Thanks for the feedback! Good to know.
It might be worth opening a "Feature" ticket suggesting the wording for
this radio.
Thanks and 73!
Bernhard AE6YN
On 03-Jan-21 00:44, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
I found the problem.
Advice on the screen when uploading says click "OK" then click "send"
I found the problem.
Advice on the screen when uploading says click "OK" then click "send" on
the FT-897D screen, then a sending progress bar appears.
However when downloading from CHIRP it doesn't have that instruction.
It just says click "receive" on the FT-897D screen.
I just repeated the fi
Yes, it does make sense. Serial connections use *two* independent data
lines (plus ground): RX and TX.
If you trigger your radio to give you all its data (download contents),
then the radio will use its TX line to feed the RX of the USB cable.
Chirp reads it from there. The radio's RX line is
This is a problem only for writing, not reading from radio.
Doesn't make sense to me.
Best wishes,
On Fri, Jan 1, 2021, 20:04 Bernhard Hailer AE6YN wrote:
> Hi DR,
> This looks like a cable / driver / connector issue. Please refer to these
> Wiki articles:
> CableGuide
Hi DR,
This looks like a cable / driver / connector issue. Please refer to
these Wiki articles:
CableGuide FTDI OEM Cables
*Linux notes:* Linux generally is quite good with USB to Serial
converter drivers. The most likely cause for grief is a connector which
doesn't provide good e
I can download from my Yaesu FT-897D successfully using CHIRP
daily-20201221 on Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Python 2.7.16) but I cannot
I get the following error message.
raise errors.RadioError("Failed to communicate with radio: %s" % e)
RadioError: Failed to communicate with radio: R