On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 7:15 PM, David Cabana wrote:
>> > > The fact that currently having vals and keys return seqs in the same
>> > order is not guaranteed by the documentation ?
> At the recent Pragmatic Studio class I asked Rich and Stuart about
> this very point. As I recall, Rich said vals
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Kevin Downey wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Robert McIntyre wrote:
>> If it is to be deprecated, is there a "correct" way of achieving the
>> same result (having things automatically loaded when you create the
>> repl?)
> user.clj is very useful, I'd
user.clj is very useful, I'd rather keep it.
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Robert McIntyre wrote:
> If it is to be deprecated, is there a "correct" way of achieving the
> same result (having things automatically loaded when you create the
> repl?)
> --Robert McIntyre
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010
On Sep 20, 4:43 pm, Ranjit wrote:
> I'm glad you think partition is the problem, because that was my guess
> too. But I think I have the answer. This is the fastest version I've
> seen so far:
> (defn gaussian-matrix-final [L]
> (into-array ^doubles (map double-array (repeat L (repeatedly L ne
I list, i am trying to connect to a USB GSM Modem with clojure. Basically, i
want to open a serial connection to my modem and be able to pass commands to
it. ( I think I am new to this whole modem thing). I know I can do this in
Java, but wanted to check if someone had a working solutions in Cloju
We've got one in the Raleigh area that, while not specific to Clojure,
it is a common topic (along with other JVM based languages such as
Scala and Groovy):
Though a Clojure specific meetup would be nice, I know for a fact
there are other Clojure users here.
On Sep 20
The L.A. one is at http://www.meetup.com/Los-Angeles-Clojure-Users-Group/
On Sep 20, 8:33 am, Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
> Hey All,
> I know there are certainly a few groups out there (organized via
> Meetup.com or otherwise) which I see things posted about from time to
> time on the list. I'd
If it is to be deprecated, is there a "correct" way of achieving the
same result (having things automatically loaded when you create the
--Robert McIntyre
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> BTW, shouldn't this "user.clj" trick be marked as deprecated, to be removed
> > > The fact that currently having vals and keys return seqs in the same
> > order is not guaranteed by the documentation ?
At the recent Pragmatic Studio class I asked Rich and Stuart about
this very point. As I recall, Rich said vals and keys do behave as one
would hope, so that for a map m we
Actually it turns out the type hinting in gaussian-matrix-final isn't
even necessary. I just took it out and the speed doesn't seem to
On Sep 20, 7:43 pm, Ranjit wrote:
> I'm glad you think partition is the problem, because that was my guess
> too. But I think I have the answer. This is t
I'm glad you think partition is the problem, because that was my guess
too. But I think I have the answer. This is the fastest version I've
seen so far:
(defn gaussian-matrix-final [L]
(into-array ^doubles (map double-array (repeat L (repeatedly L next-
If I understand what's goin
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Eric Schulte
> Hi,
> Having recently upgraded to this newest lein
> $ lein --version
> Leiningen 1.3.1 on Java 1.6.0_18 OpenJDK Client VM
> I notice that the "lein swank" command is no longer supported.
> $ lein swank
> That's not a task. Use "le
2010/9/21 Meikel Brandmeyer
> Hello Laurent.
> Am 20.09.2010 um 22:38 schrieb Laurent PETIT:
> > The fact that currently having vals and keys return seqs in the same
> order is not guaranteed by the documentation ?
> Touché. Hard to swallow the own pill. It is not mentioned in the
> documen
Hello Laurent.
Am 20.09.2010 um 22:38 schrieb Laurent PETIT:
> The fact that currently having vals and keys return seqs in the same order is
> not guaranteed by the documentation ?
Touché. Hard to swallow the own pill. It is not mentioned in the documentation,
but it is chouser's believe that
On Sep 20, 10:15 pm, Constantine Vetoshev wrote:
> I'd like to announce the release of a working version of appengine-
> magic, a library designed to make it easier to get started with Google
> App Engine using Clojure.
