Eric and Discussion of CHIRP,

For those who have vision problems including blindness, I heartily
recommend SLINT based on Slackware. SLINT stands for SLackware
INTernational and it supports many languages and it is the most accessible
distribution I know of.  There are several speech systems supported, and
IBM Text to Speech - VOXIN - is supported even though VOXIN must be
purchased for $5.00 per language from a non-profit group.

CHIRP and other ham radio programs are available for SLINT.  I'm using
SLINT right now.


On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 1:13 PM Eric Oyen via chirp_users <> wrote:

> Actually, that is not a bad idea all things considered. An open API that
> is standard regardless of OS would make life a lot easier for both the
> coders and users. Unfortunately, try convincing both Apple and Microsoft of
> this. Perhaps something like the UEFI consortium might work to get this to
> happen.
> DE n7zzt Eric
> On Feb 21, 2021, at 9:14 AM, Chuck Hast <> wrote:
> I think that this is one that the proprietary folks could take a
> lesson from Open Source, I know several people who use
> Chirp on Linux for the open screen reader interface. I think it
> is time that those two groups stump up and write code that
> will use the open API rather than force the Chirp coders to
> code for their proprietary interfaces. They have enough on
> their plates keeping up with all of the other stuff. Knowing
> that I have vision limited friends who happily use Linux for
> the screen reader interface nulls that whole Chirp should
> meet MS/Apple API's. Sorry but they either need to cut
> bait or get off the dock.
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