
I define a record
(defrecord point [x y])

and the following macro:

(defmacro drg
  [typename components]
  `(def ~(symbol (str typename "-" (str (first components))))
     (fn [~(symbol "obj")] (get ~(symbol "obj") ~(symbol (str ":" (str 
(first components))))))))

the call 
user> (macroexpand-1 '(drg point [x y]))

delivers what I expect:
(def point-x (clojure.core/fn [obj] (clojure.core/get obj :x)))

Evalutating this expression at the repl delivers what I expect:
user> (def point-x (clojure.core/fn [obj] (clojure.core/get obj :x)))

But calling the macro results in an error message:
user> (drg point [x y])
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: :x 
in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1) 

Can anyone tell me what my mistake is?


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