while I'm referring to stuff that's actually fun and off-topic... I've long
off been watching progress in this area, knowing that
"fixing bufferbloat" is a key requirement for technologies like this to

I have to note that I am finding jitsi meet, rather than zoom, quite
useful. The frame rate, in particular, is amazing.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wendy Hanamura <we...@archive.org>
Date: Fri, May 8, 2020 at 4:24 PM
Subject: You're Invited: DWeb Virtual Meetup—next Wednesday--Decentralized
Storage 💾 💻
To: <dave.t...@gmail.com>

Wed. May 13: Meet the leaders of Filecoin & Storj; network with
Decentralized Web Community
Join us: Virtual DWeb Meetup Decentralized Storage
Dear Friends,
Every cloud has its silver lining! While we can't camp, congregate or meet
in person right now, we can still come together and meet new people
interested in the Decentralized Web. And untethered from one location, we
can connect across timezones and continents.

Join us for the very first virtual *DWeb Meetup:  Decentralized Storage
Comes of Age. Wednesday, May 13 at 10 AM Pacific. *
Register Now
*Michelle Lee, Protocol Labs, Shawn Wilkinson, Storj Co-founder & Ben
Golub, CEO of Storj will take you through the lessons they've learned.*
We'll hear from leaders of Storj Labs
and Protocol Lab's Filecoin
as they offer enterprise-level decentralized storage, collectively
preserving the data we need to fuel scientific collaboration, education,
and AI research.

Storj Labs recently released its V3 Network
enterprise service level partners.

This week, Filecoin launched the Filecoin Discover
to incentivize early miners to store open source data (including some from
the Internet Archive).

What are the governance issues? How do you handle take down in a
decentralized network? How can developers build on top of these storage
networks? How can you become a storage node? What type of collaborations
are happening? We'll break into small groups to discuss these subjects and

When you register, we'll send you a Zoom Link, Password, and two 10-minute
presentations by the Co-founder and CEO of Storj, and the Storage &
Developer Tools Lead of Filecoin. Watch the talks beforehand.  Then spend
90 minutes of MeetUp time networking, meeting new people, and exploring
subjects in small groups.
Seats are limited, claim yours now
What About DWeb Camp 2020?

Where will we all be in September 2020? How can the DWeb Community be most
useful in this COVID crisis? Those are the questions we are asking
ourselves. One answer: by sharing our knowledge in building
community-driven infrastructure. We are proud to announce a new
website *Meshnet
@DWeb Camp 2019
replete with everything you'd need to build a mesh network for your
Read More Here
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Make Music, Not War

Dave Täht
CTO, TekLibre, LLC
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