OS: Devuan GNU/Linux 4 (chimaera) x86_64
I'm running devuan, an offshoot of Debian.
in attempting to install the latest flatpak and in the same directory,
by using the following;
sudo flatpak install chirp-daily-20220219.flatpak
error: The application com.danplanet.chirp/x86_64/master require
The syntax is incorrect for files not in the $PATH, you have
to give the full path in the command, or if you are in the
same directory, you have to preceed the file name with a
period then a slash that is "./".
Thus the command you should give is:
sudo flatpak install ./chirp-daily-20220219.fl
The syntax is incorrect for files not in the $PATH, you have to give
the full path in the command, or if you are in the=20
same directory, you have to proceed the file name with a period then a
slash that is "./".
Thus the command you should give is:
sudo flatpak install ./chirp-daily-20220219.fl
did your suggestion(s)
sudo flatpak install ./chirp-daily-20220219.flatpak
and getting the same message.
On 3/3/22 12:49, David J. J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
The syntax is incorrect for files not in the $PATH, you have
to give the full path in the command, or if you are in the
same directory, you hav
When installing flatpak, you have to add the fllatpak repository. As
regular use issue this command.
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
In terminal, change directory to Downloads, then make a tmp folder (directory).
cd Downloads
mkdir tmp
Lubuntu 20.04 has the same problem. "runtime
org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/19.08" is depreciated and no longer
available. There is nothing that you are doing that is wrong or
incorrect. There is supposed to be a workaround to fix it. I have not
tested it yet. I'll play with
I’m a new ham, but an experienced Mac programmer. I’m sorry if this is
presumptive, but I’d like to help. I know how to sign code, and I have the
certs to do it. I have an app on the Mac App Store. I’d like to help make CHIRP
available to Mac users who are on modern Macs.
Don Carlil
Hi Don,
I would suggest that you make the same offer on the [chirp_devel] mailing
On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 8:49 PM Donald Carlile via chirp_users <
chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m a new ham, but an experienced Mac programmer. I’m sorry if this is
> presumpti