I`ve even uptdated to clamav 0.90.3 and wondering why to reload the Database
took so long => about 44sec.
The older Version (0.88.3) on the same Hardware (kern:2.4 i686 Intel Xeon cpu)
with the same load etc.. took only 4-5 sec to reload the Database.
The Database folder was deleted and re
I`ve even uptdated to clamav 0.90.3 and wondering why to reload the Database
took so long => about 44sec.
The older Version (0.88.3) on the same Hardware (kern:2.4 i686 Intel Xeon cpu)
with the same load etc.. took only 4-5 sec to reload the Database.
The Database folder was deleted and re
First freshclam works fine on my laptop. However before I got it working
I experienced something strange.
I installed Fedora 7 on june 2 and change/comments
the /etc/freshclam.conf file to make it not to be an example file. Then
I did the same with /etc/sysconfig/freshclam file (last line c
On 6/13/07, Lukas Pataki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I`ve even uptdated to clamav 0.90.3 and wondering why to reload the Database
> took so long => about 44sec.
> The older Version (0.88.3) on the same Hardware (kern:2.4 i686 Intel Xeon cpu)
> with the same load etc.. took only 4-5 sec t
> >
> Please compare with reload speed of 0.91rc1
yes, it seems that the problem is fixed int that rc.
Wed Jun 13 19:51:15 2007 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav/
Wed Jun 13 19:51:18 2007 -> Loaded 125283 signatures.
> --Edwin
> ___
Can I install the ClamAV for Solaris 10 SPARC 64-bit package to OpenSolaris X86?
Today,I install the OpenSolaris,and want to install the ClamAV on it.
I download "ClamAV-s10-0.91rc1.bz2 - Solaris 10 package " to / ,in globel
Zone,install this by "root".but it still fail,Error message is:
On 6/13/07, Cheng Guangyao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I install the ClamAV for Solaris 10 SPARC 64-bit package to OpenSolaris
> X86?
> Today,I install the OpenSolaris,and want to install the ClamAV on it.
> I download "ClamAV-s10-0.91rc1.bz2 - Solaris 10 package " to / ,in globel
> Zone,ins
yes,i didn't know how to del the redundancy one :(
but i didn't find ClamAV for opensolaris X86,i want to install a anti-virus on
opensolaris X86.
Cheng Guangyao
发件人: T�r�k_Edvin
发送时间: 2007-06-14 02:44:03
收件人: ClamAV users ML
主题: Re: [Clamav-users] help,some faq about instal
Can I install the ClamAV for Solaris 10 SPARC 64-bit package to OpenSolaris X86?
Today,I install the OpenSolaris,and want to install the ClamAV on it.
I download "ClamAV-s10-0.91rc1.bz2 - Solaris 10 package " to / ,in globel
Zone,install this by "root".but it still fail,Error message is: