Re: [Clamav-users] disable milter syslog

2009-05-13 Thread aCaB
it normail for clamav 0.95.1? Thank for helping Hi, It is not. However make sure the loglevel *in sendmail* is setup properly. -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] disable milter syslog

2009-05-14 Thread aCaB
Clean > > > so, the milter message at maillog related to sendmail or clamav-milter? Note the "sendmail[3783]:" prefix. This stuff doesn't come from the milter, otherwise it would read "clamav-milter:...". Any milter loglevel setting > 8

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus submission timing

2009-05-18 Thread aCaB
s it is really hard to tell. It mostly depends on the severity of the threat, that is, how many of such samples we've already received. Big outbreaks generally take less than one hour. Unique samples may need several days to be processed. -aCaB ___ Help

Re: [Clamav-users] How exactly does the API function in ClamAV source?

2009-05-18 Thread aCaB
rovided clients and parse their output. clamscan is linked to libclamav, clamdscan talks to the daemon instead. Everything is documented at and in the tools manpages. -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive Clam

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus submission timing

2009-05-18 Thread aCaB
Dan wrote: > So you would prefer we submit directly to ClamAV at > <> Yes, we do. -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Upgrade very old Clamav

2009-05-25 Thread aCaB
w get a gcc 3.x installed then you should be able to compile clamav without major problems. Old libraries should link ok (although most of them are probably exploitable), with the exception of libmilter. If you don't need clamav-milter that shouldn't really bother you. -acab

Re: [Clamav-users] Suggestion - make the source package available without the main.cvd database

2009-06-18 Thread aCaB
iate some load from the mirrors. If you only want the code you can simply grab a branch off the svn. -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Permission changes and STREAM command depreciation

2009-06-22 Thread aCaB
s should give anyone enough time to switch to INSTREAM or FILDES. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter with postfix

2009-06-22 Thread aCaB
o the the infected email but not modify the SUBJECT: line? You are correct. -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] How do I send a link to a site with virus?

2009-07-30 Thread aCaB
I can send it without problems? Please save the mail and upload it to Thanks, -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd socket stops responding during databas reload

2009-08-13 Thread aCaB
Sergey Yudin wrote: > When clamd reloads new database it stops responding requests via local > socket. For example DansGuardian reports "Exception whist reading ClamD > socket: Can't read from socket" Hi Sergey, Please head to and open

Re: [Clamav-users] HAVP + Linux RAMdisk errors

2009-08-17 Thread aCaB
ke up more memory that it's bare size. Cheers, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Configuring "SkipAuthenticated" users in clamav-milter

2009-08-28 Thread aCaB
a ticket on the bugzilla to optionally make it read entries from a file. When time permits I'll work on that. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Configuring "SkipAuthenticated" users in clamav-milter

2009-08-28 Thread aCaB
its own signal catching; that's braindead, if you ask me, but that's the way it is. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter whitelist not always working

2009-09-03 Thread aCaB
) with ESMTP id 41CFB2290F > for ; Thu, 3 Sep 2009 09:04:30 -0400 (EDT) TO: HtH, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter whitelist not always working

2009-09-08 Thread aCaB
can start with the string "From:" or "To:" (note: no whitespace after the colon) indicating if it is, respectively, the sender or recipient that is to be whitelisted." -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] VirusEvent based on signature file

2009-09-16 Thread aCaB
should probably use them. Otherwise you can setup a small cron job using "find -mtime" and clamscan to check the whole ftp space. HtH, -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Help with clamav-milter white list

2009-10-27 Thread aCaB
list > mail. :-( No. Whitelisting based on the "Received" header is not supported as it doesn't make much sense. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] [Fwd: [sanesecurity] x86_64 users: possible malformed database problems]

2009-10-28 Thread aCaB
was fixed in the clamav-devel version: > > clamav-devel: > > +Sat Oct 24 15:06:50 CEST 2009 (acab) > + * libclamav/mpool.c: increase max pool to 8M to allow loading huge > custom dbs Hi Steve, The (now) increased pool size is around 16 times bigger than the largest pool used by the

