st out the door.
Seems like something as large as OLE2 should warrant version 0.70 ?
I have one server running 0.65 (devel-20040107) and it has been working
great, but I was kinda waiting to upgrade our 2nd mail server from 0.60
until 0.66 came out.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Adminis
eate 600 clamav clamav
rotate 20
compresscmd /usr/bin/bzip2
compressext .bz2
olddir /usr/clamav/log/archive/
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
ients want).
All you will do is confuse your users and/or annoy the hell out of them.
> I am currently running clamav via procmail.
> Josh
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
bout the role of your MTA and ClamAV.
You seem to be confusing them.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
SF.Net is sponsored by: Speed Start Your Linux Apps Now.
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that occurred to me when I read the discussion of
I suppose I could parse the freshclam log, but asking a daemon is so
much easier :)
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
the rest of
us, Clam does not send mail, that would be the MTA.
Please don't spam the "sender" with a notification. Its almost as bad
as allowing the virus through. See the list archives
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog In
I noticed that the DataDirectory directive in the clamav.conf has
changed in recent versions to DatabaseDirectory. Are both valid and
will they remain so? I don't see any notes in the docs or ChangeLog or
the list archives regarding this change.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administ
your MTA, how would you expect it to catch
> I am stumped and been at this almost all day so can someone help?
> Thanks.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
This SF.Net
ut an option like OnOutdatedExecute to run a script to send
notifications that Clam is outdated?
I suppose I could write a script to grep for OUTDATED and run it using
OnUpdateExecute but seems somewhat wasteful since freshclam already
knows it
ppresses output to stdout.
Logs still get written. This is the way it works for me (and has since
0.65 or so).
> Damian Menscher
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
This SF.Net email is` 2>/dev/null || true
> endscript
> }
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
nd since I started using it at 0.60 or so
- --
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"When fortune empties her chamber pot on your head, smile and say We are
going to have a summer shower. - Sir John A. Macdonald"
that Exim (at least with Exiscan) links to
just like clamd. I suppose I should see if anyone on the Exiscan list
has had issues with 1.2.1.
- --
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"The tendinous part of the mind, so to speak, is more
One of the best reasons to run Exim is the extensive and very
user-friendly documentation. Use it. Grab the pdf or html tarball.
Take it home and digest it. Reference it everytime you make a change.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
solve the FP problem on some images.
I've run snapshots from ClamAV before without a problem, but that was
a while back.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"Ah, summer - what power you have to make us suffer and like i
he snapshot from the 30th did not compile clean
on RH9. Gave aclocal errors. I removed the aclocal file and ran
aclocal and the make died later. I don't recall the error. I can try
it again if needed.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
igs: 636, f-level: 2, builder: trog)
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"And summer's lease hath all too short a date. - William Shakespeare"
ate" in the logrotate script. You
could also tell logrotate to HUP after it is done.
Not sure if that solves your problem
- --
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"The summer night is like a perfection of thought. - Wallace Stevens
dir /path/to/archive/
The one for clamav is similar, but I rotate it daily. If you prefer to
HUP the daemon instead of using copytruncate, the man pages should tell
you how to run commands after logrotate runs. Take a look at the one
for syslog for an idea.
Hope that helps.
Dennis Skinner
/etc/crontab and set it to run
at an oddball times (e.g. 37mins past the hour) or run it as a daemon.
There was a thread a while back about generating a random number in the
crontab so that it does not run at the same time every hour. You may
want to try that.
For further info:
man freshclam
Salvatore Basso wrote:
Dennis Skinner wrote:
First, don't start a new thread by replying to an existing one and
changing the subject. You break threading and your email will likely be
ignored by anyone not reading that thread. Just start a new message.
.. sorry for this but I don
eader, not the
subject. Changing the subject keeps it in the same thread.
You didn't contradict me. Perhaps "don't try to start a new thread" is
more clear?
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"Every season hath its pleasure
what is and is not technically a virus,
but are willing to use something that is considered by some hard-nosed
types to be a bastardization of the SMTP and DNS protocols.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"I saw old autumn in the misty morn
the new push for integration between the internet and local
computers, limiting an AV scanner to only protecting against viruses
physically included in an email is a bit short-sighted in my opinion.
It's getting to the point where users are unable to distinguish between
what is remote
, we don't block Spam, we send
spam to a junkmail folder for each user to review. Viruses and links to
viruses are the same thing as far as my end user is concerned and that
is who I am serving.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"Winter is
rotect the user, right?
Oh wait! Don't catch doc macro viruses because that is MSWord's job to
protect the user.
I think your slope is just as slippery as mine :)
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
"Fall is my favorite season in L
anyway. The more dangerous email I can reject before it gets to SA, the
better, IMO.
Also, as I mentioned, we reject malware and filter spam. I don't even
want these phishing messages in our users' junkmail folders.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Int
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
This SF.Net email sponsored by: Free pre-built ASP.NET sites including
Data Reports, E-commerce, Portals, and Forums are available now.
Never failsI find the answer just after I hit send
if((port = rndnum(6)) < 1024)
port += 2139;
Looks like 1024 to 6 (with a slightly higher preference for ports
roughly 2139 thru 3162).
So.thoughts on security? :)
On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 12:02, Dennis Skinner wrote:
2. Should it send a message if it fails to contact the first server, but
gets the defs from another? My vote is no. It got the updates, I
really don't care which server gave them out.
I downloaded the latest stable version of .60 from sourceforge
Dennis Skinn
olddir /export/clamav/log/archive/
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
ated for Automake 1.6.1. You should recreate
aclocal.m4:4200: aclocal.m4 with aclocal and run automake again.
make: *** [] Error 1
I moved the aclocal.m4 file and ran aclocal and then the make worked.
Seems to be working ok so far.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
esses. and it came back with this result
clamscan --database=/var/lib/clamav abc
abc: Worm.Sober.U FOUND
Then post your config. There is something wrong in it.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
clamd *is* what is missing
Sober) ;)
Body is fine. Remove the comments though. We have them in our own
config already and don't need to clutter the list with them.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
erwise you won't get new virus sigs. Having it
running is a good thing. I think the prev poster may have been thinking
that an old version may still have been running in memory even though
you updated.
Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
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