[cctalk] Re: Stuff available in Somerset, England - Update and MORE STUFF

2022-12-04 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Doh! I saw the beginning of the subject line and got excited: I'm in Somerset ... New Jersey. On 12/2/22 08:14, Philip Belben via cctalk wrote: Dear all, I am still trying to declutter enough to empty the storage container, and have room to move around in my basement.  I have decided not to

Apple 1, Commodore 65, Enigma Machine, Inventor of C++

2017-03-28 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
"What do an Apple 1, Commodore 65, Enigma Machine, and the inventor of C++ all have in common?" "They all be at VCF East this weekend." You should go, too. Evan Koblentz, director Vintage Computer Federation a 501(c)3 educational non-profit e...@vcfed.org (646

VCF East pictures

2017-04-10 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
VCF East XII was held March 31-April 2. Around 500 people were there. Adam Michlin's pictures: http://ceos.io/vcf/east/ Dave Riley's pictures: http://oscar.the-rileys.net/VCF%20East%20XII%20Photos/ Dan Roganti's pictures: http://www.rogtronics.net/blog/?page_id=730 Mike Loewen's pictures: ht

Re: VCF East pictures

2017-04-10 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
VCF East XII was held March 31-April 2. Around 500 people were there. Adam Michlin's pictures: http://ceos.io/vcf/east/ Dave Riley's pictures: http://oscar.the-rileys.net/VCF%20East%20XII%20Photos/ Dan Roganti's pictures: http://www.rogtronics.net/blog/?page_id=730 Mike Loewen's pictures: http

Atlanta and lots more VCF news

2017-04-10 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
VCF East is done, VCF Southeast is next (April 29-30), VCF West is August 5-6, and this summer we're announcing a NEW edition of the show in an awesome place. :) Southeast will feature former Apple Macintosh exec Andy Hertzfeld and former Tandy exec Don French. I will be there too, but don't l

GoFundMe for Cap'n Crunch

2017-04-12 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
https://www.gofundme.com/crunch-medical-fund Help if you can. We all owe a debt to John Draper aka the Cap'n. Evan Koblentz, director Vintage Computer Federation a 501(c)3 educational non-profit e...@vcfed.org (646) 546- www.vcfed.org facebook.com/vcfeder

Harry Huskey, Bob Taylor -- sad news

2017-04-14 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Two computer industry pioneers died in the past week. Harry Huskey worked on ENIAC, the Pilot ACE, SWAC, and the Bendix G-15. He was also known for helping overseas universities start their CS programs. Harry was 101. Bob Taylor was an ARPAnet pioneer and Xerox PARC executive. He was 85. __

USA vintage computing trip

2017-04-21 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Hi, I'm going to Kfest for the first time this year, cannot wait!!! Anyway: if you decide to visit here, then give me a few weeks' notice so you can visit the VCF museum in New Jersey. We are in a small town about 60 minutes south of NYC and 90 minutes northeast of Philadelphia. _

Re: VCF SE Photos

2017-05-03 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here are my photos from the VCF South East April 30/May 1. Roswell, GA hosted by Mims' Computer History Museum of America http://vintagecomputer.net/browse_thread.cfm?id=677 For anyone interested: the picture of my robot (http://vintagecomputer.net/vcfse-5/Koblentz_Lego_Robot.jpg) doesn't s

Re: Announcing: VCF Midwest 12!

2017-05-22 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Very cool! Wish we had one of these up here in Vancouver, BC. Vintage Computer Federation will announce a NEW edition of the festival soon.

Re: Micral N (1974) for sale

2017-05-31 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Thanks for posting this. I'm very interested to see how collectors value it. Same here. IMHO it would be in the same category as a Scelbi (8008 computer).

