[Clamav-users] Version 0.66? (was RE: VBA decoding, update)

2004-01-23 Thread Dennis Skinner
st out the door. Seems like something as large as OLE2 should warrant version 0.70 ? I have one server running 0.65 (devel-20040107) and it has been working great, but I was kinda waiting to upgrade our 2nd mail server from 0.60 until 0.66 came out. Thanks! -- Dennis Skinner Systems Adminis

Re: [Clamav-users] Logrotate won't restart clamd

2004-02-02 Thread Dennis Skinner
eate 600 clamav clamav rotate 20 daily compress compresscmd /usr/bin/bzip2 compressext .bz2 copytruncate nomail olddir /usr/clamav/log/archive/ } -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://w

Re: [Clamav-users] Implementation Questions

2004-02-16 Thread Dennis Skinner
ients want). All you will do is confuse your users and/or annoy the hell out of them. > I am currently running clamav via procmail. > > Josh -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com --- SF.Ne

Re: [Clamav-users] Source of reject message?

2004-02-18 Thread Dennis Skinner
bout the role of your MTA and ClamAV. You seem to be confusing them. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com --- SF.Net is sponsored by: Speed Start Your Linux Apps Now. Build and deploy apps & Web ser

[Clamav-users] Querying the Freshclam daemon?

2004-02-18 Thread Dennis Skinner
that occurred to me when I read the discussion of daemontools. I suppose I could parse the freshclam log, but asking a daemon is so much easier :) Thanks! -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com --- SF.N

Re: [Clamav-users] email report

2004-03-03 Thread Dennis Skinner
the rest of us, Clam does not send mail, that would be the MTA. Please don't spam the "sender" with a notification. Its almost as bad as allowing the virus through. See the list archives -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog In

[Clamav-users] Config change

2004-03-17 Thread Dennis Skinner
I noticed that the DataDirectory directive in the clamav.conf has changed in recent versions to DatabaseDirectory. Are both valid and will they remain so? I don't see any notes in the docs or ChangeLog or the list archives regarding this change. Thanks. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administ

Re: [Clamav-users] clamd is not scanning my email.

2004-04-13 Thread Dennis Skinner
your MTA, how would you expect it to catch mail? > I am stumped and been at this almost all day so can someone help? > > Thanks. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com --- This SF.Net

Re: [Clamav-users] You might not see OUTDATED warning...

2004-04-30 Thread Dennis Skinner
ut an option like OnOutdatedExecute to run a script to send notifications that Clam is outdated? I suppose I could write a script to grep for OUTDATED and run it using OnUpdateExecute but seems somewhat wasteful since freshclam already knows it

Re: [Clamav-users] freshclam --quiet isn't

2004-05-03 Thread Dennis Skinner
ppresses output to stdout. Logs still get written. This is the way it works for me (and has since 0.65 or so). > Damian Menscher -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com --- This SF.Net email is

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV 0.72 Released

2004-06-07 Thread Dennis Skinner
amd.pid` 2>/dev/null || true > endscript > } copytruncate? -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Clamav-users] Suggestion: Feature Freeze

2004-07-27 Thread Dennis Skinner
nd since I started using it at 0.60 or so - -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "When fortune empties her chamber pot on your head, smile and say We are going to have a summer shower. - Sir John A. Macdonald" -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- V

Re: [Clamav-users] clamd segment faults -- zip archives

2004-08-25 Thread Dennis Skinner
that Exim (at least with Exiscan) links to libz.so.1 just like clamd. I suppose I should see if anyone on the Exiscan list has had issues with 1.2.1. Thanks! - -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "The tendinous part of the mind, so to speak, is more

Re: [Clamav-users] Where is my mail going? (newby)

2004-10-13 Thread Dennis Skinner
cklisted. One of the best reasons to run Exim is the extensive and very user-friendly documentation. Use it. Grab the pdf or html tarball. Take it home and digest it. Reference it everytime you make a change. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "

[Clamav-users] 0.80rc4?

2004-09-30 Thread Dennis Skinner
solve the FP problem on some images. I've run snapshots from ClamAV before without a problem, but that was a while back. Thanks! -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "Ah, summer - what power you have to make us suffer and like i

[Clamav-users] Make install overwriting clamd.conf

2004-10-01 Thread Dennis Skinner
he snapshot from the 30th did not compile clean on RH9. Gave aclocal errors. I removed the aclocal file and ran aclocal and the make died later. I don't recall the error. I can try it again if needed. Thanks. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com &q

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus count

2004-10-01 Thread Dennis Skinner
igs: 636, f-level: 2, builder: trog) -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "And summer's lease hath all too short a date. - William Shakespeare" ___ http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users

Re: [Clamav-users] Log File 0 Bytes

2004-10-05 Thread Dennis Skinner
ate" in the logrotate script. You could also tell logrotate to HUP after it is done. Not sure if that solves your problem - -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "The summer night is like a perfection of thought. - Wallace Stevens (187

