I use chirp-daily it's always the latest version because I don't want to
take a chance of having my system update libs that need updated code from
chirp to avoid any damage to my radios.

Obviously you can do what you want, but I wouldn't unless you don't update
the other files in your system and your Linux system is frozen in time.
Don't upgrade just some of the files unless you have a good reason.



On Sun, Feb 9, 2020, 21:00 K 0 L N Y Glenn <glenner...@cableone.net> wrote:

>     Hi,
> I'm wondering what if any benefits there would be to upgrading Chirp
> software, if one's radio is already one of the options to choose from?
> I would think that the only benefits would be if the radio you wish to
> program has not yet been an option, and it was recently added to the
> selection.
> I guess I don't typically read the list of changes added to Chirp, so
> perhaps I'm missing the obvious.
> I sometimes think that if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I typically
> don't update my chirp, but when I install a new Live Linux, I typically
> install a new build.
> Just wondering when noticing that someone updated their chirp, and now it
> does not work for them.
> Glenn
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