Re: Announcing: VCF PNW

2017-07-08 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Vintage Computer Federation is pleased to announce an expansion of the Vintage Computer Festival series to the Pacific Northwest. Finally! :) We agree :) and it'll definitely be worth the wait. Right now we are a tad busy with VCF West (Aug. 5-6 @ CHM), and after that you'll start seeing PNW

VCF West exhibitor deadline

2017-07-16 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Deadline to register a VCF West exhibit is this Monday at noon ET. http://vcfed.org/wp/2017/07/14/vcf-west-exhibit-registration-deadline-2/ Evan Koblentz, director Vintage Computer Federation a 501(c)3 educational non-profit e...@vcfed.org (646) 546- www.v

Re: Whole IBM System/34 available in unknown condition

2017-07-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Im guessing its pottstown, PA https://philadelphia.craigslist.org/sys/d/ibm-system/6157580080.html but thats a guess. Only aware of it from an incorrext location tag making it show up near Austin also. null That one's been around for several years. Nobody here on the east coast wants it. A

VCF West XII updates

2017-07-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Everyone, Online ticket sales for VCF West end this Friday night. Of course you can buy tickets at the gate, but you'd save time going online. All the latest show details are available at http://vcfed.org/wp/festivals/vintage-computer-festival-west/. Less than two weeks away!!! ___

VCF needs shelving

2017-07-31 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
VCF needs more shelving for our 7,000 square foot warehouse in New Jersey. Right now only about 5% of our library (books, magazines, manuals, etc.) is sorted/organized and available for researchers. In the warehouse we have a couple of dozen shelving units full of bankers boxes of printed mat

Re: Why women were the first computer programmers

2017-08-24 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Once programming moved from formal analysis and form filling eg COBOL into an interactive creative activity requiring unitary focus women had to work much harder to compete. Can women be good programmers. Certainly, but they are hampered by natural forces that they have to overcome That's cr

Re: Why women were the first computer programmers

2017-08-24 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Well, this is the stupidest thing I've read today. "Do Not Feed The Troll" should go without saying. Really. If this list becomes another partisan political list - I'm out of here... Lyle There's nothing political about "men shouldn't act like pigs".

Let's help Lee Felsenstein

2017-09-19 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Lee Felsenstein -- of Free Speech Movement, Community Memory, Homebrew Computer Club, Pennywhistle Modem, Processor Technology SOL-20, and Osborne fame -- is starting a Patreon. He's also been an avid supporter of the vintage computing hobby. Everyone should help him if you can! http://www.pat


2017-10-03 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here's a phone video from a recent repair workshop at the VCFed museum in New Jersey. Bill Dromgoole is demonstrating progress on one of the tape drives for our Sperry-Rand Univac 1219B mainframe (circa mid-1960s). https://www.instagram.com/p/BZxg7e7DJ3r/ Evan

Re: Univac

2017-10-04 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here's a phone video from a recent repair workshop at the VCFed museum in New Jersey. Bill Dromgoole is demonstrating progress on one of the tape drives for our Sperry-Rand Univac 1219B mainframe (circa mid-1960s). https://www.instagram.com/p/BZxg7e7DJ3r/ Terrific! It's really amazing that you

More videos of VCF's Univac

2017-10-09 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here it is loading/running memory tests and Wumpus. :) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_e5fSxflvrzeovlnioDfQR86zJOLPQ-D

Re: More videos of VCF's Univac

2017-10-10 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
nice job.  How many 1219-B's are still running in the world any more? None that I know of...

Re: More videos of VCF's Univac

2017-10-10 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here it is loading/running memory tests and Wumpus. :) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_e5fSxflvrzeovlnioDfQR86zJOLPQ-D Fun. Would love to see more Wumpus, but turn the camera 90 degrees. Was it written in FORTRAN? Machine code? Feasible to port other games of the vintage? I text

VCF PNW (Seattle) exhibitor registration is open

2017-10-24 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Hello cctalkers! Join us as an exhibitor for the inaugural Vintage Computer Festival Pacific-Northwest, Feb. 10-11, at the Living Computer Museum in Seattle. http://www.vcfed.org/registration/exhibitor_register-online.php?event_id=5 Evan Koblentz, director Vin

Re: Which Dec Emulation is the MOST useful and Versatile?

2017-10-24 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Related to DEC emulation: is there a visual Straight-8 simulator? I'd like to practice working the front panel and such.


