I found in the Java Preferences -> Advanced ->Enable Tracing and
Enable Logging were checked.
I unchecked them and also reset all JVMs to their defaults, using the
reset button :)
And it works, my line numbers get generated by the JVM and I can debug
in NetBeans
On Sep 3, 9:12 pm, Bokeh
I will wait for the windows installer .
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hello Emeka,
> Am 03.09.2009 um 18:01 schrieb Emeka:
> I am still waiting for the day I could start off using vimclojure on my
>> PC. Is vimclojure ready for my environment? An
On 4 Sep 2009, at 07:04, Stuart Sierra wrote:
> Or, more simply, Python is an interpreter, Clojure is a compiler. So
> Clojure's "eval" actually compiles the form into Java bytecode, then
> executes it.
I'd say both Python and Clojure are somewhere in between the classical
extremes of "interp
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Stuart
Sierra wrote:
> On Sep 3, 9:26 am, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
>> I don't think so. Python and Clojure are quite different languages.
>> Python is much more dynamic, with variable lookup happening at
>> runtime.
> Or, more simply, Python is an interpret
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 4:01 AM, James Sofra wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not familiar with the Python code.interact() thing and what it
> does so I may be missing something but if you are looking to do
> debugging is there a reason you can't use a Java debugger to debug
> your Clojure code? (I
reading the docs for atom turned out to make sense, now :-)
having the discussion helped set the stage in my head for groking i
think, thanks!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Compojure's default view syntax looks great (same idea as Yaw's EHTML: It allows one to "stay in
I found an example of integrating StringTemplate (and Hibernate) with
Is there more example of int
On Sep 3, 9:26 am, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
> I don't think so. Python and Clojure are quite different languages.
> Python is much more dynamic, with variable lookup happening at
> runtime.
Or, more simply, Python is an interpreter, Clojure is a compiler. So
Clojure's "eval" actually compiles t
The problem is, I think, that everyone will have a slightly different
definition of "interactive environment." If I run
java ... clojure.main path/to/file.clj
does that count? What about
java ... my.compiled.namespace
? Or what about a REPL thread inside another application? Or a
Not to distract from the talk on how to achieve these things in
Clojure but I really want to second Stuart's recommendation of
StringTemplate, it really is a great library and is seamless to use
from Clojure.
I would recommend it for any templating needs, not just HTML views, in
fact I have used
I am not familiar with the Python code.interact() thing and what it
does so I may be missing something but if you are looking to do
debugging is there a reason you can't use a Java debugger to debug
your Clojure code? (I have heard some people have had success for
JSwat.) I guess that is not
Actually I was just doing a load-file from the Repl.
I'm currently trying the Netbeans Enclojure plugin but same results.
In Enclojure, I'm using the same code, except it's called from the
generated -main function.
It compiles and runs just fine, it's just not possible to set
breakpoints for som
I'm finding some situations in my projects where I want to know if the
code is running from an interactive environment or not.
It would be great if environment developers could agree on a convention
to signal this. I suggest something like an *environment* variable that
would be bound to a strin
OK! Thanks for the responses.
-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stuart Sierra
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 8:23 PM
To: Clojure
Subject: Re: Importing All from java package?
On Sep 3, 6:31 pm, Gorsal wrote:
> Hello! I
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Fredrik Appelberg <> wrote:
> I've just released the first tentative version of Clojureshell. It's a
> simple maven plugin that allows you to easily start a clojure REPL or run a
> Swank server in the context of any maven project.
On Sep 3, 9:15 pm, ngocdaothanh wrote:
> What do you mean "Swank server"? Could you explain about that?
Swank is the "back-end" of SLIME, the interactive Lisp programming
environment for Emacs.
SLIME is written in Emacs Lisp and runs inside the Emacs process.
Swank runs in the Lisp process, wh
Great post - makes me feel rather slack for not (yet) blogging my own
Pull me down under...
Sent from Auckland, Auk, New Zealand
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Stuart Sierra
> Looking forward to adding this to my (just started) blog series on
> Clojure-Maven:
> http://stuarts
Cool, I've meaning to reply to your post about merging that into
maven-clojure-plugin but have been snowed under at $work this week. I've
never actually looked at swank but from what I understand of it it'd be darn
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 4:40 AM, Fredrik Appelberg <
I don't know about JSwat, but I know that code entered directly at the
REPL (or eval'ed from SLIME) doesn't have line numbers.
On Sep 3, 5:25 pm, Bokeh Sensei wrote:
> I can't get JSwat to display and break on lines in my Clojure code.
> Does anybody knows how this works?
