Re: [Cerowrt-devel] nostalgia

2020-05-08 Thread David P. Reed
Yeah. In 1969, Bruce Daniels was a neighbor in my dorm (Random Hall, MIT) and Tim Anderson was working in the same office space at Project MAC as Carl Hewitt in around 1974, when I was, among other things like working on Multics kernel and building MACLISP, helping Carl with implementing Planne

[Cerowrt-devel] Fwd: You're Invited: DWeb Virtual Meetup—next Wednesday--Decentralized Storage 💾 💻

2020-05-08 Thread Dave Taht
while I'm referring to stuff that's actually fun and off-topic... I've long off been watching progress in this area, knowing that "fixing bufferbloat" is a key requirement for technologies like this to succeed. I have to note that I am finding jitsi meet, rather than zoom, quite useful. The frame