Oops - hit Ctrl-S too soon :(
The error is:
Loading /home/apurva/.emacs-contrib/swank-clojure/swank-clojure.el
An error has occurred while loading `/home/apurva/.emacs':
error: Error: You must specify a swank-clojure-jar-path. Please see README of
Move the swank-clojure-jar-path setting above the require of swank-
The README needs to be clearer about that.
On Sep 13, 2008, at 2:39 AM, Apurva Sharan wrote:
> I am trying out the changes - but this doesn't appear to work as
> mentioned in the README.
> This is what
I am trying out the changes - but this doesn't appear to work as mentioned in
This is what I have now in my .emacs:
(require 'clojure-mode)
(require 'clojure-auto)
(require 'swank-clojure-autoload)
(setq swank-clojure-jar-path )
When I start emacs - I get an error
- Orig
On Sep 13, 2008, at 2:00 AM, Apurva Sharan wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> I am using Clojure with Emacs+Slime on Ubuntu 8.04 and it works with
> the latest version of Clojure & Clojure-contrib from SVN.
> I based my setup on the information provided in swank-clojure.clj.
> The packages are avai
Hi Alexey,
I am using Clojure with Emacs+Slime on Ubuntu 8.04 and it works with the latest
version of Clojure & Clojure-contrib from SVN.
I based my setup on the information provided in swank-clojure.clj. The packages
are available from: http://clojure.codestuffs.com/
1. Here is what I have i
On Sep 11, 6:22 pm, "Paul Stadig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have created a debian package for clojure. I've basically packaged
> up the JAR with the bin script
> fromhttp://github.com/jochu/clojure-extra/tree/master. It's still a
> work-in-progress, but if there are any debian users out th
I've implemented a modification to the repl that hides stack traces from its output while allowing easy access to the most recent stack trace if it's desired. The idea is borrowed from other repls (Scheme48 and Gambit). Tokens that begin with a comma are treated as commands directly to the repl. Th
I want to congratulate the creators and maintainers of Clojure for
their efforts: the language, implementation, website, rationale and
inspired logo! :)
>From the rationale:
"embracing an industry-standard, open platform - the JVM; modernizing
a venerable language - Lisp; fostering functional pro
On Sep 10, 2008, at 2:40 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
> As we rapidly approach 500 members on the group (!) I thought it would
> be a good time to conduct another poll:
> What are you doing with Clojure?
Building a system for defining and manipulating movement of rigid
limbs. That involves v
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:11 PM, Mike Hinchey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Line and position for compile errors, including in the repl.
Like this?
user=> (def foo yoink)
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: yoink in this context
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: NO_SOURCE_FILE:9
> What are you doing with Clojure?
Testing java code using emacs/slime and a remote swank repl.
I'm also looking to so some semantic web and rdf work, so I'm hoping
to hear from others that have already started this type of work with
> What 3 features would you most like to see added n
On Sep 12, 12:21 pm, MikeM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Adding meta data to a lazy cons throws an NPE in line 44 of
> LazyCons.java:
> (let [lazycons (map identity (range 10))]
> (with-meta lazycons {:a 1}))
> It appears that when the LazyCons(IPersistentMap meta, Object first,
> ISeq r
Doing: learning, deciding whether clojure is appropriate for my
company projects
Would like:
1) up to date documentation. Online docs are so far behind SVN it's
not funny. Yes yes, SVN is not release, but in the beginning stages of
the project as it is things happen very fast and sticking with re
> What are you doing with Clojure?
Still learning, will try to use it in a production app soon.
> What 3 features would you most like to see added next?
I just took a look at the contrib section, and realized that a summary
of what is available is nowhere to be found (or at least not easy
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Stuart Sierra
> Hi Chris, just noticed this post. I wanted re-split to behave like
> Perl/Ruby's split, although the dot-method syntax makes it redundant
> with (.split string "regex").
> String.split(...) takes a String argument as
You wouldn't be able to execute any clojure created class or proxy
without having clojure available on the other side. You would have to
stream all of the dynamic classes that clojure creates (and each fn is
also a class), but also have available the clojure.lang stuff it
depends on to load and r
Hi Chris, just noticed this post. I wanted re-split to behave like
Perl/Ruby's split, although the dot-method syntax makes it redundant
with (.split string "regex").
String.split(...) takes a String argument as the regex, not a Pattern;
not sure if there's a performance penalty from recompiling
Well digging into it more, I've since realized the whole approach I
was taking is misguided anyway, as serialization appears to be for
marshaling the data of already defined classes. What I was really
trying to do was create new classes (java or clojure), and stream them
across the network, and h
On Sep 12, 8:55 am, noahr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So it looks like I will have to implement the object I want to send
> across the stream in Java, not clojure (sigh)
> Any ideas anyone?
If you've got Clojure available on both ends, you can serialize with
(pr-str...) and deserialize with (r
> What are you doing with Clojure?
Still learning the language ...
trying some java library integration
(jboss-JBPM, jboss-drools, apache Camel, Restlet, Freemind)
> What 3 features would you most like to see added next?
1) clearer error messages
2) JSON reader form (very close to clojure 's m
Adding meta data to a lazy cons throws an NPE in line 44 of
(let [lazycons (map identity (range 10))]
(with-meta lazycons {:a 1}))
It appears that when the LazyCons(IPersistentMap meta, Object first,
ISeq rest) constructor is used, the supplied first and rest are
ignored, and
On Sep 11, 4:29 pm, James Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 10, 7:40 pm, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What are you doing with Clojure?
> Working on Compojure, a library/framework for developing web
> applications.
> > What 3 features would you most like to see added
I've hit a problem trying to serialize an object from one (clojure)
server to another (java). I was *hoping* to simply use (PROXY) to
implement the object I want to send in clojure, and serialize that
across the stream. Unfortunately java barfs about:
java.io.NotSerializableException: clojure.lan
On Sep 11, 11:33 am, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2008, at 8:12 AM, Rich Hickey wrote:
> > Using the latest syntax is good, although the idiom for static calls
> > is (Classname/method args). For instance:
> > (clojure.lang.Namespace/find sym)
> > instead of
I am currently spending all my spare time developing a website in
Python/Django as I felt I needed to learn about a popular existing web
framework before attempting to experiment with new ideas in Clojure.
As such I haven't been working with Clojure directly for some time but
I hope to return to
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