> What files, outp
On Sep 3, 6:31 pm, Gorsal wrote:
> Hello! I was just wandering if it was possible to import all from a
> java package . For example, in java i can do
> import org.eclipse.jface.text.*;
This is not supported right now. I don't think it's likely in the
future, either.
Cool! I'm glad to see people working on more/better Clojure-Maven
integration. This is an important piece of the puzzle.
Looking forward to adding this to my (just started) blog series on
On Sep 3, 12:40 pm, Fredrik Appe
What do you mean "Swank server"? Could you explain about that?
On Sep 4, 1:40 am, Fredrik Appelberg
> Hello everyone,
> I've just released the first tentative version of Clojureshell. It's a
> simple maven plugin that allows you to easily start a clojure REPL or run a
> Swank server in
Using a map of keywords is a good solution, but I think it is somewhat
just boilerplate code to satisfy the compiler, not to satisfy
developers (yes, human). In view we have to write (:my-var map)
everywhere. Is there a better way, something like lazy variable
binding or lazy function binding?
I'm pretty sure that you need to either name each class you want to
import inside your :import form or you need to import the package and
then each use of the classes in that package need to be manually
resolved (e.g. org.eclipse.jface/IDocument). Though I never have been
able to use the ns macro
Hello! I was just wandering if it was possible to import all from a
java package . For example, in java i can do
import org.eclipse.jface.text.*;
And i can use IDocument, which is contained under
In clojure, I try
(ns ParenMatcher
Im also not getting Clojure when calling :nmap,
n * /<+.\{-1,}+>c/+>/e
n \gp * :GitPullRebase
n \gc * :GitCommit
n \gA * :GitAdd
n \ga * :GitAdd
n \gl * :GitLog
n \gs * :GitStatus
n \gD * :GitDiff --cached
n \gd * :
I can't get JSwat to display and break on lines in my Clojure code.
Does anybody knows how this works?
What files, output could I verify to get myself out of this problem?
(I can get attach JSwat to a Repl, no problem, can pause it and
continue it)
Hi Meikel,
I think you did a fantastic job with VimClojure!
It's really what has gotten me started with Clojure and back to Java.
I had very carefully read your instructions, including the README.txt,
but still managed to not get it to work at first.
Of course I was the one that screwed up! Prob
Am 03.09.2009 um 17:20 schrieb Nik Kolev:
+ I open a clojure module that depends (directly or indirectly on
the aforementioned jar artifacts [1])
+ When I do that I get the syntax highlighting and the omni-
This is good sign.
+ But I don't get any of the 'vimclojure comman
Hello Emeka,
Am 03.09.2009 um 18:01 schrieb Emeka:
I am still waiting for the day I could start off using vimclojure on
my PC. Is vimclojure ready for my environment? And is it easy to
I'm using a Windows setup at work and works without much trouble.
Currently the setup is a bit
Am 03.09.2009 um 17:42 schrieb MarkSwanson:
1. For some reason (and only with vimclojure) I used the tilde (~) in
my classpath. It simply didn't work. When I used full pathnames it
worked.Maybe the symbolic links in my path caused problems with this.
Do not use tildes. Tilde is a shell th
Does anyone have an example of how to call ANTLR from Clojure? I
imagine that it is not that difficult using the Java interop features,
but my Java skills are pathetic.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the
Hello everyone,
I've just released the first tentative version of Clojureshell. It's a
simple maven plugin that allows you to easily start a clojure REPL or run a
Swank server in the context of any maven project. This means that maven does
all the dependency management heavy lifting; all runtime d
Hello Meikel,
I am still waiting for the day I could start off using vimclojure on my PC.
Is vimclojure ready for my environment? And is it easy to install?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
I also want to say thanks for making vimclojure.
I'm just getting back into Lisp/Scheme/Clojure after not touching a
Lisp dialect or emacs for 10 years. Because it's on just about every
default Linux install, I've become very familiar and efficient in vim
and I didn't want to re-learn emacs (may
On Sep 3, 12:09 pm, MarkSwanson wrote:
> Hmm. I just spent some time writing about what I got stuck on and my
> solutions
> and suggestions but Google lost it all when I clicked submit.
Ok... I did wait a bit and refresh the page a couple of times. I guess
I just didn't wait long enough. Sorry f
Hmm. I just spent some time writing about what I got stuck on and my
and suggestions but Google lost it all when I clicked submit.
Here is an abbreviated post:
First, thanks for writing vimclojure! I think it's great!
1. README.txt contains incorrect information about what jar files a
I had trouble installing it too. Here is exactly what my problems were
and my solutions:
NOTE: Meikel -> Thank you for writing vimclojure! I think it's great!
Please accept these issues from the perspective of someone who is
trying to help you make vimclojure better.