> appengine-magic abstracts away nearly all the boilerplate necessary to
> d
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Having recently upgraded to this newest lein
> $ lein --version
> Leiningen 1.3.1 on Java 1.6.0_18 OpenJDK Client VM
> I notice that the "lein swank" command is no longer supported.
Hi Eric!
The swank command is not built-in to Leinin
2010/9/20 Meikel Brandmeyer
> Hi,
> Am 20.09.2010 um 18:52 schrieb John Cromartie:
> >> (def flip-map #(apply zipmap ((juxt vals keys) %)))
> >>
> >
> > If I was going to write flip-map it might be a tad longer, but lazy
> > and a bit clearer (IMO), with:
> >
> >(defn flip-map [m] (into {
I'd like to announce the release of a working version of appengine-
magic, a library designed to make it easier to get started with Google
App Engine using Clojure.
appengine-magic abstracts away nearly all the boilerplate necessary to
deploy an App Engine application. It also enables interactive
On Sep 20, 9:17 am, Stefan Kamphausen wrote:
> So it might be a good idea to avoid creating threads automatically or
> importing file/socket packages.
I think you're right. Dependencies are always a double-edged sword,
and in the case of App Engine, they are more toxic than usual. Anyway,
I elimi
I think partition is slowing you down (but haven't profiled to
verify). Here's a functional version that's about 70% as fast as my
(defn gaussian-matrix6 [L]
(to-array (for [i (range L)] (into-array Double/TYPE (for [j
(range L)] (next-gaussian))
and I'd guess that's about as good
Having recently upgraded to this newest lein
$ lein --version
Leiningen 1.3.1 on Java 1.6.0_18 OpenJDK Client VM
I notice that the "lein swank" command is no longer supported.
$ lein swank
That's not a task. Use "lein help" to list all tasks.
What's the recommended way to start up
Replacing the doseq's with dotimes speeds it up a little more:
(defn gaussian-matrix5 [^"[[D" arr]
(dotimes [x (alength arr)]
(dotimes [y (alength (first arr))]
(aset-double ^doubles (aget arr (int x)) (int y) (next-
but I'm getting reflection warnings on alength. I gues
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 11:09 AM, Emeka wrote:
> Try this, http://gist.github.com/193550 . Adjust it to your taste.
So I'd say (file-repl "console.txt") and everything typed in and
printed out would be written to that file for the REPL session?
That would be a bit like the .jline-clojure.main.h
Try this, http://gist.github.com/193550 . Adjust it to your taste.
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 4:00 AM, Sean Corfield wrote:
> That also sounds pretty useful for development. I may try that as an
> exercise...
> This weekend has been a journey through The Joy of Clojure. I
I second the motion. Just moved to Edmonton, and have been looking
around for fellow Clojurians. I've created an Edmonton meetup (I
think), and hopefully some kindred souls will turn up :)
On Sep 20, 9:33 am, Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
> Hey All,
> I know there are certainly a few groups out
Am 20.09.2010 um 18:52 schrieb John Cromartie:
>> (def flip-map #(apply zipmap ((juxt vals keys) %)))
> If I was going to write flip-map it might be a tad longer, but lazy
> and a bit clearer (IMO), with:
>(defn flip-map [m] (into {} (map (juxt second first) m)))
Is there some
There's no such thing as a lazy map. into uses reduce, which is
necessarily not lazy either.
Clarity is in the eye of the beholder, of course. I think my version
is clearer, but if you replaced second/first with val/key I'd rate
them about the same. You might even replace (just val key) with
On Sep 20, 12:08 pm, Alan wrote:
> A few days ago I was thinking about how different it would be to write
> flip-map* in Java vs Clojure. A very simple, small program, but easy
> to see how Clojure can be more expressive.
> public static Map flipMap(Map map)
> {
> Map result = new HashMap(ma
Oh, I see you put the word "concurrency" in the subject but don't
mention it in your post. I guess my example isn't interesting for you,
then. You will get better responses if you put all relevant
information in the actual body - the subject is a space to summarize
the body, not to add to it.