Re: [Clamav-users] Log File 0 Bytes

2004-10-06 Thread Dennis Skinner
dir /path/to/archive/ } The one for clamav is similar, but I rotate it daily. If you prefer to HUP the daemon instead of using copytruncate, the man pages should tell you how to run commands after logrotate runs. Take a look at the one for syslog for an idea. Hope that helps. -- Dennis Skinner Sys

Re: [Clamav-users] Config update signature

2004-10-25 Thread Dennis Skinner
/etc/crontab and set it to run at an oddball times (e.g. 37mins past the hour) or run it as a daemon. There was a thread a while back about generating a random number in the crontab so that it does not run at the same time every hour. You may want to try that. For further info: man freshclam rea

Re: [Clamav-users] Config update signature

2004-10-26 Thread Dennis Skinner
Salvatore Basso wrote: Dennis Skinner wrote: First, don't start a new thread by replying to an existing one and changing the subject. You break threading and your email will likely be ignored by anyone not reading that thread. Just start a new message. .. sorry for this but I don&#

Re: [Clamav-users] Config update signature

2004-10-26 Thread Dennis Skinner
eader, not the subject. Changing the subject keeps it in the same thread. You didn't contradict me. Perhaps "don't try to start a new thread" is more clear? -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "Every season hath its pleasure

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV should not try to detect phishingandothersocial engineering attacks

2004-11-15 Thread Dennis Skinner
what is and is not technically a virus, but are willing to use something that is considered by some hard-nosed types to be a bastardization of the SMTP and DNS protocols. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "I saw old autumn in the misty morn

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV should not try to detect phishing and other social engineering attacks

2004-11-15 Thread Dennis Skinner
the new push for integration between the internet and local computers, limiting an AV scanner to only protecting against viruses physically included in an email is a bit short-sighted in my opinion. It's getting to the point where users are unable to distinguish between what is remote

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV should not try to detect phishing and othersocial engineering attacks

2004-11-15 Thread Dennis Skinner
, we don't block Spam, we send spam to a junkmail folder for each user to review. Viruses and links to viruses are the same thing as far as my end user is concerned and that is who I am serving. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "Winter is

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV should not try to detect phishing and other social engineering attacks

2004-11-15 Thread Dennis Skinner
rotect the user, right? Oh wait! Don't catch doc macro viruses because that is MSWord's job to protect the user. I think your slope is just as slippery as mine :) -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com "Fall is my favorite season in L

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV should not try to detect phishingandothersocial engineering attacks

2004-11-15 Thread Dennis Skinner
anyway. The more dangerous email I can reject before it gets to SA, the better, IMO. Also, as I mentioned, we reject malware and filter spam. I don't even want these phishing messages in our users' junkmail folders. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Int

[Clamav-users] STREAM ports

2003-08-14 Thread Dennis Skinner
ecure? Thanks! -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-built ASP.NET sites including Data Reports, E-commerce, Portals, and Forums are available now. Download

[Clamav-users] Re: STREAM ports

2003-08-14 Thread Dennis Skinner
Never failsI find the answer just after I hit send if((port = rndnum(6)) < 1024) port += 2139; Looks like 1024 to 6 (with a slightly higher preference for ports roughly 2139 thru 3162). So.thoughts on security? :) On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 12:02, Dennis Skinner wrote: >

[Clamav-users] Freshclam oddity

2003-08-28 Thread Dennis Skinner
s? 2. Should it send a message if it fails to contact the first server, but gets the defs from another? My vote is no. It got the updates, I really don't care which server gave them out. I downloaded the latest stable version of .60 from sourceforge yesterday. Thanks! -- Dennis Skinn

[Clamav-users] Clamd and logrotate

2003-09-09 Thread Dennis Skinner
.bz2 nomail olddir /export/clamav/log/archive/ } Thanks! -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com --- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.c

[Clamav-users] Compilation Issues - Automake version mismatch

2003-10-22 Thread Dennis Skinner
ated for Automake 1.6.1. You should recreate aclocal.m4:4200: aclocal.m4 with aclocal and run automake again. make: *** [Makefile.in] Error 1 I moved the aclocal.m4 file and ran aclocal and then the make worked. Seems to be working ok so far. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Worm.Sober.U not being recognized

2005-11-29 Thread Dennis Skinner
esses. and it came back with this result clamscan --database=/var/lib/clamav abc abc: Worm.Sober.U FOUND Then post your config. There is something wrong in it. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bluefrog.com ___

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Worm.Sober.U not being recognized

2005-11-29 Thread Dennis Skinner
clamd *is* what is missing Sober) ;) Body is fine. Remove the comments though. We have them in our own config already and don't need to clutter the list with them. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://www.bl

Re: [Clamav-users] Re: getting nag screen about old installation even after installing 0.87.1

2005-12-22 Thread Dennis Skinner
erwise you won't get new virus sigs. Having it running is a good thing. I think the prev poster may have been thinking that an old version may still have been running in memory even though you updated. -- Dennis Skinner Systems Administrator BlueFrog Internet http://w