Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Denis Labaye
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Sean Corfield wrote: > On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Mark Engelberg > wrote: > > I can relate to Denis' issue. I find it pretty common to have a common > set > > of dependencies across every file in a project. > > Well, I have to say I was puzzled by Denis' po

Re: [ANN] ClojureScript release 0.0-1535 with G.Closure 0.0-2029

2012-11-11 Thread Sean Corfield
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Evan Mezeske wrote: > Oops, I've been out of town and did not see this release! I'll cut a new > lein-cljsbuild tomorrow night. Wasn't trying to make you feel guilty! Just wondered if there was a policy of tracking builds. Welcome back - and thank you! -- Sean

Re: [ANN] ClojureScript release 0.0-1535 with G.Closure 0.0-2029

2012-11-11 Thread Evan Mezeske
Oops, I've been out of town and did not see this release! I'll cut a new lein-cljsbuild tomorrow night. -Evan On Friday, November 9, 2012 9:51:01 AM UTC-7, Sean Corfield wrote: > > Nice! > > I wonder how quickly lein-cljsbuild will get updated for this new > release? (Evan?) > > Nice to see

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Sean Corfield
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote: > set, string, numeric-tower, combinatorics all provide fundamental operations > I need throughout my code. Ah, very different fields of work. Makes sense. > My work doesn't usually involve creating a standalone compiled program. I > move a

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Sean Corfield wrote: > Denis, Mark, could you speak to what sort of things you're using these > for that make it convenient to have them in every namespace? > > set, string, numeric-tower, combinatorics all provide fundamental operations I need throughout my code.

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Phil Hagelberg
On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Denis Labaye wrote: > How do you avoid repeating this ? A clojure macro?, IDE support?, ... ? The nstools library has a tool to help with this. (ns myproject.base (:require [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Sean Corfield
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote: > I can relate to Denis' issue. I find it pretty common to have a common set > of dependencies across every file in a project. Well, I have to say I was puzzled by Denis' post because I definitely don't have common dependencies across every

Re: lein-midje-lazytest

2012-11-11 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi, I have not continued development of Lazytest, but I took most of the code-reloading parts and refactored them into tools.namespace 0.2.x: tools.namespace might make a better foundation for a development tool. Thanks for your interest in Lazytest.

Re: [ANN] Dibble - A new way to seed databases

2012-11-11 Thread Michael Drogalis
Interestingly enough, I did something very similar to Peano. The difference is that my version used a "base value" and constraints are used to adjust that value to something else. In any case, drop the link here when you find the talk. We should take a

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Luc Prefontaine
This is the best I can come with in a short time: (ns "Shortcut to common dependency profile") (defmacro basic-service-deps [] `(do (require [ :as conf] [ :as log] [clojure.string :as s])

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Brian Marick
On Nov 8, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Softaddicts wrote: > Mmmh, maybe I should create a pocket guide for elderly Clojure coders > someday... An aside: I'm giving a keynote at the ACCU conference titled "Cheating Decline: Acting now to let you program well for a really long time" I'll be looking for

Re: [ANN] Dibble - A new way to seed databases

2012-11-11 Thread Brian Marick
On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Michael Drogalis wrote: > Wouldn't it be great to generate rows in a customer table without having to > make up names, email addresses, and balances? That's the idea of Dibble. Vaguely related: I wrote up a proof-of-concept of using core.logic to generate structure

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Mark Engelberg
I can relate to Denis' issue. I find it pretty common to have a common set of dependencies across every file in a project. Copying and pasting this header to every file and updating changes manually across every file doesn't feel like a very robust solution. This is something that has bothered m

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Denis Labaye
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Softaddicts wrote: > Since you use emacs, why not create a key binding to an expression that > would get > evaluated in the REPL ? or to eval the zxcv macro ? > > Luc P. > Luc, Yes, the solutions you described (Clojure utility macro, or Emacs key binding) are po

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Softaddicts
Since you use emacs, why not create a key binding to an expression that would get evaluated in the REPL ? or to eval the zxcv macro ? Luc P. > I just find this puzzling, the "coding standards" emphasizes reducing > dependencies. > Now if you add dependencies in your boiler plate that may in

[ANN] Dibble - A new way to seed databases

2012-11-11 Thread Michael Drogalis
Hey folks, I recently encountered a situation where developers on a team needed to seed their databases with large amounts of data. The data didn't have to be the same across all machines, it just had to be logical. Thus, the concept of inferential database seeding was born in my little mind!

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Luc Prefontaine
I just find this puzzling, the "coding standards" emphasizes reducing dependencies. Now if you add dependencies in your boiler plate that may in fact not be used by the source code in the current name space, how can a human reader understand your dependencies by reading the top nth lines of your

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread Denis Labaye
On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:02 AM, Softaddicts wrote: > How does that shrink his boilerplate ? > > Why such a long boilerplate ? Do you need the string library everywhere ? > Why not drop :only ? > oftentimes, I am at the REPL, and I know this particular function in clojure.set (or clojure,io, or .

Re: [Ann] Kibit 0.0.6

2012-11-11 Thread Jim - FooBar();
Kibit is probably looking for syntactic patterns not for types or anything like that... but still, why is it suggesting this? Jim On 11/11/12 15:58, Jim - FooBar(); wrote: Kibit says: Consider using: (vec (:children (game-tree dir b next-level))) instead of: (into [] (:children (game-tre

Re: [Ann] Kibit 0.0.6

2012-11-11 Thread Jim - FooBar();
Kibit says: Consider using: (vec (:children (game-tree dir b next-level))) instead of: (into [] (:children (game-tree dir b next-level))) why is that? Does it make a difference if '(:children (game-tree dir b next-level))' returns a reducer? Jim On 11/11/12 15:08, Jonas wrote: Hi Tod

Re: [Ann] Kibit 0.0.6

2012-11-11 Thread Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
Congrats on the release. Ambrose On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 11:08 PM, Jonas wrote: > Hi > > Today I released version 0.0.6 of Kibit[1]. > > Kibit is a simple code analysis tool. The purpose of the tool is to tell > its users that "Hey, There's already a function for that!". Kibit uses > core.logic

does core.logic use core.match?

2012-11-11 Thread Jim - FooBar();
Hi all, looking at core.logic on github I can see no dependencies on the optimized pattern-matching lib 'core.match', however David implies that does core.logic uses core.match under the hood in one of his talks []... have I misunderstoo

[Ann] Kibit 0.0.6

2012-11-11 Thread Jonas
Hi Today I released version 0.0.6 of Kibit[1]. Kibit is a simple code analysis tool. The purpose of the tool is to tell its users that "Hey, There's already a function for that!". Kibit uses core.logic[2] to search for patterns of code which can be simplified. For example, if the analyzer find

Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread David McNeil
I have not heard from anyone that is out of date, so I take that to mean that the following is still the standard: "Be explicit and minimalist about dependencies on other packages. (Prefer the :only option to use and require)." -Da