1. For some reason (and only
I just release version 1.4 of ACB.
++ Customized version of SciTE 2.01. It's accept \n in tooltips and
have a simple clojure lexer (don't use lisp lexer any more).
++ Better SciTE autocomplete (recognize ?,- and others keyword
++ Now you can resize file explorer in SciTE (
not sure whether I am doing something wrong, but for a project with many jar
artifacts [1] that have to be classpath-fed to nailgun I need to armwrestle
vim(clojure) to start honoring the mappings and calling into vimclojure's
(version 2.1.2) guts and onto nailgun...
Here's what I mean by armwrest
I got vimclojure working after some pain. Perhaps checking out how I
have things set up will help:
br...@milo:~/clojure$ ls
clojure clojure-contrib programs slime swank-clojure
br...@milo:~/clojure$ pwd
I put the command to start nailgun into an exe
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
> On 3 Sep 2009, at 14:43, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
>> Is there a way to get the list of symbols bound locally and to access
>> their values?
> I don't think so. Python and Clojure are quite different languages.
> Python is much more d
I believe the way this works in rails has to do with the order in
which variables are resolved. In this case, @name is an instance
variable that's already been assigned elsewhere (your controller).
Rails loads the view after the controller class has been instantiated.
For this to work, the view is
On 3 Sep 2009, at 14:43, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> Is there a way to get the list of symbols bound locally and to access
> their values?
I don't think so. Python and Clojure are quite different languages.
Python is much more dynamic, with variable lookup happening at
runtime. In Clojure, onl
Check out, a Java template library with a
functional design.
On Sep 3, 8:42 am, ngocdaothanh wrote:
> Hi,
> In Rails you can create a view like this:
> my_view.erb:
> <%= "hello" + @name %>
> I'm new to Clojure. I want to create something like the above like
> t
On Sep 2, 5:27 pm, Phil Hagelberg wrote:
> Hello!
> I've backported contrib's logging.clj library to work with Clojure
> 1.0. It was just a handful of modifications wrt how the import function
> worked.
> I'd like to get it included in the clojure-1.0-compat branch of
> contrib. Sha
Oops, accidentally sent the post before it was ready. Oh, well...
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to
Note that posts from new
On Sep 3, 3:42 pm, ngocdaothanh wrote:
> Hi,
> In Rails you can create a view like this:
> my_view.erb:
> <%= "hello" + @name %>
> I'm new to Clojure. I want to create something like the above like
> this:
> (defn my-view []
> (str "hello" name))
> The point is:
> * name is not known
The function returns a map with the keys being word pairs and the
value being a single word. It is a component of a larger program.
user=> (generate-chain "a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
{("the" "lazy") ("dog"), ("over" "the") ("lazy"), ("jumps" "over")
("the"), ("fox" "jumps") ("ove
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Aaron Brooks wrote:
> Rich, Chouser or other Clojure group admin,
> It may be helpful to put the search link in the currently unused
> welcome message section of the group "Home" page.
I've also seen that area used to mention the potential delay
to first-ti
I had a suspicion that something similar to this might be happening.
As I said in the first message, including a doall on the filters
prevented the issue from happening. I will relay this info back to my
friend. Thanks for the help.
On Sep 3, 12:04 am, John Harrop wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at
thanks everyone for replies,
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Konrad Hinsen
> On 3 Sep 2009, at 08:24, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> > user=> (let [x 1] (eval '(inc x)))
> > java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context
> >
> > (on a freshl
In Rails you can create a view like this:
<%= "hello" + @name %>
I'm new to Clojure. I want to create something like the above like
(defn my-view []
(str "hello" name))
The point is:
* name is not known when my-view is defined
* I don't want to pass name as a argument
On 3 Sep 2009, at 08:24, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> user=> (let [x 1] (eval '(inc x)))
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context
> (on a freshly downloaded&compiled clojure from github)
> According to my understanding of
On Sep 3, 9:24 am, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a Clojure newbie (many thanks to Rich Hickey and everyone involved
> - it's a great programming environment) and I have some trouble with
> 'eval'.
> What I'm trying is:
> $ java -cp clojure.jar clojure.lang.Repl
> Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-
You need to unquote the x to get its value from the let. You can do
that with the tilde character inside syntax quotes:
user=> (let [x 1] (eval `(inc ~x)))
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Miron Brezuleanu wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a Clojure newbie (many thanks to Rich Hickey and everyone invol
I'm a Clojure newbie (many thanks to Rich Hickey and everyone involved
- it's a great programming environment) and I have some trouble with
What I'm trying is:
$ java -cp clojure.jar clojure.lang.Repl
Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
user=> (let [x 1] (eval '(inc x)))
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