2017-10-27 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
The video is produced by an openly libertarian organization: https://www.youtube.com/user/ReasonTV/about. It's an interesting story but that is propaganda not a documentary. Evan Koblentz, director Vintage Computer Federation a 501(c)3 educational non-profit e.

Re: "documentary"

2017-10-27 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
(Sorry everyone. That was supposed to be a private email to Sellam. Jay: it was NOT my intention to have a political discussion on the list.) On 10/27/2017 06:01 PM, Evan Koblentz via cctalk wrote: The video is produced by an openly libertarian organization: https://www.youtube.com/user

Re: looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA

2017-10-28 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
I am looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA, so I can write idea/notes when I am away from my computer Hi Tom. Welcome to 1997. :-) the [Psion 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psion_Series_3) and [Psion 5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psion_Series_5) look like good options, but i read about th

Re: Tubbs fire consumed the collected archives of William Hewlett and David Packard

2017-10-30 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
It seems with the internet that crowd-sourcing is way of resourcing things. Maybe we (that's us on this list) need to apply this concept to the scanning and archiving and retention of any paper based repositories that still exist. I'll call it crowd-scanning for the time being. Unfortunately,

Re: looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA

2017-10-30 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Radio Shack M100 ... still used by some writers for the very reason you mention. That is not true. It was an urban legend in the 1990s that a handful of old farts in the entirely sportswriting industry (thousands of writers overall) may "still" be using their Model 100s. I'm sure if you looke

Re: Tubbs fire consumed the collected archives of William Hewlett and David Packard

2017-10-31 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
This article has more details about the archive situation and, more important, it has a comment from HP at the end. https://spectrum.ieee.org/view-from-the-valley/tech-history/silicon-revolution/loss-of-hewlettpackard-archive-a-wakeup-call-for-computer-historians

Re: looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA

2017-11-02 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
top. Maybe two generations if they're poor like me. m - Original Message - From: "Evan Koblentz via cctalk" To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 3:47 PM Subject: Re: looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA Radio Shack

Re: looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA

2017-11-03 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Hey, TRS-80 M100 rocks! I've got several, and they all work perfectly to this day. Built by Kyocera, who isn't known for making junk. I agree, just not with the nutty claim that real writers still use them as modern tools. That was an urban legend with maybe some tiny grain of truth 25 years a

Re: looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA

2017-11-04 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
But I didn't say *professional* writers still use M100s. I said "some writers", and I think the folks who self-publish stories on the Internet, enter writing contests, contribute to the various on-line magazines etc. or just write for pleasure and entertainment of friends and family are every b

Re: looking at buying a pocket PC / PDA

2017-11-04 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
I guess you'd also just dismiss Harlan Ellison, Woody Allen, Isaac Asimov and the dozens of other writers who prefer to use a typewriter over a modern computer as "old cranks"... They used typewriters in the 1980s, maybe some into the 1990s, when typewriters were still common. You're talking

Re: Computing Pioneer Dies

2017-11-11 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
https://www.theguardian.com/global/2017/nov/08/geoff-tootill-obituary I should point out there is a technical error in the Guardian. The Baby was the first Electronically Stored Program in what today we would call RAM. ENIAC had been configured in stored program mode earlier in the year and ha

Re: Computing Pioneer Dies

2017-11-11 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Heh ... so it begins on cctalk. Just like in modern politics, or science, etc., people have opinions which they think override facts. :) My own father does this and it drives me crazy. I'll say, "2+2=4" and he'll say, "I believe it's 5" ... DAD IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU FRIGGING BELIEVE, 2 PL

Re: Computing Pioneer Dies

2017-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
It's just another attempt to make an historical claim for the ENIAC, this time trying to steal the light away from the Manchester Baby. That's the dumbest thing I read today.

