
(println response)))
Thanks for your help!
Am Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 12:51:14 UTC+2 schrieb Immo Heikkinen:
> Have you checked JS console in your br
ot; in the url: "
> https://content/dropboxapi.com/2/files/download";
> Br,
> Immo
> ti 26. kesäk. 2018 klo 10.38 Thomas >
> kirjoitti:
>> I have no idea what could be wrong here... sorry.
>> Thomas
>> On M
< X-Server-Response-Time: 765
< X-Dropbox-Request-Id: 3301820ab86536937d476e8ea895ff22
< X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow, noimageindex
{ [15632 bytes data]
100 195k 100 195k0 0 156k 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:--
* Connection #0 to host content.
{:status 0, :success false, :body , :headers {}, :trace-redirects
https://content/dropboxapi.com/2/files/download], :error-code :http-error,
:error-text [0]}
I cannot figure out where my mistake is. Any help?
You receiv
I'm under the impression that setDefaultExceptionHandler still catches OOM
errors. Some googling suggests this too. If not, how should I try to catch it?
I am running the app on a virtual server with 512mb ram. free -m is showing
30mb free. Lack of memory can be the issue. What would be the best
Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2016 15:55:25 UTC+1 schrieb ae...@posteo.de:
> 2016-12-19 02:23 -0800, Johannes >:
> > Hi,
> >
> > without problems I can do something like that:
> >
> > #+begin_src clojure :results value
> > (get [ 1 2
version 8.3.6 (8.3.6-7-g4d7d52-elpa @
Any hints?
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Hi Jason,
thank for your hints, perhaps I can use your workaround.
Am Sonntag, 8. Mai 2016 03:43:22 UTC+2 schrieb Jason Wolfe:
> Hi Johannes,
> I've run into this before. Here is a ticket [1] and some context and a
> potential workaround [2]:
> [1] h
aks to it of my own.
> The basic idea holds. However, I only have needed to go to this level of
> complexity when I was trying to serialize this data so that I could store
> it away and use it in another separate process later, which I think is
> where it can become useful.
Am Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2016 23:47:07 UTC+2 schrieb Ben Kovitz:
> On May 4, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Johannes >
> wrote:
> Maybe you are right. But I've deliberately given function objects to eval
> often without any problems until I used functions of some special kind. I
Am Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2016 21:24:08 UTC+2 schrieb Ben Kovitz:
> On May 4, 2016, at 2:32 PM, Johannes >
> wrote:
> > Is there any explanation for this behavior?
> My understanding is that you can't eval function objects. Whatever you
> give to eval ne
use v:
user> (def f- (let [v 1
f (fn [x] x)] f))
;; => #'user/f-
user> (eval {:d f-})
;; => {:d #function[user/fn--13345/f--13346]}
Is there any explanation for this behavior?
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Groups "Clojure&
thanks for the hint!
Am Samstag, 16. April 2016 20:31:17 UTC+2 schrieb Bozhidar Batsov:
> This was deprecated a while back (and deleted recently). Use `eldoc-mode`
> instead in your hooks.
> On 16 April 2016 at 08:55, Johannes >
> wrote:
>> Hi e
[nREPL] Direct connection established
error in process filter: run-hooks: Symbol's function definition is void:
error in process filter: Symbol's function definition is void:
I never saw this message before. What ist going wrong?
I found the introductory talk on Claypoole pretty informative with regards
to parallelism in Clojure in general:
On Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 5:09:39 PM UTC+2, Mars0i wrote:
> Niels-- Ah, interesting. My uses of pmap haven't been I/O bound. I
> d
thanks a lot,Martin, upgrading leiningen from 2.5.1 to 2.5.3 solves the problem
Am 07.01.2016 um 21:05 schrieb Martin Clausen
Have you tried updating leiningen?
On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 9:02 PM Johannes Brauer
vars ns-path refresh
resource stacktrace toggle-trace-var toggle-trace-ns undef
Please, install (or update) cider-nrepl 0.11.0-SNAPSHOT and restart CIDER
Is anything wrong with my profiles.clj?
Am 07.01.2016 um 17:58 schrieb Johannes Brauer
ider/cider-nrepl 0.11.0-snapshot in your .lein/profiles.clj
that should fix the problem.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 1:02 PM Johannes
mailto:bra...@nordakademie.de>> wrote:
With cider-nrepl set to 0.10.0 and cider set to 0.11.0-snapshot emacs complains:
WARNING: CIDER requires nREPL 0.2
g-bable problem, but perhaps there is a tip what to do.
