Re: core.async + swing

2013-07-29 Thread eliassonaand
Den måndagen den 29:e juli 2013 kl. 16:44:50 UTC+2 skrev > > Hi, I'm playing around with core.async a bit. > Is it possible to put java.awt.Graphics object into a channel and do the > drawing in a go loop consuming this channel. > The problem I'm having is that when I consu

Re: subseq, garbage collection, and finalize

2013-07-29 Thread Brandon Bloom
Thanks Cedric & Patrick for the WeakReference and ReferenceQueue tips. Will try that next time. > There is an initial instance without metadata Oh! That makes a lot of sense. Thanks much for figuring that out and explaining it. We could probably optimize that second allocation away relatively eas

Re: subseq, garbage collection, and finalize

2013-07-29 Thread Patrick Houk
Hi, Regarding #1: I agree with Cedric that WeakReference is a better tool for writing "memory leak" tests. I've done it in the past, having gotten the idea from a Sun blog ([a], which uses the code at [b]). Regarding #2: It looks like the reify expression actually creates two instances (in

Re: Robo VM

2013-07-29 Thread Colin Fleming
One option for people looking for an alternative VM is Avian (previous thread here), which runs Clojure and supports native continuations and TCO. The maintainer, Joel Dice, is an all around great guy and does a fantastic job on the

Re: ANN Langohr 1.0 (final) is released

2013-07-29 Thread Greg
Thanks for the explanation! -- Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA. On Jul 29, 2013, at 4:25 PM, Michael Klishin wrote: > 2013/7/29 Greg > I'm not familiar enough with either project to understand. > > Langohr is a RabbitMQ client that expo

RE: T-shirts?

2013-07-29 Thread stef
Speaking as the person who "made" the 'Clojure = Simplicity' hoody/t-shirt, I am more than happy to assign it to the clojure community if wanted. I created it a while back as I couldn't find any. I will also gladly donate my zazzle balance (all $8.12 of it) from the sales :)RegardsS. Ori

Re: T-shirts?

2013-07-29 Thread James Rothering
+1 I'll buy, too. On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Joel Holdbrooks wrote: > +1. I'd love this. > > On Sunday, July 28, 2013 3:22:21 PM UTC-7, Isaac Wagner wrote: >> >> There was a discussion a while ago about stickers which led to >> Could we get some sanctioned T-shirts

Re: T-shirts?

2013-07-29 Thread Joel Holdbrooks
+1. I'd love this. On Sunday, July 28, 2013 3:22:21 PM UTC-7, Isaac Wagner wrote: > > There was a discussion a while ago about stickers which led to > Could we get some sanctioned T-shirts as well? > There are a few Clojure shirts on Zazzle, but what I would be intereste

Re: ANN Langohr 1.0 (final) is released

2013-07-29 Thread Michael Klishin
2013/7/29 Greg > I'm not familiar enough with either project to understand. Langohr is a RabbitMQ client that exposes every feature RabbitMQ has in the API. clamq is an attempt to provide a generic messaging library with different transports, thus hiding all project-specific features. That's t

YA regular expression tool

2013-07-29 Thread Joel Holdbrooks
I spent some time this weekend writing a little tool for generating regular expressions *from known inputs*. My goal is to produce regular expressions that backtrack as few times as possible along with a complete and total disregard for readability. :) The code for the tool is here

Re: ANN Langohr 1.0 (final) is released

2013-07-29 Thread Greg
> Langohr README answers your question pretty well. I'm not familiar enough with either project to understand. - Greg -- Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA. On Jul 29, 2013, at 3:04 PM, Michael Klishin wrote: > 2013/7/29 Greg > Is there a

Re: ANN Langohr 1.0 (final) is released

2013-07-29 Thread Michael Klishin
2013/7/29 Greg > Is there a reason you decided to write your own instead of contributing to > that project? Langohr README answers your question pretty well. -- MK -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: help actually changing :use to :require :refer :all?

2013-07-29 Thread Stefan Kamphausen
> Would it still bother you if the IDE helped maintain the ns declaration? > > IMHO, having to rely on my editor or an IDE to manage my code would be a language design smell. Not that I would mind a little help here and there, though -- e.g. indentation, completion and a message if there see

Re: [ANN] cljzmq-0.1.1 - A Clojure binding for ØMQ

2013-07-29 Thread Greg
Awesome! Thanks! It's nice to know this exists, might have a use for it in the future. Cheers, Greg -- Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA. On Jul 29, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Trevor Bernard wrote: > Hello, > > I'd like to announce the immediate a

Re: ANN Langohr 1.0 (final) is released

2013-07-29 Thread Greg
Neat! Bookmarked. :-) What about clamq? Is there a reason you decided to write your own instead of contributing to that project? Cheers, Greg -- Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA. On Jul 29, 2013, at 2:3

Re: ANN Langohr 1.0 (final) is released

2013-07-29 Thread Matt Hoffman
Congrats! Great library. On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:35 AM, Michael Klishin <> wrote: > Langohr [1] is a small, easy to use Clojure client for RabbitMQ. > > 1.0.1 is a long overdue 1.0 release of the library that has been 2 years > in the making and is one of the most

Re: core.async + swing

2013-07-29 Thread Timothy Baldridge
I recommend using invokeLater to send a fn to Swing to do the rendering. If you need Swing to notify the go channel when the rendering is complete, you can do something like this: (go (let

core.async + swing

2013-07-29 Thread eliassonaand
Hi, I'm playing around with core.async a bit. Is it possible to put java.awt.Graphics object into a channel and do the drawing in a go loop consuming this channel. The problem I'm having is that when I consume the channel, core.async has switched to another thread. I'm not in the Swing thread any

Re: Robo VM

2013-07-29 Thread Niklas Therning
Never I'm afraid. This is by design. RoboVM targets iOS which doesn't allow executable memory which means JITing is impossible. So for speed RoboVM compiles Java bytecode AOT to machine code. We could have mixed AOT compiled code with interpreted but that would have complicated things considera

[ANN] cljzmq-0.1.1 - A Clojure binding for ØMQ

2013-07-29 Thread Trevor Bernard
Hello, I'd like to announce the immediate availability of cljzmq-0.1.1 on maven central. For sample usage, I've started porting the zguide examples here: Pull requests welcome! Warmest regards, Trev -- -- Y

Re: [ANN] 18th tutorial of modern-cljs series

2013-07-29 Thread Mimmo Cosenza
Grep, right now I'm on vacation with a very bad connection. I've to correct something in the second part Thanks to Laurent and Phil I discover that the way I use lein profiles.clj is not the intended use….. It will take some time to have it corrected :-( mimmo On Jul 28, 2013, at 2:35 AM, Greg

Re: Robo VM

2013-07-29 Thread Cedric Greevey
That would only allow AOT-compiled Clojure to be used -- no dynamic stuff, no REPL, no development directly on that VM, and no code that uses eval. That's something of a problem. Any timeline on when the VM will have fully mature JVM classloader capabilities? On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:06 AM, N

Re: Robo VM

2013-07-29 Thread Niklas Therning
Hi, I'm the founder of the RoboVM project. RoboVM supports reflection but not custom classloaders and not runtime bytecode manipulation. If clojure can be compiled ahead of time to bytecode .class files than there's a possibility that it could work on RoboVM and iOS. Just let me know what you

Re: clojure maven plugin starts a server when compiling

2013-07-29 Thread Horace
Thank you Plinio, this is a good workaround to the test that hangs. Bye . Horace Am Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013 17:41:29 UTC+2 schrieb Plinio Balduino: > > try > > mvn compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true > > On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Horace > > > wrote: > > I am using the clojure maven plu