Re: [chirp_users] Programming Yaesu Radios using CHIRP

2019-04-02 Thread Amnon Zohar
remark for your presentation the cheap cables with clone prolific chips works fine with the older driver version a good source for technical staff can be found at (the bible ofradios) you can download that driver there ‫בתאריך יום ג׳, 2 באפר׳ 2019 ב-23:44 מאת ‪Larry Lo

Re: [chirp_users] Programming Yaesu Radios using CHIRP

2019-04-02 Thread Rich Holtman
Larry, Don't forget to point your audience to for Driver Help. That is a good source. I hope you don't mind, but I kept a copy of your presentation for new hams and new ARES members to enjoy. 73, Rich Holtman AEC for Peoria County ARES (Illinois) KD9ANU

Re: [chirp_users] Programming Yaesu Radios using CHIRP

2019-04-02 Thread Larry Lovell
I wish to thank all of you for your findings on the Yaesu radios. I am giving a presentation on CHIRP to our local (Eastern Idaho) HAMs tonight. If you are interested, the PDF of my presentation is located at: On Thu, Mar

Re: [chirp_users] MDF-A and B

2019-04-02 Thread Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
I don't memorise frequencies. In my radios, I display the name of the city or the name of the owning club. Frequencies are only for simplex. > On 02 April 2019 at 07:54 Dennis Wage wrote: > > One thing to mention. Although naming repeaters and commonly used > frequencies can be handy, I

Re: [chirp_users] MDF-A and B

2019-04-02 Thread Dennis Wage
One thing to mention. Although naming repeaters and commonly used frequencies can be handy, I have found that most all hams memorize frequencies. So even though I made up a naming convention for my radios so I would quickly know which repeater I was tuned to, I think it's better to display frequenc