Hi, Am 03.09.2009 um 17:42 schrieb MarkSwanson:
1. For some reason (and only with vimclojure) I used the tilde (~) in my classpath. It simply didn't work. When I used full pathnames it worked.Maybe the symbolic links in my path caused problems with this.
Do not use tildes. Tilde is a shell thing, which might be expanded or not. Even in the shell only the first tilde is expanded:
% echo ~/foo:~/bar /Users/mb/foo:~/barAlways use full or relative paths, but no shellism. This is actually not a Vim issue.
2. Nowhere is it documented what jar files must be in the classpath for vimclojure to work. Actually, the README.txt file gives incorrect information about this: <quote> To run the Nailgun server you need the clojure.jar, clojure- contrib.jar and vimclojure.jar in your Classpath </quote> As your post above shows you actually need: vimclojure.jar clojure-1.0.0.jar clojure-contrib-pprint-919.jar clojure-contrib-def-919.jar
No. The README is correct. Use these three jar files and vimclojure will work. Whether there is a version number in the jar depends on how you obtain your jarfile. The split contrib jars come from the Ivy configuration. That is provided by me as an occasional patch to the clojure and contrib repos (see my fork on github). However these are not official since the Ivy configuration is not part of the official clojure or contrib repos. So the official jar for contrib is a single monolithic file.
If you use Ivy, vimclojure has everything available to run. If you don't use Ivy, you have to make sure, that all necessary dependencies are available. I usually add a private configuration depending on vimclojure. Then Ivy takes care to put everything necessary in the projects lib directory.
Also, bin/ng-server is also confusing. I can see it's trying to set jars automatically, but because it states: <quote> The path to a directory containing (either directly or as symbolic links) jar files and/or directories whose paths should be in Clojure's classpath. </quote> I thought it was a generic setting used to set _all_ jar files that should be in Clojure's classpath. This didn't seem to have anything to do with getting vim-clojure actually working. I suggest something like: VIMCLOJURE_DIR -> contains build/vimclojure- source.jar and lib/clojure*jar files. and then CLOJURE_EXT would be for _Clojure-specific_ (vs vimclojure- specific) jar files.
You are right. The ng-server in its current form is rather hacky. I'm about to clean that up. Justin Johnson is also working on a similar script for Windows (together with his installer). So installation issues are on the agenda. :)
No vimclojure docs state how to create the vim help files. You explained this clearly above. Please include that in the README: The pipes are a marker for Vim's online help system. Run ':helptags ~/.vim/doc' after installing the Vim plugin of VC to regenerate the tags file.
Yes. I will add a note. Maybe I can run that automatically with "ant install". Vim can get crumpy when run as an "interpreter" if you don't take care.....
Actually, this did not work for me. Nothing happened, and I can't view any help for |sr|. I have ~/.vim/doc/clojure.txt Hmm. After running :helptags ~/.vim/doc I actually have a tags file there. Yet I can't get it to work. Normally in VIM you should CTRL-] when your cursor is between the || symbols. Your instructions of CTRL-> do not work either. ???
Hmmm.. After running ":helptags ~/.vim/doc" ":help sr" works for me.
Furthermore, your README and clojure.txt files do not give an example on what to type to actually use vimclojure! I've been using vi/vim for20 years and have never heard of <LocalLeader>. Also, maplocalleaderis badly documented IMHO as the vim docs don't even say what the default value is or how one can even find out what the default value is.
As an unfortunate coincidence the maplocalleader doc ends up at the top of the screen. This hides the mapleader documentation (which is referenced from maplocalleader doc), which explains things more clearly. I will add a note also for the mapleader documentation.
Please provide a small section that shows exactly what to type like this: 1. vi test.clj (only files ending in .clj will work) 2. \sr (type the backslash once - the backslash is the <LocalLeader>) 3. That's it. You should see the screen split into two. At the top you should see the REPL. 4. ESC (to get out of insert mode) CTRL-W CTRL-W (switch between top/ bottom)
I plan to do another screencast showing off some features to get people started. Up to now, that was a victim of lacking spare time, though....
Again, I really like what you have done with vimclojure!
Thank you for the feedback. I'll take this seriously and see how things can be improved.
Sincerely Meikel
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