Re: [Clamav-users] Clamav Postfix unix socket integration

2009-11-02 Thread aCaB
ot the same as the milter interface. I'd suggest you to start from which will answer all your other questions. Cheers, -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit ht

Re: [Clamav-users] [Fwd: [sanesecurity] x86_64 users: possible malformed database problems]

2009-11-03 Thread aCaB
t. The only alternative is that we release what WE think is ok and we re-release when YOU tell us it's not. Thanks for the lesson, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] load issues due to sanesecurity signatures

2009-11-03 Thread aCaB
case you missed that mail... -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Thoughts on software QA Testing (or lack thereof...)

2009-11-06 Thread aCaB
t. The other one is to run a buildbot slave. Results are available at If you want to help with either, please mail Edwin or me off list. Thanks, -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Quarantine issue with new 0.95.x clamav-milter

2009-11-10 Thread aCaB
orically allowing quarantine+reject, in practice, sendmail doesn't obey and only performs one of the actions (reject but not quarantine, IIRC). -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV Memory Usage

2009-12-02 Thread aCaB
alignment and other nasty things. 70MB are roughly equivalent to 90-100MB on 32 bit systems and 110-10MB on a 64bit system. -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] ExcludePath, defining absolute path

2009-12-16 Thread aCaB
> but one of the directories is called 'Volumes' which > contains directories and links to other volumes which I > scan separately. > > Is it possible to exclude an absolute path using the > configure variable ExcludePath? > > A. Not sure I got the righ

Re: [Clamav-users] clamd, clamav-milter: socket permissions

2010-01-07 Thread aCaB
e umask. Just set it to suit your needs. As for adding a dedicated option to clamav-milter, that's sure something that can be done. Please open a feature request ticket so it doesn't get forgotten. Cheers, -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensiv

Re: [Clamav-users] Sender and recipient of blocked messages not appearing in logs, only

2010-03-08 Thread aCaB
mail_host}, {mail_addr}. If you are using postfix, double check your milter_XXX_macros directives. HtH, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Sender and recipient of blocked messages not appearing in logs, only

2010-03-08 Thread aCaB
open a ticket. It's too late for 0.96, but will likely make it into 0.96.1. Thanks, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] LibClamAV Error: Can't load /usr/share/clamav/daily.cvd: Malformed database

2010-04-17 Thread aCaB Just copy/paste the info in your email and also state your zlib version and attach the problematic daily.cvd. Cheers, acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm

2010-04-17 Thread aCaB
Si St wrote: > Whats the difference between: > clamav-0.96rc1-19.1.i586.rpm > and: > clamav-0.96-27.1.i586.rpm > ? The RC is a release canditate package. It was issued before the final 0.96 release (the non-RC package). > I am thinking of the "RC" specification of the package. > Which one should

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV over Network

2010-04-17 Thread aCaB
tribute (load balance and fail over) scan requests to all the available scanners. Again you have several options here ranging from writing a piece of perl filter to do manage the scan requests, to routing mails to a second line of mta's (or amavisd's) in a (pos

Re: [Clamav-users] The news keeps getting better

2010-04-18 Thread aCaB
acy: > ClamAV before 0.96 does not properly handle the (1) CAB and (2) 7z file > formats, which allows remote attackers to bypass virus detection via It's quite funny to hear that the 7z handler is vulnerable in versions <0.96 because it was, in fact, introduced in 0.96... :) Cheers,

Re: [Clamav-users] The EOL tweets

2010-04-19 Thread aCaB
rect contact. The Apple > boards of full of users with dead mail servers. No negotiation needed, it's free software. Apple takes it and package it as they like. They decide what version to ship and if/when to deliver updates. No question asked. --acab ___

Re: [Clamav-users] No debian woody support anymore?

