Though it is not a source code, there is a nice article by a retired librarian
that used to work at Apple. Anna Mancini helped save a lot of material that
Apple discarded in the past. Anna talks about the Apple Archives at
gt;> with NO provision for any future expansion.
>> --
>> Grumpy Ol' Fred
>>> On Wed, 25 Jan 2023, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk wrote:
>>> Though it is not a source code, there is a nice article by a retired
One website has an archive of the first Homebrew Computer Club newsletters. The
newsletter is associated with the Homebrew club that kicked off the personal
computer revolution
Tarek Hoteit
Ok let me answer that about I joined as a member last year. What I am
saying below is what I learned along the way. It is a nonprofit organization in
Seattle that started decades ago promoting Unix for the masses. I joined out of
a curiosity and my interests in anything classical comput
Seems click bait to me. The store has only 1 item listed and 809 reviews. 165
watchers too. If we have 165 watchers interesting in this thinkpad (which by
the way one was sold with 15bid for $232
then maybe that 818,888 (notice the flowers too in the listin
Sorry folks for all the typos in my last post.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Feb 15, 2023, at 10:04 AM, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk
> wrote:
> Seems click bait to me. The store has only 1 item listed and 809 reviews.
> 165 watchers too. If we have 165 watchers interesting i
This is awesome, Steve. First of all please give a high five to your
middle-schooler daughter whom you had her help make such a high quality video.
I assume that such videos will also be shared at schools, and your daughter’s
friends. It would help raise awareness on the history of computers tha
ot;Carrion" --
> and its subtle, but the gray at the top and bottom was intended to
> represent silica sand) and picked most of the system arrangement.
> Thanks!
> Steve
>> On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 9:25 AM Tarek Hoteit via cctalk <
>> cctalk
Yes. I second that. Having the daughter as a narrator is perfect. No offense,
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 8, 2023, at 10:09 AM, W2HX via cctalk wrote:
> I loved it. I would only suggest a human narrator like your daughter would
> be great. But I don't like the computer generate
I don’t think there is a strict definition of what a home computer is. One can
argue Plato is one. Another might say Atari 2600. Someone can argue that the
Altair is the first. It is unfair to make the author of the video be 100%
perfect because it is too technical / debatable for the video: is
! I
hope it did for all other fellow old-timers!
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 8, 2023, at 11:55 AM, wrote:
>>> On 03/08/2023 11:59 AM CST Tarek Hoteit via cctalk
>>> wrote:
>> We probably need to
That is great news. I think these kids saw the 90s as NES (Mario), Sega
(Sonic), and their dads playing either Leisure Suite Larry and later Doom on
the PC. I think we need to find a way to pull them to this news group, rather
than them pulling us to their Discord chats, and then all of us woul
We can get them excited by thinking like them - videos (narrated by their kind
not us) and we are in the background. We play old school games and make fun of
the 8bit sounds in front of them. Some might get curious and say “why does this
sound like that?” Or “why this graphic looks so different”
> wrote:
>> On 3/8/2023 2:54 PM, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk wrote:
>> I don’t think there is a strict definition of what a home computer is. One
>> can argue Plato is one.
> There must be a Plato I don't know about. The one I saw when I was in IT
We can ask them by saying “we were at your age and had toys that we loved so
much that we still talk about them 40 years or so later. If you have a toy that
you want to preserve that for 40 years, what would you do?”
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 8, 2023, at 12:43 PM, Sellam Abraham via cctal
> On Mar 8, 2023, at 12:22 PM, Sellam Abraham via cctalk
> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 11:55 AM Will Cooke via cctalk
> wrote:
>>> On 03/08/2023 11:59 AM CST Tarek Hoteit via cctalk <
>>> wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2023, at 12:22 PM, Sellam Abraham via cctalk
> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 11:55 AM Will Cooke via cctalk
> wrote:
>>> On 03/08/2023 11:59 AM CST Tarek Hoteit via cctalk <
>>> wrote:
>>> We probably
I just ordered your book from Amazon. I am looking forward to reading it.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 9, 2023, at 2:51 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk
> wrote:
> On Mar 9, 2023, at 5:20 PM, Murray McCullough via cctalk
> wrote:
>>> A lot has been written about the origins of the microcompu also sells 100 promotional disks (no working disks) for $12.
