On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 8:12 PM, David Nolen <dnolen.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have you looked at the immigrate function in Compojure? This imports public
> vars from a different namespace into a namespace as if they were defined
> there.  Maybe this is enough to get the behavior that you want?
Not really.  Consider the following:
(ns testns1)
(def a 2)
(defn b [] a)

(ns testns2)
(immigrate 'testns1)
; Let's try to redefine global variable a
(def a 4)

(testns2/b) will still return 2.  That's because even though b has
been "immigrated" to the testns2 namespace, the var a in the body of b
still refers to testns1/a.

So no, I don't really see how immigrate helps.

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