Em 07-05-2010 08:19, Luca Gibelli escreveu:
Hello Toby,

The very latest update causes the following debug output. A quick search on
twitter finds someone else with similar issues too.
See http://lurker.clamav.net/message/20100507.110656.573e90d7.en.html

Best regards


I have version "daily.cld is up to date (version: 10935, sigs: 63535, f-level: 51, builder: ccordes)" ClamAV 0.95.3,
need to take any action, freshclam does not run yet.
when run it will download the daily correct?
Thanks a lot,


Clovis Tristao - UNICAMP/Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola
Administrador de Redes - Secao de Informatica (SINFO)
E-mail: clo...@feagri.unicamp.br http://www.feagri.unicamp.br
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