They also sell 5.25 nonworking ones with different colors that can be used for
projects. I think those would be nice for making art projects at schools,
mancaves, and home offices. Good coffee coasters like the old days
Thank you for catching the scam here. I saw an Apple Iie for $99 on the site
with a monitor and keyboard that is too good to be true. The site is complete
with fraud and bs.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 10, 2023, at 9:29 AM, rescue via cctalk wrote:
> Recently rejoined the list
Hello. I am visiting the Computer History Museum in California next week. I
always wanted to check it out and spend a day there, but something else
happens. Any recommendations of what is a must see at the museum and anything
else classic computing nearby in one day only (March 15)?
> -Steve
>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 11:28 AM Tarek Hoteit via cctalk <
>>> wrote:
>> Hello. I am visiting the Computer History Museum in California next wee
Thanks Jim -> will take a photo of Microdata 1600!
“The Microdata 1600 I donated to the CHM is of course my favorite. In the
timeline part of the display”
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 12, 2023, at 1:43 PM, jim stephens via cctalk
> wrote:
>> On 3/12/23
Thank you, again.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 12, 2023, at 9:28 AM, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk
> wrote:
> Hello. I am visiting the Computer History Museum in California next week. I
> always wanted to check it out and spend a day there, but something else
The latest issue of Mad Magazine (April 2023) is titled “MAD Takes Apart
Technology”. The pages include reprints of past articles that relate to
computers, such as “if computers are so brilliant” (Oct 1985), “13 things you
never want to hear from a computer guy” (May 2005), various y2k, and some
Oh yes it is so cool. We were talking about it with its owner IceBreaker on
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 13, 2023, at 2:54 PM, Murray McCullough via cctalk
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone seen the latest on ArsTECHN
>> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 6:17 PM Tarek Hoteit via cctalk <
>>> wrote:
>> Oh yes it is so cool. We were talking about it with its owner IceBreaker
>> on Mastodon
. Of
> course a stop at Anchor Electronics in Santa Clara if you are interested in
> vintage components. The slightly underwhelming Intel Museum in Santa Clara
> also. No more Weird Stuff, Halted and Excess Solutions unfortunately :-(
> Marc
>> On Mar 13, 2023, at 9:48 AM,
Will do ! Thank you
Tarek Hoteit
> On Mar 15, 2023, at 9:37 AM, ebruchez--- via cctalk
> wrote:
> I just wanted to say that the CHM is great. The exhibits are wonderfully
> done, and yes, don't miss the 1401 demo if you can. But there is a lot,
> starting with Hollerith machines
Hi. I came across an article about the "Sun/Tronic House" in the July/August
1981 issue of Computers and Programming magazine.
The article references the Apple 2 as the computer that controls everything in
the house that also relies on solar energy.
The house, per the article, is (or was) in Gree
6830. There is no street view on Google but from the satellite photo it
> looks like it could be the same house as I seem some of what appear to be
> similar curved features on the roof.
> From: Tarek Hoteit via cctalk []
> Sent: Friday, Mar
Hello Eric. Can you please share the link to the Fortran 4 copy of Adventure?
On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 08:59:48PM -0500, Eric Moore via cctalk wrote:
> Awesome! Thank you! I also received a link to a fortran 4 copy of
> adventure. Now to spend months or years trying to punch, read, compile, and
> r
These are a great set of links. Huge Adventure fan. Thank you so much
On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 11:10:18PM -0500, Eric Moore via cctalk wrote:
> I received this in a direct reply from a list member:
> There are several FORTRAN implementations of the original Adventure game
> drifting around.