[cctalk] Re: 10 types of people

2023-07-17 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
On 7/17/23 10:51, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: Seen on the GCC bugzilla: "actually, there are 10 types of people: those who understand ternary, those who dont, and those who thought this was going to be a binary joke" :-) paul HA!!! Another version: "There are two types of peopl

[cctalk] F/S: Lego robot kits for IBM PC

2023-07-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Around the middle of the 1980s, Lego made a robotics system for 8-bit computers, including the Apple II, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, and IBM PC. The system includes a hardware interface (set #9750, "Interface A"), a card or cable (differs for each computer; the PC-ISA card is set #9771), and vario

Re: VAX 9440

2018-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
The question is probably, could they afford the power bill? We have a bunch of Crays and CDCs at the Computer History Museum, and if they were operational, we'd probably have to take up a special very-large-hat-passing collection http://vcfed.org/wp/contribute/ :)

Re: VAX 9440

2018-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Amazing rescue! Hope nothing breaks. Right now I'm just happy no * people * broke when it was delivered! Unloading it from two 28-foot trailers required five people, two pallet jacks, and a forklift.

Re: Bill Godbout

2018-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
"drrt1...@gmail.com" posted on AFC this morning that Bill died in the Camp fire in Northern California on Thursday. Has anyone else heard about this? Google has no mention.  Yet. How can we confirm? I emailed (on behalf of VCF) the person who posted it there but haven't yet heard back.

Re: VAX 9440

2018-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
That is a behemoth!! Did you ger that huge powerforming thingy that goes with it? I'm told that we got * everything *. Are you crazy enough to atempt a power-up? Yes.

Re: Update re: Bill Godbout

2018-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here is a GoFundMe started by Bill's son: https://www.gofundme.com/godbouttuckcampfirerelieffund

Update re: Bill Godbout

2018-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
I communicated with the person who posted on alt.folklore.computers. The person is a close relative of Bill's; thus, the information about his tragic passing is true/confirmed. The person added, "He was living in Oreville, California and perished in his home on Thursday, Nov. 8. ... Bill was a

Full story about Bill Godbout

2018-11-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
http://vcfed.org/wp/2018/11/13/r-i-p-bill-godbout-79/ Evan Koblentz, director Vintage Computer Federation a 501(c)3 educational non-profit e...@vcfed.org (646) 546- www.vcfed.org facebook.com/vcfederation twitter.com/vcfederation

Re: Bill Godbout R.I.P.

2018-11-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
The fundraiser for the Godbout family is stuck at $6,211 for the past couple of days. Maybe cctalk'ers can give it a jump-start. https://www.gofundme.com/godbouttuckcampfirerelieffund

Re: IF you need these old vintage parts, PLEASE grab them before the keyboard keids do!

2018-12-17 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
https://www.elecshopper.com/vintage-computers.html I really would rather these go to someone who needs them to complete a system than to the destroyers of keyboards. I am trying to get more of the vintage stuff listed. If you want to see items as they are listed online, please turn on your RSS fe

Re: Any VCF Forum Mods or Admin here?

2018-12-18 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
I'll take care of it. On 12/19/18 12:10 AM, John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote: Does anyone here have any pull or contacts with the owner or moderator at the Vintage Computer Federation forums?  I've been a member there since January 2014.  In the past, I've lurked a lot, made a post here and

Re: VCF/PNW Exhibit & Trip Report - The Old Calculator Museum

2019-03-28 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Rick, thank you for exhibiting and for your glowing report! Hi, everyone, Myself and my friend Mike, representing the Old Calculator Museum, exhibited the line of Wang Laboratories electronic calculators at the Vintage Computer Federation's Vintage Computer Festival/Pacific Northwest edition,

Re: Interesting article in Spectrum about IBM's System/360

2019-04-12 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-history/silicon-revolution/building-the-system360-mainframe-nearly-destroyed-ibm It's an excerpt from a new book. I know the author. Very nice and smart guy who spent several decades at IBM.

Whose site is 9track.net?

2019-06-18 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Does anyone know who owns 9track.net? I couldn't find any contact information there.

Re: Whose site is 9track.net?