Am Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2015 13:01:30 UTC+1 schrieb Johannes:
> thanks for the hint; indeed it works
> Am 21.12.2015 um 16:12 schrieb martin_clausen :
> I found that
> Org-mode version 8
5 at 6:16:15 PM UTC+1, Johannes wrote:
Thanks, for the explanations. I hope for the best, that there will be an
working org-babel version in the future. In the mean time I will continue using
Am 10.12.2015 um 16:24 schrieb Matching Socks
The lates
Thanks, for the explanations. I hope for the best, that there will be an
working org-babel version in the future. In the mean time I will continue using
Am 10.12.2015 um 16:24 schrieb Matching Socks
The latest stable Org Babel stopped w
I am quite impressed about lentic. I think I will use it. Thank you, Phil.
Nevertheless I am looking for a working configuration for Emacs org-mode
with Clojure babel.
Am Freitag, 6. November 2015 18:10:58 UTC+1 schrieb Phillip Lord:
> If you are willing to entertain a
it sounds exciting, I’ll give it a try.
> Am 06.11.2015 um 18:10 schrieb Phillip Lord :
> If you are willing to entertain a slightly different interaction model,
> you might want to take a look at the lentic package
> https://github.com/phillord/lentic
help to open a cider REPL buffer before opening any Org
buffers. (If I recall, Org Babel will need that REPL sooner or later anyway;
it does not open its own REPL.)
I tried this too, but without success
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Hi Karsten,
thank you for the links to your project. But until now, I haven’t succeeded to
setup my Emacs so that I can evaluate Clojure code snippets in an org file.
> Am 03.11.2015 um 19:56 schrieb Karsten Schmidt :
> Hi Johannes, checkout my leiningen template for
your system? (y or n) y
executing Clojure code block...
let: Wrong number of arguments: (3 . 4), 1
What I am doing wrongly?
Am 03.11.2015 um 14:03 schrieb Stuart Sierra
Hi Johannes
I have a working Org babel & Clojure in my Emacs s
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The lmgtfy link
posted by raould was helpful.
On Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 3:22:02 PM UTC+2, Alex Miller wrote:
> raould,
> I find lmgtfy links to be a condescending way to answer a question and I
> would prefer that we not use them on this list. If you have an answer
Am Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2015 22:35:53 UTC+2 schrieb raould:
> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=clojure+%22let+vs.+let*%22
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I cannot figure out, what the difference between let and let* is. Can
anyone enlighten me?
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Perhaps a look at subtext (http://www.subtext-lang.org/demo1.html) could be
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Here is the finished Yatzy, in case anyone is interested:
kl. 19:05:50 UTC+2 onsdag 8. oktober 2014 skrev Johannes Langøy følgende:
> Thanks!
> kl. 02:17:45 UTC+2 onsdag 8. oktober 2014 skrev adrian...@mail.yu.edu
sh) to do so.
>> On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 4:51:05 PM UTC-4, Johannes Langøy wrote:
>>> Hi, I can't figure this out. I have these two functions:
>>> (defn get-number []
>>> (try (let [input (read-string (read-line))]
Hi, I can't figure this out. I have these two functions:
(defn get-number []
(try (let [input (read-string (read-line))]
(if (number? input)
(catch Exception e (get-number
(defn selection-handler [tests]
(dotimes [i (count tests)
if I remember correctly I solved the problem by reinstalling Java 7 from
Oracle. Thereafter my $JAVA_HOME points to:
Am 24.07.2013 um 03:02 schrieb Keith Maynard
Please spam the list!!
quire '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
generates the message:
Exception namespace 'clojure.core.reducers' not found clojure.core/load-lib
Am 16.06.2013 um 23:16 schrieb László Török
are you on clojure 1.5+ ?
If I launch
now, I've Java 7 installed and get another error message:
Exception namespace 'clojure.core.reducers' not found clojure.core/load-lib
any further hints?
Am 16.06.2013 um 22:43 schrieb Johannes Brauer
thank you, L
thank you, Las, for the quick tip. I will give Java 7 a try. I hope there are
no problems on Mac OS 10.8.4
Am 16.06.2013 um 22:15 schrieb László Török
.. sorry, gmail's new annoying keyboard shortcut
b) include the dependency to the forkjoin
(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
at the repl prompt the error message
CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jsr166y.ForkJoinPool,
What is going wrong?
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Am Dienstag, 13. November 2012 12:15:17 UTC+1 schrieb thorwil:
> On 11/13/2012 11:06 AM, Johannes wrote:
> > I define a record
> > (defrecord point [x y])
> >
> > and the following macro:
> >
> > (defmacro drg
> >[typename component
r argument (symbol "obj")? I'd prefer obj# or (gensym obj)...
I looked for something like that, but didn't find Bitte um Rücksprache!
> On 13/11/12 10:06, Johannes wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I define a record
> > (defrecord point [x
and I enjoy to build an alternative syntax
for records; I know that the keywords can be uses as accessors
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Johannes
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I define a record
>> (defrecord point [x y])
But calling the macro results in an error message:
user> (drg point [x y])
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: :x
in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1)
Can anyone tell me what my mistake is?
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