> T
Hello Mark. Curious about your online collection. Can you share a link
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 8, 2023, at 4:29 AM, Mark Brennan via cctalk
> wrote:
> Hi Devin,
> Do you happen to have any brochures/catalogs/Sgi Magazines newsletter by
> any chance, I would love to add them to our o
Such progress should never stop. I keep buying old magazines (creative
computing, compute!, Byte, Omni, and more) via eBay and randomly pick one to
read each day. It is always a great feeling to read the actual magazines as if
it were the eighties (or late seventies)
Tarek Hoteit
Funny you mentioned Brave New World. Just two hours ago I bought the book at
Target. What a coincidence
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 21, 2023, at 9:53 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk
> wrote:
> On 4/21/23 21:08, Doug Jackson via cctalk wrote:
>> That's the crux of it.
>> Without advertis
Seems print order option is down. I get 404 not found error
when I click on order print issue.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 23, 2023, at 5:55 AM, KenUnix via cctalk wrote:
> Linux Journal is now Linux Magazine and is *available in print* at:
Great. That works.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 23, 2023, at 4:22 PM, KenUnix via cctalk wrote:
> Tarek,
> Try here:
> Ken
>> On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 7:07 PM Tarek
Also found this GitHub page that simplifies reading magazines off
when using your phone
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 24, 2023, at 4:47 PM, KenUnix via cctalk wrote:
> Guys,
> I came across this site that has Linux magazines downloadabl
I learned today about Dave’s Old Computer website which is listed as a subdomain under I wasn’t aware of subdomain sites. Can any one list any other
ones or is a list of sites available ?
Tarek Hoteit
Wasn’t his sister busy buying or selling a sports team and showed no interests
in the museum? Same for Gates. Busy explaining how ChatGPT is the best thing
ever while all the money spent for “saving the world” seems to have led to
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 25, 2023, at 6:50 AM,
p.s. #2. Don’t use Windows either.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 25, 2023, at 8:21 AM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk
> wrote:
> On 4/25/23 06:54, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk wrote:
>> Wasn’t his sister busy buying or selling a sports team and showed no
>> interests in th
ia cctalk wrote:
> --- Original Message ---
> On Monday, April 24th, 2023 at 22:48, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk
> wrote:
> > I learned today about Dave’s Old Computer website
> > which is
> > listed as a subdomain under classicc
I am with Murray on this one. Maybe because of the WWW and not via Gopher nor
BBS led some of us to discover cctalk.
Tarek Hoteit
> On May 3, 2023, at 5:09 PM, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk
> wrote:
>> On 5/3/2023 7:58 PM, Murray McCullough via cctalk wrote:
>> 30 years ago the W
Did you ever choose the mystery meal?
Tarek Hoteit
> On May 7, 2023, at 9:50 AM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk
> wrote:
> On 5/7/23 08:35, KenUnix via cctalk wrote:
>> Chuck,
>> Did you at least get a bag peanuts on the flight?
> It was always a dinner flight, so I had my choic
Not to complicate the haunt for the first Altair, but there is no guarantee
that it ever existed. Maybe it was an urban legend that it was shipped. If it
did, did it work? Might just buy the remaining issue of Popular Electronics
featuring the fake Altair.
Tarek Hoteit
> On May 9, 20
FYI, SDF retro computing and home brew exhibition is scheduled for September 30
to October 1 in Seattle WA . Link to the exhibit is at and
- - - -
Tarek Hoteit
+1 360-838-3675
> On Fri, Sep 1, 2023 at 7:25 PM Tarek Hoteit via cctalk <
>> wrote:
>> FYI, SDF retro computing and home brew exhibition is scheduled for
>> September 30 to October 1 in Seattle WA . Link to the exhibit is at
Safe recovery! Yes, the physical human OLD sucks (not the geeky-part <- guess
that keeps us more functioning)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tarek Hoteit
+1 360-838-3675
> On Sep 7, 2023, at 5:07 PM, Mike Katz via cctalk
> wrote:
> My sympathies to both o
TRUE! Only the vintage folks (us) would appreciate what or how we think
Earlier today Paul Koning sent a post under a seperate thread “…., (movb
#1,r0) fetches the instruction and increments PC by 2, thfetches the word where
the PC points and increments by 2, not 1 again.” And then sent a corr
I double that. Turbo Basic and TASM manuals should be saved, especially the
Turbo BASIC one.