2019-06-19 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
It belongs to Matt Burke.  He is very active in the simh mailing list. Thanks

Big news, re: mobile computing history

2019-06-27 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Hello! I have a major announcement. :) It's time for version 2.0 of my book, "Abacus to smartphone: The evolution of mobile and portable computers," which I published on dead trees four years ago. This time, it's going to be a (free!) interactive website: the era of printed books is behind

Re: Latest Additions to the Virtual Warehouse of Computing, > Wonders Sale Inventory

2019-06-29 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
FYI, it is unlikely there would have been a VCF without Sellam. He basically started it (with his own money) and continued through the first 10 years or so. Many others help support VCF (and continue to do so even though Sellam backed out some number of years ago.) Many thanks to Sellam tho

Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-05 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Today I can announce that 10 original Apple 1 computers will be displayed at VCF West, and we're working on getting more. Several of these will be up-and-running. Original and current owners will join early Apple employees in a panel to discuss the computers, why they were purchased, how they w

Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-05 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
When do you ever get a photo op with a bunch of apple 1 systems (which I hope is a thing). Definitely! I thought the subject was a typo until I saw the sender lol :)

Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-05 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
real or replica? Real! That's the whole point. we  might like a  replica for display..oddly though with the thousands  of piles of boards heck we may even have a real one... never bothered to look for one in the STUFF! My classic  mode is  if I do not know what it is  put it in a box and

Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-05 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
What  are the  replicas   gong  for Evan? A perfect reproduction -- for example a Mimeo will entirely date-code-correct components -- can go for four figures. Most repros/replicas aren't at that level.

Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-08 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
The only people growing up today that would pay anything like that amount, would only pay that much because they expected to make a profit. It is just an investment. Don't underestimate the force of "bragging rights" to people who can afford such things. Many of them buy an Apple 1 because

Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-08 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Yes Evan, you mentioned that. I know; ergo my use of a smiley there...

Re: Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West

2019-07-08 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Today I can announce that 10 original Apple 1 computers will be displayed at VCF West, and we're working on getting more. Why? That is, what’s the advantage of having 10+ instead of one or two? Awesomeness. The Apple I never did very much, so is there really much to actually show on the

Re: Computer Reset shop, liquidation. (USA)

2019-07-17 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Well, I think he kind of created a shitstorm and gave CR a little too much exposure. The CR liquidation seems to have been going at a nice controlled rate. Now that the whole world knows, it would not be a surprise if security issues come up. Eh, friends of mine were talking about that place

Final reminder, VCF West

2019-08-01 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
VCF West is this weekend at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. All of the details (and online ticket sales) are at http://vcfed.org/vcfwest. -Evan K.

Re: VCF West?

2019-08-01 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Is there a reason why there has been no mention of VCF West? (other than Apple oneS) Isn't it scheduled for this coming weekend? I was planning to take a carload of stuff down for consignment, but my health has been too bad to even load the car. Because we're very busy planning a kick-ass

Re: VCF West?

2019-08-01 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
>> I see it's already been dropped there to promote VCF MW I don't know what you mean. "Dropped there to promote Midwest" ... that is false. VCF West is atop our website header, our blog page, and the VC Forum header. It's true that we are focusing more on social media. There are a couple of

Re: Photos from VCF West 2019

2019-08-06 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
so 17 unique Apple-1 computers, not counting the one in the CHM collection ,were on the floor at one time or another over the weekend So, doing some simple math: 18 of ~70 remaining is .25xxx ... so 25% of all Apple 1s in existence were there! There hasn't been that many in one place since 1

Re: Just seen on Reddit S/34

2017-03-08 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
https://www.reddit.com/r/computercollecting/comments/5pohwr/a_rare_find_in_pottstown_unsure_if_in_working/ That one has been available for several years. People who've seen it in person said it is beat to < censored >.

Re: Looking for Apollo Workstations for TV show

2017-03-13 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Vintage Computer Federation sometimes rents out systems for prop use. When we do, we require the renter to sign an equipment handling contract. It stipulates what they must/must not do.

VCF East - 10 days away!

2017-03-21 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Friendly reminder that Vintage Computer Festival East XII is only 10 days away! March 31-April 2 in New Jersey. Two hands-on exhibit halls, a dozen tech talks, three keynotes, consignment sale, and you can visit the year-round Vintage Computer Federation museum while you're here. All the detail

Re: DEC RP04 service manual available

2019-09-21 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
I know of two RP04 drives in the wild. One belongs to a private collector. VCF has the other.

