You wouldn't be able to execute any clojure created class or proxy
without having clojure available on the other side.  You would have to
stream all of the dynamic classes that clojure creates (and each fn is
also a class), but also have available the clojure.lang stuff it
depends on to load and run.

I don't know about Thrift, but PB is just another way of streaming
data.  If you can get clojure on both sides, you could not only stream
the clojure data structures, but code text also (assuming the
environment is secure).  Code is data :).


On Sep 12, 9:59 am, noahr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well digging into it more, I've since realized the whole approach I
> was taking is misguided anyway, as serialization appears to be for
> marshaling the data of already defined classes.  What I was really
> trying to do was create new classes (java or clojure), and stream them
> across the network, and have them executed on other side by a system
> that only knew the 'parent' class or interface. But I believe this
> will require custom class loading from bytes on the other side.
> I still suspect though there will be issues when trying to mix dynamic
> clojure-created classes with serialization, due to its data types not
> being serializable. Some of the customizations for java serialization
> might offer a way out, but uncertain..
> Also, I don't have clojure on both sides; unfamiliar with thrift/
> protocol buffers, will look them up.
> Thx --n
> > If you've got Clojure available on both ends, you can serialize with
> > (pr-str...) and deserialize with (read...).  Only works with pure-
> > Clojure data structures, tho.
> > Maybe you could use Clojure to generate a native Java collection like
> > ArrayList and serialize that.
> > Another option is something like Thrift or Protocol Buffers.
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