On 29.04.2009, at 21:44, samppi wrote:
> Could someone give me a simple example of when
> clojure.contrib.accumulators is useful? Its use seems to involve
> collections (and numbers) that have the :clojure.contrib.accumulators/
> accumulator type, and it has some general multimethods for adding a
Cool, I think I'll stick to my current one which lets me easily use multiple
replacements in one call.
Discouragement is a dissatisfaction with the past, a distaste for the
present, and a distrust of the future - Maree De Jong, Life Church New
Sent from Auckland
I see what you mean, does seem like a useful addition:
(defn update [m k f & args]
(assoc m k (apply f (k m) args)))
(update {:foo 0} :foo inc)
(assoc {:foo 0} :foo (inc (:foo {:foo 0})))
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 7:13 PM, mifrai wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply and I understand that
Mark Derricutt wrote:
> Does clojure come with a built-in regex replace method? I see ones for
> re-split, re-seq etc. but nothing for a simple replace, I've been using:
> (defn replace-all
> [st reps]
> (reduce #(.replaceAll %1 (first %2) (second %2)) st reps))
There is re-gsub in clojur
2009/4/30 Stuart Sierra :
> On Apr 29, 5:58 pm, Stu Hood wrote:
>> Instead of attaching the metadata directly to the object, what if the
>> metadata was stored outside the object, in a global map of {object metadata,
>> ...}? In order to handle garbage collection, something similar to Java
Does clojure come with a built-in regex replace method? I see ones for
re-split, re-seq etc. but nothing for a simple replace, I've been using:
(defn replace-all
[st reps]
(reduce #(.replaceAll %1 (first %2) (second %2)) st reps))
but wondered if I was just missing some builtin?
incidentally, I seem to remember that the enclojure netbeans plugin does all
this for you, and even outputs the exact command you need to run to execute.
a default project starts with such a -main. That said, it's probably not a
good way to really understand what's going on ... if that's a goal.
On Apr 29, 5:58 pm, Stu Hood wrote:
> Instead of attaching the metadata directly to the object, what if the
> metadata was stored outside the object, in a global map of {object metadata,
> ...}? In order to handle garbage collection, something similar to Java's
> WeakHashMap could be used, with t
Baring server hickups it checks for updates once an hour.
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 7:20 AM, Cosmin Stejerean wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Kevin O'Neill wrote:
>> no you have that the wrong way around. windows sucks :)
>> if you dont want to (or can't) use git-svn i mainta
Thanks for the quick reply and I understand that's the functionality
of it.
But just like get-in is the recursive form of get - I'm just wondering
why there's no singular form of update-in.
I know it's not much more work to go (update-in map [:single-key] conj
3) - but from experience there tend
Because update-in can use any function to do the update.
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 6:54 PM, mifrai wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering why there was no "update" to "update-in"? But there is
> an "assoc" to "assoc-in" and a "get" to a "get-in".
> - Mike
> >
I was wondering why there was no "update" to "update-in"? But there is
an "assoc" to "assoc-in" and a "get" to a "get-in".
- Mike
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Clojure" group.
To post to this
Hi, I was wondering if there's a drop function somewhere in contrib
that work for strings. I didn't found any so I wrote my own:
(defn drop-str
([s] (drop-str 1 s))
([n s] (apply str (drop n (seq s)
This is not really fast, a better version would be something like
(defn drop-str [
I've just posted the second part of my monads tutorial at:
I need to proof it further, so if you see problems with content,
grammar or spelling. Comment here or send me an email.
Hey gang,
Metadata support for pure Java objects is not currently supported, because
it requires a modification to the object. Additionally, only some Clojure
objects support metadata, due to the necessity of implementing the IMeta
interface. This can be confusing for new users, and eliminates som
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Kevin O'Neill wrote:
> no you have that the wrong way around. windows sucks :)
> if you dont want to (or can't) use git-svn i maintain a mirror on git
> hub (http://github.com/kevinoneill/clojure/tree/master).
Thanks for maintaining that, it's what I always
no you have that the wrong way around. windows sucks :)
if you dont want to (or can't) use git-svn i maintain a mirror on git
hub (http://github.com/kevinoneill/clojure/tree/master).
