> > And after this 'freshclam' says that databases are updated. But if I
> > anyone of the 'cvd' files the files 'freshclam' will download the file
in a
> > temp file at share/clamav. Is there anyway to catch the temp file before
> > freshclam erases the temp ? This way I could run the sigtool over it and
> > if there is any corruption in downloaded file (unless freshclam uses the
> > same sigtool to test it... in wich case the explanation is that
> > does not download the file correctly).
> >
> > Any ideas ?
> >
> I don't quite understand the above. I see that you run 'sigtool -i' over
> files downloaded "manually" and they were OK.
> But have you run it over files downloaded by freshclam? Or aren't any
> files retrieved by freshclam left after "freshclaming"?

There is not any file after 'freshclam'. 'freshclam' finds the file at the
servers and downloads it
(I can see a temporary file that grows until the correct size of about
1Mbyte for main.cvd) but
at MD5 verification stage fails, and then 'freshclam' deletes the temporary

If I pick the files directly from the server and download them to
'share\clamav' the antivirus works
fine, and of course the sigtool verifies them correctly.

Best regards,

 Ignasi Prat

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