Re: [chirp_users] Trouble with Chirp & Yaesu FT-60R

2020-02-10 Thread John Dodd
Try RT Systems software...not too expensive and worth it. I use it for my Yaesu FT3D and it work great. You do need a special cable OR you can remove the SD card from the HT and insert it into yore computer, program the SD card then put back in HT and wahla!! On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 8:52 PM Frank K

Re: [chirp_users] Trouble with Chirp & Yaesu FT-60R

2020-02-10 Thread Jardy via chirp_users
Another Windows program to use is FT-60 Commander software (free) found at Use the alternate write method. Works quite nicely. Jardy Dawson WA7JRD Message sent myOh, who the heck cares, anyway? Could be my shoelaces, as far as I care! > On Feb 10, 2020, at 05:26, John Do

Re: [chirp_users] Use of Chirp

2020-02-10 Thread Mark Lassman via chirp_users
Yes. Spend the money and use the ADMS software. It works great. Easy to use. > On Feb 9, 2020, at 7:46 PM, Frank Kohn wrote: > > I had to reset my FT-60R. I did write over the original memory download. > > I installed the latest Chirp build, and can not download a new memory > template. > >

Re: [chirp_users] benefits of upgrading

2020-02-10 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
I use chirp-daily it's always the latest version because I don't want to take a chance of having my system update libs that need updated code from chirp to avoid any damage to my radios. Obviously you can do what you want, but I wouldn't unless you don't update the other files in your system and y

Re: [chirp_users] Use of Chirp

2020-02-10 Thread Dave Nathanson
I’d definitely try the previous CHIRP version that had worked for you. Have you tried that yet? Dave KG6ZJO >> On Feb 9, 2020, at 7:46 PM, Frank Kohn > > wrote: >> >> I had to reset my FT-60R. I did write over the original memory download. >> I installed the lat

Re: [chirp_users] Use of Chirp

2020-02-10 Thread D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
What type of operating system do you use? Windows, Mac, Linux? Linux is the easiest because there is no driver problem for fake USB chips. Can you undelete your original file that you previously saved? That's an important file. Regards, David On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 10:46 PM Frank Kohn wrote

[chirp_users] Leixen 898S

2020-02-10 Thread Kurt
Hi, I have Chirp 20200207 on a Windows platform installed fine and it communicates fine with the USB cable to my Leixen 898s.  Now I understand how the clone function works as I've used it with other radios.  I understand the radio is supposed to take any changes "live" and I'm not supposed t

Re: [chirp_users] Leixen 898S

2020-02-10 Thread phil
For those having issues with chirp and all of a sudden it won’t read the radio I found that anti-virus and anti-malware programs sometimes will quarantine the driver software especially if it is of Chinese origin. I usually turn my malware and antivirus off when installing but in some cases had