How do I make this code faster? And leaner, i.e., use less memory ?
It's a simple function to generate NUMKEYS strings of length
store them in a Java array then store them in a HashMap
hash-map. [it doesn't store them in the hash-map yet; but it
allocates it]
(set! *warn-on-reflecti
On Oct 30, 1:37 pm, Chouser wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Arie van Wingerden
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > when I run a Clojure script Clojure ends directly when the script is
> > finished.
> java -cp ~/build/clojure/clojure.jar clojure.main -i some_script.clj -r
Where are thos
Is everything in Clojure immutable? For example, w/ this code-snippet
(let [x nil]
;; do something and modify 'x'
how does one modify the value of 'x' ?
(let [x nil] (def x true))
this doesn't work. the "def' interns and defines a (dynamic) root-
On Oct 28, 10:31 pm, ataggart wrote:
> Also you can substitute #^"[C" with the more legible #^chars.
> On Oct 28, 7:27 pm, Alex Osborne wrote:
> > Chick Corea wrote:
> > > What is wrong with this code? I want to instantiate a Java String
What is wrong with this code? I want to instantiate a Java String
from a Java character-array.
But I want it to be fast, hence the need to cast per the "warn on
reflection" message.
user=> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
user=> (new String #^"[C" (make-array Character/TYPE 3 \