On S
Oops, I found aset-double2 with tab completion and figured it was
build-in. Forgot it was a utility I built some time ago, a stub for a
Java method that does the setting.
Also, I got the type hint for the "arr" arg wrong, although it didn't
seem to matter.
Here's a fixed version in standard Cloj
Hey All,
I know there are certainly a few groups out there (organized via
Meetup.com or otherwise) which I see things posted about from time to
time on the list. I'd like to propose that we make an effort to list
these groups on Meetup Everywhere (http://www.meetup.com/everywhere),
which is a free
A few days ago I was thinking about how different it would be to write
flip-map* in Java vs Clojure. A very simple, small program, but easy
to see how Clojure can be more expressive.
public static Map flipMap(Map map)
Map result = new HashMap(map.size());
for (K key : map.keys()) {
I have a vector containing three macro calls. The third macro relies
on the first having been fully evaluated.
I want to define a macro to declare these three macros in order
Call my vector 'stuff' then the following code inside a macro works
(doall [(eval (get stuff 0)) (eval (get stuff 1
BTW, shouldn't this "user.clj" trick be marked as deprecated, to be removed
in a future version ?
2010/9/19 Kevin Downey
> you can also run into issues with things being on the classpath for
> your project, but not being on the classpath for lein, but user.clj
> being on the classpath for both,
Yeah this doesn't happen on using lazy-seq. Thanks!
On Sep 20, 8:52 am, "Stephen C. Gilardi" wrote:
> On Sep 19, 2010, at 3:45 PM, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
> > I simulated a similar recursive call and found it
> > throws StackOverflowError at 5508 levels deep on a 32-bit Sun JVM (not
> >
Thanks Jason, this is great.
I was confused earlier because I wasn't seeing reflection warnings,
but it turns out that was only because I was evaluating the function
definitions in the emacs buffer, and the warnings weren't visible.
I have a question about gaussian-matrix3 though. What is "aset-
On 20 September 2010 14:55, Jeff Rose wrote:
> I'd recommend taking a look at the implementation of dotrace (last
> function in the file):
> http://github.com/richhickey/clojure-contrib/blob/master/src/main/clojure/clojure/contrib/trace.clj
clojure and clojure-contrib have moved from github.com
On Sep 20, 2010, at 8:27 AM, Bart J wrote:
> Currently, it is not possible to insert duplicate rows
> using the clojure.contrib.sql module (specifically, the
> insert-values method).
> Please let me know, if I can add this.
> Thanks.
Are you saying you want to end up with duplicate rows or
just a few days ago I started considering GAE for a (pet-)project.
Being able to develop in Clojure on GAE seems like a valuable goal to
me. For example, take a look at http://the-deadline.appspot.com which
was written that way.
So it might be a good idea to avoid creating threads automatica
We are developing a data warehouse to facilitate reporting and data
mining for cash register transaction data. It seems like many people
in the Clojure community have data warehouse experience, so I wanted
to ask for advice from people who have already done this before.
Which libraries, data
I'd recommend taking a look at the implementation of dotrace (last
function in the file):
It let-binds a wrapper function for each of the functions you want to
trace, so that within the context of
Currently, it is not possible to insert duplicate rows
using the clojure.contrib.sql module (specifically, the
insert-values method).
Please let me know, if I can add this.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this grou
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 1:41 AM, Mike Meyer
> It already exists - it's clojure.contrib.trace (or was - it may have
> moved in 1.2). Usage is (dotrace [foo ...] (expression)) and it traces
> the foo and ... functions while evaluating (expression).
While we're at it, let me ask you a questi
If you have a fixed geometry of cells, it is quite easy to have one
ref per cell.
Which reduce a lot of contention.
For example, on a grid where ant can go instead of representing the
world as a ref
to a matrix, you can represent the world as a matrix of refs.
Those refs can then be update concur
Small request from a Clojure/Lisp-newbie:
I wrote an article on interactive programming in order to really "get"
REPL / interactive work.
This style of development is new to me so I'm looking for any
suggestions you might have for improvement/aspects which I've
The article (+
45 matches
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