Re: Concerns About Pushing Clojure 1.0.0 to Maven Central Repo?

2009-05-17 Thread Stefan Hübner
I've submitted the Maven bundle for Clojure 1.0.0 to Processing the request might take a couple of days. Once the bundle is uploaded to Central, one of the following two snippets can be used to declare a dependency to Clojure: org.clojure c

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 18.05.2009, at 08:05, Mark Engelberg wrote: > David, that seems to work. I think I can achieve my objectives with > this strategy. David provided a much better implementation of the idea that I had for this. I hadn't thought of the "load" function. > However, I must admit, I find it rath

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
BTW, for those of you interested in reading academic papers about modules in functional programming langs, I found this list of articles: I remember reading about PLT Scheme's units several years ago, and I think it's pretty much what I'm looking for, with the a

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 17.05.2009, at 21:24, Mark Engelberg wrote: > For many years, my primary language for doing these sorts of programs > has been Python. In my first pass, I just have a bunch of functions > in a file with global variables at the top. For exploring simple > changes, I can just import a file and

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
David, that seems to work. I think I can achieve my objectives with this strategy. However, I must admit, I find it rather unsettling that collections of functions written inside of namespaces are fundamentally less composable than those that are not. It means that to remain extensible, I need

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread David Nolen
Oops your right. Perhaps this will work for you then. ;; gravity.clj (note we don't define an ns) ;; === (def *gravity* 1.0) (defn say-grav [grav] (prn "Gravity is:" grav)) (defn halve-grav [] (/ *gravity* 2.0)) (defn mult-grav [x] (* *gravity* x))

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 8:12 PM, David Nolen wrote: > Have you looked at the immigrate function in Compojure? This imports public > vars from a different namespace into a namespace as if they were defined > there.  Maybe this is enough to get the behavior that you want? Not really. Consider the

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread David Nolen
Have you looked at the immigrate function in Compojure? This imports public vars from a different namespace into a namespace as if they were defined there. Maybe this is enough to get the behavior that you want? On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote: > > On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 2:

Re: Override the + operator for a 'struct'

2009-05-17 Thread bradford cross
On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 1:40 PM, <> wrote: > > On May 17, 1:14 am, "Michel S." wrote: > > In Clojure, it is possible to do the former -- (def orig+ +) -- but it > > appears that overriding a clojure.core definition is not possible. I'd > > love

Re: Best practices for Slime with Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Craig McDaniel
Hi Glen, Everybody seems to have their own approach. I use a run-slime wrapper emacs function discussed here: Here is the emacs code I use: (defun reset-swank () "Because changing swank-clojure-extra

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 2:18 PM, mikel wrote: > I'm still not quite clear on exactly what you're trying to accomplish. > You showed how to accomplish your purpose in Clojure, but then > suggested that the result was not 'clean'. It's not quite clear what > you mean by 'clean'--that is, what featu

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi Mark, Not sure if this helps, but I've found it useful to mediate access to global vars through a single function. Then I can swap in another function to change the behavior. Here's an example from (defn get-property-function [name] (System/getProperty name)) (d

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread mikel
On May 17, 2:24 pm, Mark Engelberg wrote: > Thanks for your questions.  I'll try to explain better. I'm still not quite clear on exactly what you're trying to accomplish. You showed how to accomplish your purpose in Clojure, but then suggested that the result was not 'clean'. It's not quite cl

Re: Override the + operator for a 'struct'

2009-05-17 Thread
On May 17, 1:14 am, "Michel S." wrote: > In Clojure, it is possible to do the former -- (def orig+ +) -- but it > appears that overriding a clojure.core definition is not possible. I'd > love to be wrong on this, though. > > user=> (def + -) > java.lang.Exception: Name conflict, can't def + becau

Re: Clojure and Jacob

2009-05-17 Thread Emeka
Meikel > (def c (.. Dispatch (call ws "Cells" 1 1) (toDispatch))) > Here you retrieve the actual cell. If I have file "hello.xls" already and I have say 'Emeka at Cell 1 1, using the above line could I get 'Emeka . Regards, Emeka On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote: > Hi

Re: Clojure and Jacob

2009-05-17 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer
Hi Emeka, Am 17.05.2009 um 21:59 schrieb janus: I can't figure out how to read cells with Jacob. I need a help. I'm totally sorry. I forgot to answer your pm. :| This is the example you quoted. And there you already have the solution. (import '( Dispatch ComThread)) (def xl (

Clojure and Jacob

2009-05-17 Thread janus
Hello All, I can't figure out how to read cells with Jacob. I need a help. Emeka --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsu

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Mark Engelberg
Thanks for your questions. I'll try to explain better. First, I'll explain that my line of work is to build tools to generate puzzles. I often have a module which generates the puzzles through various random processes, using certain probabilities and parameters. Then, I have another module that

Re: Classpath problem with r1369 ?

2009-05-17 Thread Paul Mooser
Is anyone having contrary results, or does anyone know of a way to call add-classpath and have it actually work with an up-to-date trunk build of clojure ? This basically breaks my common usage of clojure, because it requires me to pass all class paths to the app upon launching, which isn't always

Re: list vs vector

2009-05-17 Thread Mark Volkmann
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Vagif Verdi wrote: > > What are the use case scenarios where one is preferable to the other > in clojure ? A lot of good points have been raised in this thread. A minor point to add is that literal vectors are a bit easier to pick out in code than literal lists.

Re: new Clojure presentation

2009-05-17 Thread Mark Volkmann
On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Timothy Pratley wrote: > >> the link at the bottom of the page. Feedback is welcomed! > > Really excellent Mark! Thanks Tim! -- R. Mark Volkmann Object Computing, Inc. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Rich Hickey
On May 16, 10:45 pm, Mark Engelberg wrote: > So I've built a file/namespace with several functions. There are > several globals defined at the top of the file (for example, > *gravity*) which many of the functions refer to. I made them globals > precisely because it would have been a pain to

Re: Feedback on new persistentmatrix datatype

2009-05-17 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 16.05.2009, at 15:53, aperotte wrote: > Yes Anand, I'm worried about that. What I think the solution should > be is to allow mutability in the implementation of algorithms in the > java back end for the reasons you mentioned, but a clean immutable > interface on the clojure side. When users

Re: Question about building modular code in Clojure

2009-05-17 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson
Hi Mark, I've used the following macro to achieve something like what you're doing; In the file/namespace module (say eg_globs/fns.clj); (ns eg-globs.fns) (declare *gravity*) (defmacro with-grav [grav & body] `(let [gr# ~grav] (binding [*gravity* gr#] ~...@body))) (defn say-gra

Re: Override the + operator for a 'struct'

2009-05-17 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 17.05.2009, at 03:43, bradford cross wrote: > First item of business - there are no operators, operators are > functions. > > I think the Clojure way to do this is via multimethods: http:// > > > I might just be naive, but it seems like more of core would need to

Re: Override the + operator for a 'struct'

2009-05-17 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer
Hi, Am 17.05.2009 um 03:43 schrieb bradford cross: First item of business - there are no operators, operators are functions. I think the Clojure way to do this is via multimethods: I might just be naive, but it seems like more of core would need to be impl

Re: error-kit + test-is

2009-05-17 Thread Dan Larkin
Sorry for the necro, but I just started using error-kit and read this thread for the first time today. Both error-kit (errors no longer inherit from *error* AFAICT) and test- is (the report function syntax) have changed since David last posted a working function, so I've updated it work with