I am running:
clamd / ClamAV version 0.65
ClamAV version 0.65, clamav-milter version 0.60p
on FreeBSD. I'm having a problem were "clamav-milter" often times
Jan 27 13:53:06 net sm-mta[92538]: i0RKqYOj092538: Milter (clamav): timeout befo
re data read
Jan 27 13:53:06 net sm-mta[92538]: i0R
Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Setup a big ThreadTimeout as a temporary work-around.
How big is big? I tried 7200 and still saw lots of:
Milter read(clamav): timeout before data read
Milter (clamav): init failed to open
Milter (clamav): to error state
I was seeing those to, they seem to go with a message:
clamav-milter[55529]: write failure to clamd
I added "--dont-scan-on-error" to the clamav-milter args, which stopped
the rejections, but obviously doesn't solve the underlying problem.
MaxThreads is 1000 and MaxConnectionQueueLength 100 (it