robin technique works fine and everytime
I flush DNS database freshclam tryes to update with a diferent server, but the
MD5 verification error still apears anyway so I suspect this is not a corrupted
file problem in a particular server.
Did I forget anything or Win32 freshclam has a
problem w
I'm running clamav on a Windows XP machine.
I've granted all rights to the user in all the clamav tree.
The ClamAV was downloaded yesterday, and the compilation seems the same
(isn't it ?):
C:\clamav-devel\bin>freshclam -V
freshclam / ClamAV version devel-20031125
itual users, and also administrator, with the same
Tried also deleting *.cvd, this leaded to force also reading again main.cvd,
wich fails also at MD5 check.
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
The SF.Net email is sponsored by Eclips
Waiting 10 seconds...
The woking dir is granted full rights to everyone to avoid conflicts in this
test stage.
Is MD5 signature packed with CVD files ? could I force a signature test with
a downloaded file to try to separate a downloa
Any ideas ?
> Also, generate MD5 checksums of downloaded files and show them to us.
> Usually with 'md5sum', though I don't know if your system has this
> program.
Haven't found any MD5 tool in Windows yes. But as si
fails, and then 'freshclam' deletes the temporary
If I pick the files directly from the server and download them to
'share\clamav' the antivirus works
fine, and of course the sigtool verifies them correctly.
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
>No ideas about how to solve this, but I get exactly the
same behavior running 0.65, as well as 20040203 devel version. Running on
Win32 as well (Windows 2k server) and CygWin.
>Tim McGarvey
I'm running here at
e other hand I must say that I can see the
download progress in the temp dir, and the 1Mbyte file is effectively
downloaded, but when is tested and found 'faulty' MD5 signature it is
discarded and deleted.
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
I can download manually and verify the files with sigtool.
In my case I have not been able to make freshclam update .cvd files
If the problem persists maybe your issue is the same I have.
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
The SF.Ne
Hi Clamav users:
The error freshclam issues is:
ERROR: Verification: MD5 verification error.
Having a look at 'manager.c' we can see that the routine that checks '.cvd'
file is 'cl_cvdverify':
/* temporary file is created in clamav's directory thus we don't need
* to create it immediat
> Ignasi Prat wrote:
> >>>My platform is RH8, using clamav0.65
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >Running clamav0.65 on Win32 also gives me this error message.
> >
> >If the problem persists maybe your issue is the same I have.
> &
problem is here, but I mention for in case it is
> >
> >
> >
> Don't think so.
Tested over ADSL Routers, POST modem, etc and none of them makes any change.
I have read an interesting email from Ian Abbott suggesting a patch for CVS.
Is anybody able to compile it ?
e it, but if there's any compilation available for Win32 with
this patch, i can test it !
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See th
Great !
Could anybody briefly explain wich parts of Cygwin are necessary to build
Clamav under Win32 ? I have some knowledge of C but don't have any
experience in Cygwin tools. Is the C compiler the only needed tool to
compiler Clamav ?
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
"Andrey Cherezo
4750 [main] clamscan 1612 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
Does this have any meaning ?
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
SF.Net is sponsored by: Speed Start Your Linux
ave to set a simple system variable on DOS ?
Can people that have CYGWIN machines test if they have any line refering to
CYGWIN when they type "SET" under a DOS box ?
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
SF.Net is sponsored by: Speed St
[main] clamd 1724 handle_exceptions: Exception:
2660 [main] clamd 1724 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
Probably this error is only issued with non instaleld CYGWIN machines. Could
anyone check this assumption ?
Keep up the good job ! Best
only computer working is the least shared (because it was
the server it was shared only to admin and a special user).
Tell me if I can do any further log's or tests.
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
SF.Net is sponsored by: Spe
Hi devel comunity:
Only to say to win testers that clamav-devel-20040217 solved all problems I
had with CYGWIN version of clamav in all the computers I have tested (5 so
In case anyone knows: how was the problem of "handle_exceptions" solved ?
Good job !
Best regards,
mscan to scan inside mail messages, because
clamdscan can't go into them. Will it be able in the next future ?
This is working flawlessly since 20040218 with development CVS of that day
under a P4-2666 Win2003 machine: good job guys !!!
Ignasi Prat
equivalent -mbox option ? is it "scanmail" ?
Yes, it was my fault, of course.
> This is working flawlessly since 20040218 with development CVS of that day
> under a P4-2666 Win2003 machine: good job guys !!!
This w
ep up the good jop guys, congratulations for this great work !
Hope some day we can see on-access scanning for any operating systems ;-D
Ignasi Prat
SF.Net is sponsored by: Speed Start Your Linux Apps Now.
Build and deploy apps & Web
> >>On Friday 27 February 2004 10:27 pm, Bryce wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Test # 17, 8, 5, 4, and 2 are making it through. I am using version
> >>>What can I do to prevent this?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>Binhex was added in 0.67, so all binhex encoded e-mails will get through
> >>unless you upgrade.
> >
> > Hi all at clamav-users:
> >
> > I am in the same situation as Jim, the only test failed is #17. Any
hints ?
> >
> > All mail scanned with clamdscan with ScanMail and ScanArchive active,
> > running Win32 Clamav-devel 20040219.
> >
> > Has this been corrected in last CVS ? I can send the specifi
hangs and stays
there forever.
For your info: cygwin is not installed here.
Best regards,
Ignasi Prat
- Original Message -
From: "Brian Bruns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 11:48 PM
Subject: New versi
25 matches
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