v" \
--with-group="clamav" \
--with-dbdir="%{_localstatedir}/clamav" \
%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
I hope this helps.
Eric Hoeve
eHoeve Solutions, LLC
This message has been scanned for viruses and
Brian Morrison said the following, On 4/19/2008 12:21 PM:
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 12:08:17 -0500
> Eric Hoeve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In the spec for ClamAV file you need to add the following two lines:
>> --without-libbz2-prefix
>> --without-l
I am seeing many of these in clamd.log
Business_Card..cab: MS CAB module failure ERROR
Any help would be greatly apperciated.
I am running clamav 0.85.1. The error occurs with clamdscan & clamscan.
he entry in sendmail.cf or send-
mail.mc. The file associated with the socket must be createable by
clamav-milter, if the User option is set in clamd.conf, then that user
must have the rights to create the file.
_MAIL_FILTERS’, ‘clmilter’)
> Granted, I modified it to point to the right file - but the syntax is
> the same. My only question at this point - this file (clmilter.socket),
> it still doesn't exist yet. When should it get created? I've restarted
> clamd and clamav-milter
Graeme Nichols wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to create a binary .rpm package from the clamav-0.90.tar.gz
> tarball using the command 'rpmbuild -tb clamav-0.90.tar.gz' which failed
> with the following errors:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] download]# rpmbuild -tb clamav-0.90.tar.gz
> error: Name field must