2010-04-21 Thread aCaB wrote: > Is there no more support for this Debian Release? Debian Woody became old-stable in Jun 2005 and support was discontinued since June 2006. Your version of ClamAV is also obsolete. --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehens

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-daemon didn't recognise attached virus

2010-04-22 Thread aCaB
hat correct? It may or may not, depending on the message and the signature that catches it. Since clamav internally process the mail message and all its attachments anyway, having this done twice (by amavis and by clamav) is probably pointless... ---acab ___

Re: [Clamav-users] Update problem on daily.cld

2010-04-29 Thread aCaB
bly blacklisted all the servers. HtH, -acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Update problem on daily.cld

2010-04-29 Thread aCaB
ople behind them as much as you like. This thread is dead for me. --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Update problem on daily.cld

2010-04-29 Thread aCaB
ck to topic 0.96+dfsg-4~volatile1 was accepted a couple of days ago and it's digging its way to the mirrors. It shouldn't take long till all archs are built and the debs are available. --acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:

Re: [Clamav-users] freshclam, updates and EOL.

2010-05-03 Thread aCaB
uggestion. Mind posting your suggestions to the bugzilla? So other can contribute and there are less chances that it'll be forgotten? Thanks, --acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] False Positives on PDF-Files

2010-05-06 Thread aCaB
.net/sendvirus.cgi ? --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] safebrowsing updates CPU hog

2010-05-13 Thread aCaB
gt; What's wrong with safebrowsing? There's a bug for that: --acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Including DB in tarball

2010-05-20 Thread aCaB
just pull the code via git. HtH, --acab ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Reload process

2010-05-31 Thread aCaB
ed bugs are re-evaluated and either assigned to a release, or closed, or left in the queue. So there's nothing to ARGH about... yet! :) --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Problem with lha, lzh, uuencode and pgp files

2010-06-11 Thread aCaB
DAVID BERTHIAU wrote: > I don't know how, but my current system do, I will look if it is because the > encrypted files are blocked. Is it possible to do it with clamav? It is. Look for ArchiveBlockEncrypted in clamd.conf. Cheers, -acab

Re: [Clamav-users] recipient notification

2010-09-09 Thread aCaB
pposed to mean recipient -- if that is so, what does? Hi Chris, I think you're doing it right. You only need to configure sendmail to fill in those macroes, which, by default, it leaves blank. It's generally only a matter of adding the following line to your .cf: define(`confMILTER_MACROS_

Re: [Clamav-users] recipient notification

2010-09-09 Thread aCaB
NKNOWN'. To get sendmail to fill in all the fields you need, you have to explicitly instruct it to do so. And this is done via its configuration file, using the confMILTER_MACROS_EOM as I wrote above. Any clearer now? -acab ___ Help us build a co

Re: [Clamav-users] VirusAction Question

2010-09-16 Thread aCaB
quite a few arguments to manage and not just one. The simpler solution was to avoid % expansion and simply feed all the info I have to the invoked script. From there, the admin can do whatever s/he likes: use some params, use all of them, disregard them all. Hope that sheds some light on

Re: [Clamav-users] VirusAction Question

2010-09-22 Thread aCaB
Nathan Gibbs wrote: > Here is my working "test" implementation for the milter > > Hi Nathan, awsome spirit! I'd love to say "awesome code" too but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. I'll cert

Re: [Clamav-users] What ever happened to the Release Candidate for 0.96.3??

2010-09-22 Thread aCaB
me (admittedly small) time in advance. Anyone willing to coordinate or ask for a delay can certainly do through this channel. If it wasn't a security release we would certainly have gone with an RC... which certainly would have mitigated most of the issues. Cheers, -aCaB _

[Clamav-users] To SUSE users - configure infloops

2010-09-23 Thread aCaB
/attachment.cgi?id=1498 allows configure to continue. Cheers, --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] Database reload improvement

2011-03-11 Thread aCaB
On 03/10/11 20:58, Peter Bonivart wrote: > You could give our ClamAV package a try: > > Guys, Anybody tried? I'd be very interested in hearing the results. Cheers, --aCaB ___ Help us build a

Re: [clamav-users] Database reload improvement

2011-03-11 Thread aCaB
the older version was way better. Let alone 3 minutes... --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] freshclam proxy configuration

2011-04-06 Thread aCaB
On 04/06/11 15:41, Leonardo Rodrigues wrote: > is that possible ? Nope, just one. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] Access has been denied page