On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Rayne wrote:
> Git still sucks on windows :\
> On Apr 28, 11:04 am, St
2009/4/29 Stephen C. Gilardi :
> On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
>> Ok - patch welcome ASAP (not singling out you Laurent :)
> I've entered an issue and provided a patch:
> http://code.google.com/p/clojure/issues/detail?id=112
That was quick ! :-)
For those on OS X -- who probably don't want the default MacRoman --
or anyone else who wants to override the system default, I wanted to
point out that setting the "file.encoding" system property when
invoking java (e.g. `java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ... clojure.main`)
will set the encoding for in,
Could someone give me a simple example of when
clojure.contrib.accumulators is useful? Its use seems to involve
collections (and numbers) that have the :clojure.contrib.accumulators/
accumulator type, and it has some general multimethods for adding and
combining, but what does it add that conj and
On Apr 29, 1:24 pm, "Stephen C. Gilardi" wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
> > Ok - patch welcome ASAP (not singling out you Laurent :)
> I've entered an issue and provided a patch:
Patch applied - r
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
I somehow managed to compile my first clojure program, generating a
class file that I could run using java.
I started with the overview provided by Stuart Sierra, and read the
article pointed by Raphaël. Didn't work at first, but after some trial
and error, it
Am 29.04.2009 um 19:07 schrieb Meikel Brandmeyer:
- here (I feel a little uncomfortable with that, but as long as
the "I can't get SLIME to work" thread show up, it's ok, I
A fourth place is now the VimClojure Google Group:
I'd like to add how great I think VimClojure is. It's truly an
amazing environment and I don't think I'd be able to enjoy clojure as
much without it. I'm too committed to vim to learn emacs for a new
language. Thanks a lot Meikel!
On Apr 29, 10:13 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
Baishampayan Ghose writes:
> Can you kindly share your working dotfiles and enlighten me?
I use M-x clojure-install plus (clojure-slime-config), since I wrote
it. This this is _all_ you need for projects that don't have
dependencies on third-party jars.
For some other projects, I've been using
I will be there too.
On Apr 29, 11:16 am, Stuart Sierra
> Hi, Clojurians,
> I'll be talking about my work with Clojure at LispNYC on Tuesday, May
> 12. Time (evening) & location to be announced. Slides and
> (hopefully) video available after.
> Possible topics:
> * Clojure with Java
Not really, he just needs decent instructions. :p I don't know a line
of Java. I figured it out. :)
On Apr 29, 9:15 am, Stuart Sierra wrote:
> Hi Santanu,
> Unfortunately, this is not a well-documented area, but it is
> possible. Here's the high-level view, but don't expect these
> instructions
On Apr 29, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
Ok - patch welcome ASAP (not singling out you Laurent :)
I've entered an issue and provided a patch:
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Hi Adrian,
Am 29.04.2009 um 07:00 schrieb Adrian Cuthbertson:
In the absence of an issue tracker at this time, could I mention the
following relating to indenting;
(defn xxx
"Some stuff...
(defmacro xxx
"Some stuff...
(defroutes xxx
"Some stuf...
This can be configured us
I'm liking what I've seen so far of vimclojure. One request is to have
the preview window stay up all the time and keep adding to it with the
\ef, \et, \eb, etc. commands. Having it come and go is distracting to
My $0.02
On Apr 29, 12:07 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
Am 29.04.2009 um 04:42 schrieb Johan Berntsson:
I've been emailing directly to Meikel, but perhaps a issue tracker of
some kind would be good? It is of course up to Meikel, and VimClojure
is already good enough for me to use for all my Clojure hacking
(including some paid work).
As for bu
Thanks for the replies so far. Phil, I'll look into mire - I like
that it is broken into steps to show the progression.
Laurent - Thanks for the info I'll put that change in tonight when I'm
out from behind this firewall.
On Apr 29, 12:25 pm, Phil Hagelberg wrote:
> Chris McClellen writes:
On Apr 29, 9:25 am, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Yes, not fixing it before 1.0 would be the kind of thing that people
> willing to make FUD on clojure would exploit really easily with great
> success:
> "clojure does not even handle encoding problems well"
Ok - patch welcome ASAP (not singling o
Here's a .emacs snippet that works for me:
;; SLIME setup (clojure)
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/slime/") ; your SLIME directory
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/") ; clojure-mode.el is here
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/swank-clojure") ; swank-clojure directory
(setq swank-cloju
See repl.clj in the files section. I've embedded it in a few of my
apps, and it's quite nice.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegroups
Chris McClellen writes:
> I ended up writing a chat server in clojure, thats weighs in at about
> 189 lines of code (not counting comments and blank lines). I am
> fairly new to clojure so I was hoping people could take a look at it
> and give constructive comments about what I did right and wh
IMHO, the slowdown comes from allocation:
(apply merge-with concat (map (fn [x] {(key-fn x) [x]}) s))
you build a map containing a vector, plus a seq (merge-with calls seq on each
argument) for each item before performing a reduction which calls assoc and
In seq-to-multimap you o
On Apr 29, 11:21 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
> I'll be there - looking forward to it!