If Zane doesn’t want it, I would pay for shipping Turbo BASIC to 98671 zip code
in the US.
Tarek Hoteit
AI Consultant, PhD
+1 360-838-3675
INFOCOM AI LLC - https://info
I double that. Turbo Basic and TASM manuals should be saved, especially the
Turbo BASIC one.
If Zane doesn’t want it, I would pay for shipping Turbo BASIC to 98671 zip code
in the US.
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 6, 2024, at 08:13, Zane Healy via cctalk wrote:
> I suspect that at least
Plato experience is still active including the games at
Tarek Hoteit
AI Consultant, PhD
+1 360-838-3675
> On Apr 13, 2024, at 10:20, Paul Koning via cctalk
> wrote:
>> On Apr 12, 2024, at 9:
Mike, any tips or guidelines for running an emulated PDP on a Raspberry Pi ?
Tarek Hoteit
> On Apr 21, 2024, at 08:08, Mike Katz via cctalk wrote:
> Well my PDP-8 was built in 1974 and is still running (with careful
> maintenance). My PiDP-8/I has been up and running continuousl
I managed to find and buy a fair copy of the magazine on eBay for $150 two
weeks ago.
Tarek Hoteit, PhD
Principal AI Consultant
> On Apr 27, 2024, at 07:42, wh.sudbrink--- via cctalk
> wrote:
> I'm sorry to hear that. Some o
I came across this paragraph from the July 1981 Popular Science magazine
edition in the article titled “Compute power - pro models at almost home-unit
“ ‘Personal-computer buffs may buy a machine, bring it home, and then spend the
rest of their time looking for things it can do’, said
ad relatively cheaper
> software developers to make custom programs.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 27, 2024, at 10:23, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk
>> wrote:
>> I came across this paragraph from the July 1981 Popular Science magazine
>> edition in the art
Anyone used Oh Pascal book while working on Turbo Pascal? I coded a memory
viewer that was similar to Norton Utilities and PC Tools at the time for CP/M
on Epson QX10 using Pascal. It was somewhere between 83 and 85
Tarek Hoteit
AI Consultant, PhD
+1 360-838-3675
> On May 9, 2024, at
A friend of a friend had a birthday gathering. Everyone there was in their
thirties, except for myself, my wife, and our friend. Anyway, I met a Google
engineer, a Microsoft data scientist, an Amazon AWS recruiter (I think she was
a recruiter), and a few others in tech who are friends with the
hose exposed to it or used it in anger are going to be fewer and far between.
> It's OK to be concerned, but i don't think the retro computing scene is as
> dire as some might make it out to be.
> Cheers,
> Josh Rice
>> On 19/05/2024 16:14, Tarek
> wrote:
> On 5/19/2024 11:14 AM, Tarek Hoteit via cctalk wrote:
>> A friend of a friend had a birthday gathering. Everyone there was in their
>> thirties, except for myself, my wife, and our friend. Anyway, I met a Google
>> engineer, a Microsoft data scie
I think if you can find that colleague of yours again and then say “who is
laughing now?”
Tarek Hoteit
AI Consultant, PhD
+1 360-838-3675
> On May 23, 2024, at 16:05, Chuck Guzis via cctalk
> wrote:
> On 5/23/24 12:53, Dave Dunfield via cctalk wrote:
>> I've just passed on my
62 matches
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