Re: swtpc.com expired???

2019-11-15 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
When this kind of things happens, it's best to just pick up the phone and call the person -- not to speculate that something bad might've happened. I called Michael tonight. He reports, "I'm upright!" :) Just a registration mix-up. He is working to get it fixed. On 11/7/19 1:02 PM, jwest---

Re: Microsoft open sources GWBASIC

2020-05-22 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Interesting. I wonder if this is similar to the qbasic code in the dos 5 (6?) source leak that's floating around. Or if Gates wrote any of it. Gates told the Smithsonian that the last product for which he personally coded was the TRS-80 Model 100.

Re: history is hard

2020-05-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Some things are easy to check, like the fact that the Z80 came out in 1976 when Woz was already finishing the Apple II so he couldn't have considered using it for the Apple I. I haven't personally looked into whether he considered using the Z80, but your statement there is oversimplified.

Re: Future of classiccmp

2020-06-18 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
that relationship has become quite difficult lately. So much so, that I'm ready to just turn it off and walk away. I'm sorry, but I have reached the point in my life where that stress outweighs the benefits. Throw in to the mix that for whatever reason - while I have dutifully taken care o

ADDS Envoy terminal question

2018-01-07 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Does anyone have an ADDS Envoy portable terminal, circa 1972-1976? If so, then please let me know if what if any are the U.S. patent numbers cited on it. Thanks, Evan

Re: ADDS Envoy terminal question

2018-01-08 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Does anyone have an ADDS Envoy portable terminal, circa 1972-1976? If so, then please let me know if what if any are the U.S. patent numbers cited on it. Thanks, Evan Is this the portable 5" version?  I will look if that is what you're after. thanks Jim I think so.

MIT needs ASR-33 for a demo

2018-01-10 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Who's in the Boston area? A technician at MIT needs to borrow a working ASR-33 for demo there this month. Contact me off-list if you can help...

Sneak peak: this year's VCF PNW/East/West shirt design

2018-01-30 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here's a sneak preview of the shirt design for all of the 2018 Vintage Computer Federation events. As usual, each event will have a different shirt color. Dan Roganti aka Ragooman used to design the VCF East shirts. Any similarity to him or his interests in the current design is purely coinci

Re: who is in this picture? (VCF 199x)

2018-01-30 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
https://retropopplanet.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/vintage-computer.jpg Easy, that's Pavl Zachary. I was not at this particular VCF out in California in the later 90's when this photo of a DEC exhibit was taken; the original picture from vintage.org is no longer hosted. Does anyone have a co

Re: Sneak peak: this year's VCF PNW/East/West shirt design

2018-01-31 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
I think it would be helpful if Evan and co. chimed in with the context of the shirt and why it exists- maybe a bit more about who the guy on it is. Fair enough. It's a caricature of Dan Roganti aka Ragooman on this list, VC Forum, various Apple and S-100 forums, etc. Dan drew most of the ea

Re: Sneak peak: this year's VCF PNW/East/West shirt design

2018-01-31 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Gene wrote... Just...no. Yeah, agreed. No. Fred wrote... The "nuts" and "bolts" should be capacitors and chips. The squared off U shaped object nearest on the desk >should be replaced by an Escher Fork (aka impossible >trident). soldering iron and scope, instead of hammer. maybe some magic

Re: Sneak peak: this year's VCF PNW/East/West shirt design

2018-01-31 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Apple II IMSAI ColecoVision That's exactly right. We wanted to show some of his favorite systems. We already knew he likes cats, robots, Star Trek, and building electronic gadgets. In any event, nice shirt :-) Thank you.

Re: Sneak peak: this year's VCF PNW/East/West shirt design

2018-01-31 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
For extra credit was it drawn in any particular vintage software or computer? Not to my knowledge.

