Is everything in Clojure immutable?  For example, w/ this code-snippet

       (let [x nil]
              ;; do something and modify 'x'

how does one modify the value of 'x' ?

        (let [x nil] (def x true))

this doesn't work.  the "def' interns and defines a (dynamic) root-
for 'x' which is accessible outside the lexical closure.

I read in this page ( that lexical
are write-once/read-many.

              (in bold print)
        "Locals created with let are not variables. Once created their
values never change!"

This description of 'set!' (  reinforces
that statement.
Sure enough - it's true.

        user=> (let [x nil] (set! x true))
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid assignment target

This leads me to observe that one cannot simply declare a name/symbol
as lexical
as one does in other lisps, a la

        (let (x y) (setq x 1 y 2))

One could use the idiom that I used above, i.e., to assign "nil".  But
that's useless
b/c it's read-only beyond that expression.

So I want to ask, am I in the minority in thinking that read-only
local bindings limit
the programmer a lot.  The only alternative that I see (w/ my limited
is to create a "let" scope at the exact place that one needs it.  But,
IMO, that
sucks - sorry for the vernacular; but it is wildly inconvenient for me
for many reasons.

Do both of these statements intern a symbol?  Or does the 2nd set the
interned symbol to a new value ?

      (def x 1)
      (def x 2)

Is the proper way to change the value bound to a symbol to use
"set!" ?

      (set! x 3)

If I understand correctly, the "(binding ...)" macro specifically
applies to
"Variables", one of Clojure's STM types, thus has dynamic, thead-local
scope.  Is that right?  In which case, it may hide a lexical binding ?

Thanks for any help.  These details stop me from reaching that
point in which code flows from my mind into the computer.


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