Ooh, pressure. Guess I gotta make it good.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Clojure" group.
To post to this group,
Thanks Jason.
merge-with seems to be made to support a function like this, I wonder
where is the slowdown coming from? Is apply slow?
I named your version seq-to-multimap2. The timing results are below:
user> (def a (reverse (take 10 (iterate (fn [x] (rand-int 100))
2009/4/29 Stuart Sierra :
> Hi, Clojurians,
> I'll be talking about my work with Clojure at LispNYC on Tuesday, May
> 12. Time (evening) & location to be announced. Slides and
> (hopefully) video available after.
Excellent, keep us informed when the video are available!
Have a nice talk,
On Apr 29, 11:16 am, Stuart Sierra
> Hi, Clojurians,
> I'll be talking about my work with Clojure at LispNYC on Tuesday, May
> 12. Time (evening) & location to be announced. Slides and
> (hopefully) video available after.
> Possible topics:
> * Clojure with Java libraries like Hadoo
Hi, Clojurians,
I'll be talking about my work with Clojure at LispNYC on Tuesday, May
12. Time (evening) & location to be announced. Slides and
(hopefully) video available after.
Possible topics:
* Clojure with Java libraries like Hadoop & Solr
* Deploying a web server with Clojure & Restlet
On 29 tra, 17:00, Stuart Sierra wrote:
> On Apr 29, 10:14 am, brus wrote:
> > (def AShow (proxy [Enum] ["AlwaysShow" 1]))
> I don't think you can proxy an enumeration. You can use gen-class,
> but even that doesn't work perfectly. You may need to break down and
> write some Java.
> -Stu
Thanks Christophe,
> Using a default return value, you can rewrite the (if-let...) as (conj
> (amap key ()) item).
A good point, getting clojure and clojure :)
(defn seq-to-multimap
"takes a sequence s of possibly repeating elements
and converts it to a map, where keys are obtained
by app
Not a thourough analysis of your code, but still one remark at least :
For each of your files that are part of a namespace but the main file,
you should consider placing an (in-ns 'name.of.the.loading.ns) call at
the top of the file.
This will help IDEs, and also you when you just want to r
On Apr 29, 10:14 am, brus wrote:
> (def AShow (proxy [Enum] ["AlwaysShow" 1]))
I don't think you can proxy an enumeration. You can use gen-class,
but even that doesn't work perfectly. You may need to break down and
write some Java.
-Stuart Sierra
I'm new to Clojure as well and am also writing a server. Side effects
are hard to avoid when doing things like I/O, so I wouldn't feel too
bad about it. From the looks of your code, you've done a nice job
separating things like network communication from the business logic
of your chat server. I h
On Apr 29, 1:04 pm, Santanu wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I wanted to compile a .clj clojure file into a .jar/.class file so
> that I could run it using java. (I don't know what is the actual way
> to run clojure file. So far, I have only been trying it from within
> emacs/slime).
> But I don't
There was a very recent thread on the list related to the same
On Apr 29, 7:04 am, Santanu wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I wanted to compile a .clj clojure file into a .jar/.class file so
> that I
Hi Santanu,
Unfortunately, this is not a well-documented area, but it is
possible. Here's the high-level view, but don't expect these
instructions to be sufficient:
1. Put (:gen-class) in the (ns...) declaration in your .clj file.
2. Add a -main function like: (defn -main [& args] ...)
3. Com
Hello to community.
I'm trying to convert this "jMonkey Engine" java's code to Clojure:
public class TestSimpleGame extends SimpleGame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestSimpleGame app = new TestSimpleGame();
On Apr 29, 1:01 am, Dan wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Rayne wrote:
> > Git still sucks on windows :\
> On which grounds?
> Or as wikipedia would put it [citation needed]
Yes, not fixing it before 1.0 would be the kind of thing that people
willing to make FUD on clojure would exploit really easily with great
"clojure does not even handle encoding problems well"
2009/4/29 Toralf :
> On Apr 29, 1:30 pm, David Powell wrote:
>> So, I'd like to see th
On Apr 29, 1:30 pm, David Powell wrote:
> So, I'd like to see the constants in RT.java changed to not specify UTF-8,
> but for the encoding used by
> the compiler to continue to specify UTF-8.
You received this message because you are su
git-svn has been reenabled in msysgit since one or two releases and
works well.
