Envoyé de mon iPhone
Le 17 févr. 2012 à 08:24, David Nolen a écrit :
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:28 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Forgive me if I'm wrong, but global vars / dynamic variables have
> essentially more to do with scoping than multithreading, e.g. they existed
> in lisps and other langua
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:28 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Forgive me if I'm wrong, but global vars / dynamic variables have
> essentially more to do with scoping than multithreading, e.g. they existed
> in lisps and other languages way before thread support was added to them.
> So I don't understa
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:28 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Forgive me if I'm wrong, but global vars / dynamic variables have
> essentially more to do with scoping than multithreading, e.g. they existed
> in lisps and other languages way before thread support was added to them.
> So I don't under
Friday Feb. 17th is the last day for regular registration rates at
- http://clojurewest.org/schedule
- http://regonline.com/clojurewest2012
Monday Feb. 20th is the last day for the hotel block rate of $119/
- https://resweb.passkey.com/go/clojurewest
We've had a late addition
2012/2/16 David Nolen
> On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, Brandon Bloom
> wrote:.
> > There are analogous constructs in a single-threaded, async-callback
> world. In particular, many Javascript libraries have a concept of promises
> and futures for managing the async callback speghetti. Like I
Nothing I said was meant to dismiss any particular contribution(s) of any
kind made by anyone.
If this was not clear, apologies.
On Thursday, February 16, 2012, Gregg Williams
>> It's tiresome to hear people complain about something they do not
>> contribute anything towards.
> Thank yo
> It's tiresome to hear people complain about something they do not
> contribute anything towards.
Thank you for your extremely helpful critique.
By the way, please go to http://www.GettingClojure.com, a web site
that I started and contributed to, which nobody (except Sean Cornfeld)
expressed any
How stupid of me.
On 17 February 2012 12:12, dennis zhuang wrote:
> Because bit-xor returns a integer,so you have to cast it to byte:
> (amap ^bytes an-array
> idx
> ret
> (byte (bit-xor (byte 0)
> (aget ^bytes an-array idx
> 2012/2/17 Andreas Kostler
>> Hi
Because bit-xor returns a integer,so you have to cast it to byte:
(amap ^bytes an-array
(byte (bit-xor (byte 0)
(aget ^bytes an-array idx
2012/2/17 Andreas Kostler
> Hi all,
> I'm experiencing the following problem:
> (def an-array (byte-array 200 (byte 1)))
> (amap
Hi all,
I'm experiencing the following problem:
(def an-array (byte-array 200 (byte 1)))
(amap ^bytes an-array
(bit-xor (byte 0)
(aget ^bytes an-array idx)))
Resulting in:
No matching method found: aset
Wheras this:
(def another-array (int-array 200 (int 1)))
(amap ^
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Peter Hanak wrote:
> If someone in the community is thinking about something like this, and
> needs any help please let me know.
Something like this, from the author of Clojure in Action, Amit Rathore:
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:39 PM, kovas boguta wrote:
> I'm arguing that IMHO, the atom+watcher abstraction is not rich enough
> to build upon.
I'm not disagreeing :)
> If you want to roll your own, you need to maintain your own
> notification system and bypass the existing mechanism entirely.
I'm arguing that IMHO, the atom+watcher abstraction is not rich enough
to build upon.
Atoms have the watcher list natively built into their datastructure.
But the watcher abstraction is too simple to do anything beyond
syntactic sugar.
If you want to roll your own, you need to maintain your own
On Feb 16, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation. What would be a good way to ensure that the
> subseqeuence are lazy too?
I can't think of a good way to do this with higher-order functions, so you'll
probably have to write a recursive function that "manually" i
https://www.google.com/search?q=attoparsec+in+centimeters is where I
got a citation to back the 3.1 centimeter number (though, curiously, I
asked for km instead of cm the first time).
On Feb 15, 5:51 pm, DAemon wrote:
> Not massively - I get about 3.1 metres. 10^-18x10^15x10^3x3.1m...
On Feb 16, 2012, at 12:16 PM, David Nolen wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Gregg Williams
> wrote:
> Would it kill somebody to write a library of simple functions that
> would answer most beginners' simple needs, then have it "blessed" as
> canonical? I'd write it myself, but I still
Armando Blancas writes:
>> Can you provide some more specific examples of what's missing?
> Surely you're joking, Mr. Hagelberg.
I was asking because when I was starting, I found I had trouble
specifically with Java's IO classes. This article was written after I
had already learned what I need
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Gregg Williams wrote:
> Would it kill somebody to write a library of simple functions that
> would answer most beginners' simple needs, then have it "blessed" as
> canonical? I'd write it myself, but I still don't know enough! If
> every beginner has to painfully
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:51 -0600, Michael Gardner wrote:
> partition-by is lazy in that it only splits its argument into as many
> subseqs as requested; the subseqs themselves are not lazy. So when you
> partition-by the result of (replace-subseq-with-sentinel [1 2] sentinel
> (range)) and then
> I think the big problem, is that Clojure makes a big deal about being
> "Simple". That is, avoiding unneeded complexity, but then throws its
> users into the sea of complexity that is Java. If I want to write
> arbitrary binary data to a file, I really don't want to take the time
> to learn wha
partition-by is lazy in that it only splits its argument into as many subseqs
as requested; the subseqs themselves are not lazy. So when you partition-by the
result of (replace-subseq-with-sentinel [1 2] sentinel (range)) and then
request the infinite third subseq thereof, partition-by won't ter
Hi all,
I am trying to implement a function that splits any given sequence on a
subsequence. I would like it to behave like this:
user> (split-at-subsequence [5 6] (range 10))
((0 1 2 3 4) (7 8 9))
user> (split-at-subsequence [5 7] (range 10))
((0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
user> (fi
> Initially, the java aspect is a bit daunting. However, I don't believe you
> need to know java in order to take advantage of all the java interop
> features of clojure.
