Hi *all,
How do i do to install 0.96 version using yum in Fedora 12?
Thanks a lot,
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO)
E-mail: clo...@feagri.unicamp.br http://www.feagri.unicamp.br
Fone(0xx19) 35211031
On 19-04-2010 17:34, Jim Preston wrote:
On Apr 19, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Andy Loates wrote:
On 19/04/2010 19:41, Clovis Tristao wrote:
Hi *all,
How do i do to install 0.96 version using yum in Fedora 12?
Thanks a lot,
From previous experiences going back to FC3 the Clamav package is
have version "daily.cld is up to date (version: 10935, sigs: 63535,
f-level: 51, builder: ccordes)" ClamAV 0.95.3,
need to take any action, freshclam does not run yet.
when run it will download the daily correct?
Thanks a lot,
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenhari
How do I upgrade ClamAV version 0.95.3 package for Fedora 12 in ClamAV
0.97 tar.gz? There is a version 0.97 in yum package for this version of
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO)
Em 14-03-2011 16:14, Brian Morrison escreveu:
On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:15:09 -0300
Clovis Tristao wrote:
How do I upgrade ClamAV version 0.95.3 package for Fedora 12 in
ClamAV 0.97 tar.gz? There is a version 0.97 in yum package for this
version of Fedora?
It's fairly simple to do, you ne
using the command yum update in the Fedora Core?
Thanks in advance,
Clóvis Tristão
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.feagri.unicamp.br
they appear.
Hi Brian,
I'm using FC 6.
Where find a How-To to construct and install clamav of the source?
Another question. Until when the Clamav.net will go to keep updates for
the version 0.8x?
Thanks a lot,
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Hi All,
I'm using Clamav in Server Fedora Core.
Please, How I up to date clamav databases automatically and I receive
e-mails saying that the system was brought up to date?
Thanks a lot,
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Sec
How do i do to install PostFix + Amavisd + SpamAssassin + Clamav?
Anyone have the How To?
Clóvis Tristão
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.agr.unicamp.br
Fone(0xx19) 37881031-37881038 ou FAX(55xx19) 37881010
amAssassin. ClamAV installs very easy.
You can also find excellent documentation on Postfix at www.postfix.org.
I can give you clues and tweaks and advice also, but only on FreeBSD.
Ken McKittrick
Network Engineer
On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 06:26 AM, Clovis Tristao
My installation of the ClamAV does not have clamd.conf in /etc, as makes
to install it?
I installed in Fedora Core 4 distro.
Since already I am thankful,
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO)
y the package is outdated:
"Clamav: 0.86.2".
I'm using clamav-0.87-1.fc4 in RPM package.
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO)
E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.agr.unicamp.br
Krištof Petr wrote:
Clovis Tristao wrote:
My installation of the ClamAV does not have clamd.conf in /etc, as
makes to install it?
I installed in Fedora Core 4 distro.
Since already I am thankful,
clamd.conf is configuration file for clamav daemon, you should
install package clamav
Read http://www.clamav.net/faq.html
What's happening, because I update the system:
I'm read the http://www.clamav.net/faq.html, but not found any solution.
Thanks any help,
Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Fac
Bill Maidment wrote:
q# wrote:
On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 10:33:52AM -0200, Clovis Tristao wrote:
I'm update Clamav using /etc/cron.d/clamav-update or freshclam, but
appears this message
ClamAV update process started at Tue Nov 8 10:26:12 2005
WARNING: Your ClamAV installati
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