Intel 8272 based floppy controller & Missing Address Mark

2019-11-27 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
Hi friends, In the continuing saga of building a CP/M system with Pro-Log cards housed in a Heathkit dual 8” floppy drive cabinet… I recently acquired a Pro-Log 7387 floppy disk controller card w/ manuals. The 8272 chip on the card was fried (either before I got it, or by me doing something stupi

Re: Intel 8272 based floppy controller & Missing Address Mark

2019-11-28 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
I've tried using the 8" drives as 8" drives with the clock input to the 8272 set correctly, and likewise with the 720KB 3.5" emulator (and even 360KB 5.25" emulation). On physical and virtual disks I'm getting the same error trying to read or write data. Formatting steps through all the tracks wit

Re: Intel 8272 based floppy controller & Missing Address Mark

2019-11-28 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
After digging in the manual for the controller card, it appears they have set it up to only support single density FM formatting. Even still, formatting the disk 568KB FM with either clock speed 8MHz or 4MHz (and 500KHz / 250KHz WCLK respectively), same outcome with missing address mark. I thi

Re: PBX (or something) for modem testing

2019-12-04 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
If you go the Pi route, a ADIT600 is a good option. Get one with three FXS 8C cards and a VOIP Router card. This works great for upto 28.8 / 33.6 from my experience. -DK On Wed, Dec 4, 2019, 10:37 AM fozztexx--- via cctalk wrote: > > > On Dec 3, 2019, at 8:35 PM, Jim Brain via cctalk > wrote:

RE: PBX (or something) for modem testing

2019-12-05 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
1 AM To: Subject: Re: PBX (or something) for modem testing On 12/4/2019 7:47 PM, David Kuder via cctalk wrote: > If you go the Pi route, a ADIT600 is a good option. Get one with three > FXS 8C cards and a VOIP Router card. This works great for upto 28.8 / > 33.6 from m

Re: H7821 power supply in MicroVAX 3100, SCSI disk enclosures and others

2020-02-01 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
Dang, guess I should get off my duff and upright my 3100. It's been on it's side for a couple years since the roller base had broken wheel mounts and my attempt at a repair just left the bottom of the chassis deformed as too much weight got concentrated where I attached castors. On Fri, Jan 31, 20

Re: NetBSD on a VAX 3100 (DV-31AT1-A)

2020-03-19 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
It was pretty bad last time I tried to run NetBSD on my vaxen. Back around NetBSD 1.5.2 or something like that I was able to install via mopboot on my MicroVax 3600 and a few VaxStation 3100's. Years later I tried to boot it up again and it couldn't boot without crashing. I tried a later release

Re: LK201 emulation

2020-05-18 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
If anyone is interested in taking over my PS/2 mouse to DEC mouse adapter (tested working on VAXStation, should also work on VT340+, etc) You could implement both keyboard and mouse on one controller

Re: (V)HDL Toolsets

2020-05-21 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
I've taken to using parts supported by the open source toolchains & IP, that mostly limits me to using Lattice parts, but the efficiencies obtained from not instancing all the extra garbage from a vendor's IP library is worth it. When you use the vendor tools, they want to waste as many gates as t

Re: SIMH on low overhead platform

2020-08-17 Thread David Kuder via cctalk
There are multiple libraries for bare metal execution on the Pi, there are trade offs with device support. Circle comes to mind On Mon, Aug 17, 2020, 11:14 AM Liam Proven via cctalk wrote: > On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 09:43, Tom Hunter via cctalk > wrote: > > > > Ha