Luke Amdor a écrit :
> I believe git-svn doesn't work under msysgit. When I did have use git
> under windows, I used cygwin's git. It did everything that the *nix
> git could do.
> Luke
> On Apr 29, 4:03 am, Mark
On Apr 29, 2009, at 7:30 AM, David Powell wrote:
So, I'd like to see the constants in RT.java changed to not specify
UTF-8, but for the encoding used by
the compiler to continue to specify UTF-8.
Anyone have any opinions?
I think your explanation, reasoning, and conclusions are all exactly
I believe git-svn doesn't work under msysgit. When I did have use git
under windows, I used cygwin's git. It did everything that the *nix
git could do.
On Apr 29, 4:03 am, Marko Kocić wrote:
> (defn on-windows [x]
> (use "http://code.google.com/p/msysgit";)
> 'success)
> On 29 апр, 1
There seems to be two separate issues regarding character sets in Clojure:
1) What encoding should clojure use to read/write to *in*, *out*, and *err*?
2) What encoding should clojure's use to load .clj files.
For 1) Clojure currently uses UTF-8 - this is hardcoded in the constants for
Hi Everybody,
I wanted to compile a .clj clojure file into a .jar/.class file so
that I could run it using java. (I don't know what is the actual way
to run clojure file. So far, I have only been trying it from within
But I don't know how to create the .class/.jar file. I also don'
2009/4/29 Tony Hursh :
> On Apr 27, 2009, at 8:45 PM, jim wrote:
>> Hey Antonio,
>> I'm getting a similar error. I wanted to call setuid from Clojure, so
>> I followed this link's example:
>> http://www2.sys-con.com/itsg/virtualcd/Java/archives/0510/Silverman/index.html
>> to build
I wanted to write an example server in clojure to show some folks at
the office what a full from the ground up application might look like
in clojure. I wanted a non-trivial example, but not one so complex
that a new clojure user wouldn't understand it. I had ported some
decent algorithms we us
On Apr 27, 2009, at 8:45 PM, jim wrote:
> Hey Antonio,
> I'm getting a similar error. I wanted to call setuid from Clojure, so
> I followed this link's example:
> http://www2.sys-con.com/itsg/virtualcd/Java/archives/0510/Silverman/index.html
> to build a java class and a shared library. I
(defn on-windows [x]
(use "http://code.google.com/p/msysgit";)
On 29 апр, 10:55, dysinger wrote:
> Let me abstract that out a little for you :P
> (defn on-windows [x]
> (format "%s sucks on windows!" x))
> On Apr 28, 1:36 pm, Rayne wrote:
> > Git still sucks on windows :\
Let me abstract that out a little for you :P
(defn on-windows [x]
(format "%s sucks on windows!" x))
On Apr 28, 1:36 pm, Rayne wrote:
> Git still sucks on windows :\
> On Apr 28, 11:04 am, Stuart Sierra
> wrote:
> > FYI, for those interested in using Git for Clojure sources, here's
> > G
Or you can just point github.com at the svn repo.
Stuart Sierra wrote:
> FYI, for those interested in using Git for Clojure sources, here's
> Google's advice on how to use Git with Google Code:
> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2008/05/develop-with-git-on-google-code-project.html
> -SS
IMHO it would be good if there were an easy (i.e. 1-line) way of
embedding Clojure in an existing Swing app. most of the docs out there
cover embedding it in a console application, or using Swank to connect
over a socket.
Ideally, either:
JPanel panel = ...;
panel.add(new ClojureConsole(
Christophe Grand a écrit :
> Bad example:
> (-> "hello world" (.split " ") #^String second (.split "o") seq) ;
> actually works
> but not:
> (-> "hello world" (.split " ") #^String (second) (.split "o") seq) ;
> works only with the patched ->
Or I should put up and write
(-> "hello w
Bad example:
(-> "hello world" (.split " ") #^String second (.split "o") seq) ;
actually works
but not:
(-> "hello world" (.split " ") #^String (second) (.split "o") seq) ;
works only with the patched ->
Christophe Grand a écrit :
> Hello,
> Currently when you have a reflection warning in
Currently when you have a reflection warning in a -> form, you have to
split it:
clojure.core=> (-> "hello world" (.split " ") second (.split "o") seq)
Reflection warning, line: 1269 - call to split can't be resolved.
("w" "rld")
I propose to modify the -> macro to make it preserve typ
On 29.04.2009, at 01:53, Rich Hickey wrote:
> I've moved some of my notes on future features here:
> http://clojure.org/todo
- everything isa? some-root
I posted a patch for that a while ago:
70 matches
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