2011-04-16 Thread aCaB
On 04/16/11 06:14, Nathan Gibbs wrote: > Is there some test data that will cause clamd to to emit the .UNOFFICIAL > output without loading any 3rd party DB's Just load any db file in non cvd/cld format. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehen

Re: [clamav-users] Access has been denied page

2011-04-16 Thread aCaB
t;> > > As it is I edit the source code at each build and turn bug 1754 fixes on. > :-) > > Thanks for the idea, its a good one, now if I can just catch it. FYI you can use callbacks, in particular clcb_post_scan. See clamav.h for details. -aCaB ___

Re: [clamav-users] Access has been denied page

2011-04-16 Thread aCaB
On 04/16/11 16:48, Nathan Gibbs wrote: > Do you mean something like. > > cat daily.cvd | sigtool -mdb > daily.mdb That won't work. If you want to use an official db you should you "sigtool --unpack". Alternatively you can forge your own custom db. E.g.: acab@1337

Re: [clamav-users] Access has been denied page

2011-04-17 Thread aCaB
On 04/17/11 05:05, Dennis Peterson wrote: > Adding the hard-coded > UNOFFICIAL reduces some liability from the Clamav team. That! And lots of daily annoyances with FP reports too. Which is why the suffix won't go away nor an option will be available to get rid of it. Ch

Re: [clamav-users] problem with clamav-milter recipient notification

2011-05-24 Thread aCaB
to go through it and act accordingly without breaking legacy apps. In a words, it's no quick fix :( Please open a bug/feature request on the bugzilla. I'll take care of it when time permits. Thanks, -aCaB ___ Help us build a compreh

Re: [clamav-users] announcing ClamAV 0.97.1

2011-06-10 Thread aCaB
On 06/10/11 12:18, Steve Basford wrote: > Can't see the windows binaries for 0.97.1 yet? > > Hi Steve, Luca's on holidays. He'll upload them as soon as he reaches a PC, probably lat

Re: [clamav-users] 0.97.1 rumor pile? bad safebrowsing update file?

2011-06-21 Thread aCaB
On 06/21/11 20:25, Michael Scheidell wrote: > I can't reproduce it, but installed clamav 097.1 on several amd64 boxes, > and i386 boxes running freebsd 7.3 Hi Michael, do you have any chance to attach gdb to the stuck clamd? Cheers, -aCaB

Re: [clamav-users] Solaris 10 compile / unit_tests unrar problem

2011-06-21 Thread aCaB
y to work since libclamav dlopen()'s it due to license restrictions and incompatibilities. Do you really need a static build? Cheers, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] Virus database in tarball

2011-06-24 Thread aCaB
all helps a lot in reducing load and bw usage on our mirrors (which are provided for free to all our userbase) and still allows for quick incremental updates. Cheers, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav

Re: [clamav-users] The error log message "milter=clmilter, tempfail"

2011-08-19 Thread aCaB
ng wait time and shut the socket down. Either way you probably have some corresponding error in clamd.log. Can you look them up as well? Cheers, --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] How to distinguish phiching signatures?

2011-09-06 Thread aCaB
(Email|HTML)\.Phishing Mind you, there are currently 2 spurious entries which are likely not intended to be there. I'm gonna fix them this week: acab@barney:~$ sigtool -l | grep -i phish | egrep -v '^(HTML|Email)[.]Phishing' Catphish.698.A Catphish.698.B E-Mail.Phishing.SMT PD

[clamav-users] down?

2011-09-08 Thread aCaB
Luca, My commit seems to have been pushed [*]. But it seems it didn't propagate to Also no commit email is showing up and the bbot wasn't triggered. Is there anything wrong? [*] acab@1337ness:~/git$ git push origin HEAD Counting objects: 12, done. Delta compression usi

Re: [clamav-users] down?

2011-09-08 Thread aCaB
Sorry folks, wrong ML. ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] How can I have clamd reject items that can't be scanned?