So as a background, before I give my two cents. I'm a C# developer by
trade, and feel very comfortable with .NET. I also have q
On Wednesday, February 15, 2012, Brandon Bloom wrote:.
> There are analogous constructs in a single-threaded, async-callback
world. In particular, many Javascript libraries have a concept of promises
and futures for managing the async callback speghetti. Like I said, that
part of the puzzle needs
The same here.
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Eric Fong writes:
> 1. create a new leinigen project:
> lein new foo
> 2. modify foo.core.clj as follow:
> (ns foo.core)
> (defn format [] 1)
Exclude clojure.core/format then:
(ns foo.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format]))
You received this message because you
> Given the single-threaded nature of JavaScript I don't see how
future-call or agents could be implemented.
There are analogous constructs in a single-threaded, async-callback world.
In particular, many Javascript libraries have a concept of promises and
futures for managing the async callback
Not massively - I get about 3.1 metres. 10^-18x10^15x10^3x3.1m...
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Despite wrote:
> > Haskell has a parser library named for a distance of approximately
> > three centimetres? :)
> Not that it's pertinent, but a parsec is 31 trillion kilometers. Did
> you mass
atto is 10^-18, and a parsec is 3.1×10^13 km, which is 3.1×10^16m, which is
3.1×10^18cm, so Cedric was right, from what I can see...
Turns out I misread a 3 as a 5... lol *facepalm*
On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Alan Malloy wrote:
> Roman Gonzalez:
> > this library is a port of Haskell's atto
I'm trying to I'm trying to create a solution for bug #21 in https://github.com/weavejester/lein-ring";>lein-ring, but
before I start mucking about in weavejester's code, I want to get
clojure.xml/emit to print out a modified version of http://pastebin.com/G8WeAsiv.
I'm getting an exception when
I've updated my fork with IWatchable and validation implemented on Var:
@dnolen I assume I need to wait for my CA to be delivered/approved before I
can update that Wiki page? I'd like to add som
Hi All,
very new to clojure, so thought my experience may be relevant.
Initially, the java aspect is a bit daunting. However, I don't believe you
need to know java in order to take advantage of all the java interop
features of clojure. All that you really need is to understand how to read
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 17:02, Eric Fong wrote:
> => (eval `'~(map identity [1 2 3]))
> (1 2 3)
> => (eval `'~(map identity ()))
> CompilerException java.lang.UnsupportedOperationExc
1. create a new leinigen project:
lein new foo
2. modify foo.core.clj as follow:
(ns foo.core)
(defn format [] 1)
3. modify project.clj, add foo.core to aot:
(defproject foo "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]]
:aot [fo
That's the point. Empty lazy sequence doesn't work, but not empty lazy
sequence works.
On 2月15日, 上午9时44分, Armando Blancas wrote:
> eval doesn't mind lazy seqs as input:
> user=> (map identity ['quote ()])
> (quote ())
> user=> (class (map identity ['quote ()]))
> clojure.lang.LazySeq
> user=> (
Sounds like you should build a simple abstraction layer over atoms instead
of trying to use them directly? Or provide a new data binding / propagation
protocol that avoids the limitation of atoms? For data binding you most
definitely always want to receive the old value in my experience.
On Wednes
Started playing with getting an within emacs clojure-based mud client, but
puzzling a bit with parsing the incoming stream. The below works (for
emacs+swank-clojure 1.4.0), but puts a space between every character. When
I try to solve that (for example by swapping "(print ..." with "(print
On Jan 15, 3:32 pm, Brenton wrote:
> We found a couple of problems with theClojureScriptREPL while
> working onOneand will address them soon. If you confirm that this is
> the problem, please let us know. Also, feel free to add an issue to
> JIRA with the steps to reproduce.
I'm experienci
Hello fellow Clojurians,
yesterday I was watching Neal Ford's brilliant world domination video
and it got me again thinking about idea I've got for some time.
With the advent of online learning initiatives like Stanford, MITx,
and many others I think it would be great to create Clojure course.
Regarding don't want to learn Java. I understand fully, but can I suggest
downloading a major java-IDE and make some small and simple java-katas in
I would suggest IntelliJ IDEAs Community Edition (there are other, ofc) and
then going through some examples from the surprisingly well written Ja
Apart from going a bit cross-eyed from seeing clojure-as-java code
from the first time, I get it :-)
Thanks Chas, I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.
On Feb 15, 3:31 pm, Chas Emerick wrote:
> You can absolutely run an nREPL server from a mostly-Java application.
> Someth
Fwding to Incanter and Clojure mailing lists.
This hackday is in London, this Sunday the 19th of Feb.
Unfortunately, I can't attend, but I know it will be awesome!
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From: Martin Seebach
Date: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:19 PM
Subject: [ldnclj] Ha
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