Final reminder! VCF Pacific Northwest is this weekend

2018-02-07 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Helloo cctalkers. We've been planning this for almost a year and now it is time for the inaugural Vintage Computer Festival Pacific Northwest, this weekend (10am-5pm both days) at Living Computers: Museum+Labs in Seattle. There will be all the usual goodness that you expect from a

Re: VCF PNW 2018: Pictures!

2018-02-18 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
It was really cool of them to let use look through the storage rooms. A lot of really cool artifacts. I don't know how I missed it while wondering around but in the pictures, there as a Micral. Kevin Savetz and I saw it. It's amazing that LCML owns multiple mind-blowing big iron from Cray, DE

Re: Bendix G-15 [was: Re: VCF PNW 2018: Pictures!]

2018-02-18 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Wow, even a Bendix G-15 in there (although with Control Data logo). Nope, look again, there are two :-) Actually they have three. The last time I checked, the remaining inventory was: - Smithsonian (S/N 1) - CHM (on static display) - these 2 - the one at MARCH - a University in A

Re: Bendix G-15 [was: Re: VCF PNW 2018: Pictures!]

2018-02-18 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
the one at MARCH on loan. there are supposed to be more in DC That's what I alluded to in my reply, just didn't give the location... yes the owner has a few more. Anyone who is a serious buyer () can contact me privately and I will put you in contact with the seller. But yes, the one a

VCF Southeast, East, West -- dates announced

2018-02-20 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Here's some news! VCF Southeast is April 21-22, VCF East is May 18-20, and VCF West is August 4-5. Exhibit registration is OPEN for Southeast and East. For details please see www.vcfed.org.

Re: Why don't you respect the mail threads?!

2018-02-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
It's gone meta: people threadjacking a thread about threadjacking. Now it's some posters trying to show others who is smartest about arcane details of obsolete email software.

Re: What is vintage (was: Why don't you respect the mail threads?!)

2018-02-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Sounds like some people need to adjust their sarcasm meters. Guys: BILL WAS JOKING because the topic was about threadjacking.

Re: What is vintage (was: Why don't you respect the mail threads?!)

2018-02-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
When the list was formed, it was defined as 20 years. Of course now, the list itself is over 20 years old. Sigh ... well if we're really have this conversation I maintain that the present definition of "vintage", or at least how we see it over at Vintage Computer Federation, is no longer

VCF East keynotes -- holy moly!

2018-03-01 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
There will be three awesome keynotes for VCF East this spring. - Friday: our own Bill Dromgoole who'll talk about restoring the VCFed UNIVAC mainframe. - Saturday: Don Eyles (NASA contractor who hacked the Apollo Guidance Computer to save the Apollo 14 mission) - Sunday: Dave Walden, who p

Register your VCF East exhibits soon

2018-03-19 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Don't procrastinate. http://vcfed.org/wp/festivals/vintage-computer-festival-east/vcf-east-exhibits/

VCF West exhibit registration is open

2018-03-25 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
VCF West XIII will be held August 4-5 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. Exhibit registration is open: http://vcfed.org/wp/festivals/vintage-computer-festival-west/vcf-west-exhibits/. Evan Koblentz, director Vintage Computer Federation

Online ticketing is open for VCF East

2018-04-17 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
http://vcfed.org/wp/festivals/vintage-computer-festival-east/tickets/ Note: Your paypal email confirmation is your ticket. A record of your purchase will be at the door when you arrive at VCF East. Evan Koblentz, director Vintage Computer Federation a 501(c)3 e

Re: Visiting Boston - Classic computer recommendations

2018-04-27 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
I’m in Boston MA (technically Canton) for the next three weeks (April 29 to May 19). Looking for recommendations on classic computer/classic car/sailing things of interest to do on the weekends. - Visit the Science building at Harvard U. (Cambridge), where they have (most of) the Mark-1 compu

Re: VCF East Photo Thread

2018-05-24 Thread Evan Koblentz via cctalk
Many are appearing on the VCFed mailing list already To clarify: that's the VCF/Mid-Atlantic list. The only VCFed-wide discussion board is VC Forum. :) I had a good time and recommend the show to all who can make it out there Thanks!

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