2011-11-09 Thread aCaB
enario you describe and the question you raise. However it's very unlikely that suck a feature is going to be added in the future. Cheers, --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] Exempting certain users from scanning

2012-02-03 Thread aCaB
e matching is case insensitive. --aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] ClamAv 0.97.4 win32/64 binaries

2012-03-16 Thread aCaB
On 03/16/12 10:54, Steve Basford wrote: > Hi, > > Any eta on an update to v0.97.4 here... > > I'm building them right now, so probably your late afternoon. BTW, please don't hijack

Re: [clamav-users] trouble compiling clamav 0.97.4

2012-04-17 Thread aCaB
urse if you go through the trouble of tracing the crash and be sure that it's not related to bzip2 (or other configure things you might have messed around with) then you are still welcome to submit a bug report :) Cheers, -- aCaB ___ Help us buil

Re: [clamav-users] Google Chrome infected?

2012-04-19 Thread aCaB
, so they can be processed ASAP. Cheers, -- aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] Google Chrome infected?

2012-04-23 Thread aCaB
On 04/21/12 01:44, Frank Chan wrote: > On 19-04-2012 01:11, aCaB wrote: >> On 04/18/12 23:10, Frank Chan wrote: >>> 9652e7d2d40f72c4f4acec0e2dea28a1 chrome.7z >>> 5974bc2d26dc0f1e9755ccc2806cfda2 chrome.dll > Done. I still can't find them. Do yo

Re: [clamav-users] Google Chrome infected?

2012-04-24 Thread aCaB
On 04/24/12 01:31, Frank Chan wrote: > 5974bc2d26dc0f1e9755ccc2806cfda2 chrome.dll > 9652e7d2d40f72c4f4acec0e2dea28a1 chrome.7z I'm sorry Frank, it appears the upload wasn't successful. I can't find neither :/ Cheers, -- acab __

Re: [clamav-users] How can I whitelist certain sender with clamav-milter

2012-04-26 Thread aCaB
On 04/26/12 14:53, Gary Yao wrote: > is there a way I can tell postfix to whitelist this sender? Gary, I don't know about Postfix but you can do some whitelisting in the milter. There is a dedicated "Exclusions" section in its config file[*]. You may want to give a look at it

Re: [clamav-users] [Clamav-users] problem with clamav-milter recipient notification

2012-05-24 Thread aCaB
On 05/24/12 16:54, Giles Coochey wrote: > Was a bug / feature request ever opened for this? Was it ever fixed? Yup, Cheers, -- aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit h

Re: [clamav-users] Problems with clamav-milter: "clamfi_eom: FD send failed: Broken pipe"

2012-06-07 Thread aCaB
nicely handled by the SMTP protocol and are generally not considered a big issue. Cheers, -- aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [clamav-users] Identifying all infections in a file...

2012-06-08 Thread aCaB
void top posting or quote excessively large chunks when replying. Thanks, -- acab [*] ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.

Re: [clamav-users] Windows packaging

2012-06-25 Thread aCaB
libs > > There is no reason for us to package these separately, by including > them we again reduce the barrier to entry for people. FYI unrar license is incompatible with the GPL. That was the rationale in the packaging. -- acab ___ Help us buil

Re: [Clamav-users] av_scanner with clamscan

2007-03-11 Thread aCaB
Emin Islam Tatli wrote: > Hi, > > I try to integrate clamav in my exim configuration. > > as av_scanner I could not manage using clamd and always got the error " > clamd: unable to read from socket (No such file or directory)", even > though the files and directories existed (pid and ctl files).

Re: [Clamav-users] New freshclam error

2007-03-15 Thread aCaB
Robert Isaac wrote: > Ooops. Strange how we always look for the complicated and forget the basic > simple things. ... like not to top post :) ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Powerpoint scan times extremely long

2007-03-27 Thread aCaB
archives, hence they scan slowly. Now, are you saying that a particular PPT file takes ages or that every PPT file scans slowly? If the former, then please provide us with the slow-scanning file. If the latter then you may want to tweak your scan options. -aCaB ___

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Powerpoint scan times extremely long

2007-03-27 Thread aCaB
dware :P Cheers, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] 0.91 - high load under solaris

2007-08-14 Thread aCaB
fidential, make sure you check the "private" option. Thanks, aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Sourcefire acquires ClamAV

2007-08-17 Thread aCaB
; > I'm HOPING this hasn't happened and you mis-typed your reply. Hi James, please reread Tomasz's first post again, expecially where he says: "Both the ClamAV engine and the signature database will remain under GPL." Cheers, aCaB __

Re: [Clamav-users] Sourcefire acquires ClamAV

2007-08-17 Thread aCaB
. HtH, aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Where is the correct place to request features?

