Eric and Discussion of CHIRP,
For those who have vision problems including blindness, I heartily
recommend SLINT based on Slackware. SLINT stands for SLackware
INTernational and it supports many languages and it is the most accessible
distribution I know of. There are several speech systems suppo
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards did it with open document
formats. I think Microsoft joined that one with the 2007 issue of MS Office so
therer's still hope.
> On 21/02/2021 13:11 Eric Oyen via chirp_use
Actually, that is not a bad idea all things considered. An open API that is
standard regardless of OS would make life a lot easier for both the coders and
users. Unfortunately, try convincing both Apple and Microsoft of this. Perhaps
something like the UEFI consortium might work to get this to h
I think that this is one that the proprietary folks could take a
lesson from Open Source, I know several people who use
Chirp on Linux for the open screen reader interface. I think it
is time that those two groups stump up and write code that
will use the open API rather than force the Chirp coders
If Chirp is properly screen reader complient on Linux but not on Windows or
MACOS then I suggest you contact Microsoft and Apple and ask them to make their
screen readers more complient with the open standard used by your Linux screen
> On 21/02/2021 03:54 Eric Oyen via chirp_users
Unfortunatelly I only use linux, but somebody will help you :)
Best regards.
El dom, 21 feb 2021 a las 11:39, Eric Oyen ()
> Ok, that’s new info. thanks.
> However, I have tried Chirp on both Windows and OS X platforms and the
> program just won’t work with any of the available scree
Hello Eric,
You con program your Retevis H777 and H777s with chirp just selecting
Baofeng BF-888 radio.
Chirp is available for Windows and OS X platforms at
Best regards
El dom, 21 feb 2021 a las 9:55, Eric Oyen via chirp_users (<