2007-11-21 Thread aCaB
gypsy wrote: > I have posted to the Wiki in vain. Where is the correct place to post a > request for a feature? Please mark your "bug" report as "enhancement". -aCaB ___ Help us build a

Re: [Clamav-users] 0.92 and memory usage

2007-12-20 Thread aCaB
Stephen Gran wrote: > You are not authorized to access bug #736. Hi Stephen, please try again. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Source code for test/clam.exe?

2007-12-25 Thread aCaB
That test file is licensed under the GPL. Please refer to it for redistribution rules. Cheers, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] Undocumented change in 0.92

2008-01-03 Thread aCaB
think, forgetfulness. Sorry about that, the hw support is currently available as a patch and can be found under contrib/hwaccel/hwaccel.patch -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] JS.Downloader-37 what is this

2008-01-17 Thread aCaB
.net/sendvirus.cgi Make sure you mark it as False Positive. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] JS.Downloader-37 what is this

2008-01-17 Thread aCaB
René Berber wrote: > Bad advice, how do you know it's a false positive? In the same we we know that a file is actually infected: we check it. We don't blindly add all submitted virus as such, nor we blindly remove signatures based on FP re

Re: [Clamav-users] Trojan.Jesta description?

2008-01-22 Thread aCaB
Brandon Perry wrote: > Hi, I am just wondering if anyone knows where I can get a description > for Trojan.Jesta? It has been found in a customer's computer in C: > \Program Files\Sony\Welcome to VAIO life\ and I am wondering if this is > known or if this is just a coincidence that the Trojans are t

Re: [Clamav-users] Trojan.Jesta description?

2008-01-22 Thread aCaB
Brandon Perry wrote: > I don't know if it is truly clean or not. That is why I wanted to see > the description before I uploaded them. Then just ask for a second opinion. Use your own scanner or check or http://www.virustotal.

Re: [Clamav-users] CLAMAV Input/Output error

2008-01-24 Thread aCaB
David Cunningham wrote: > To whom it may concern, Hi David, Please open a bugzilla report and attach (a few of) those files. Thanks, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] A small survey about limits (Oversized.Zip and friends)

2008-01-29 Thread aCaB
you want us to keep such a "feature"? Thanks, -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

[Clamav-users] A small survey about limits (Oversized.Zip and friends)

2008-01-29 Thread aCaB
a real usage scenario for "Oversized.Zip" and friends? 2- Are you aware of what the ArchiveBlockMax option does and if so, have you set it to "on"? And why? Thanks a lot for your attention and your time. -aCaB ___ Help us buil

Re: [Clamav-users] FPU warning on x86 when configuring 0.92.1

2008-02-19 Thread aCaB
cript to manually specify the FPU endianess. This is currently in SVN and will be included in the next stable release. -aCaB ___ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit

Re: [Clamav-users] A small survey about limits (Oversized.Zip and friends)

2008-03-13 Thread aCaB
aCaB wrote: > Hi list. > I'm in the process of redesigning the logic of limits in ClamAV. > The rewrite (scheduled for the upcoming 0.93) is aimed at solving, once > for all, the annoyances related to config options like > (clamd.conf-style): ArchiveMaxFileSize,

Re: [Clamav-users] Request for Testing

2008-03-18 Thread aCaB
iles, and files that have caused problemsin the past. However, despite being extensive, our tests cannot simulate YOUR peculiar environment... which is why we are asking for YOUR results and opinions. Thanks everyone for the feedbacks. -aCaB ___ Help us bu

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