Selling: MITS Altair 8800

2022-06-07 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Selling my original 1975 "MITS Altair 8800", often described as the first "personal computer" (6 years before the "IBM PC"). A real piece of computing history! Complete and fully functional, this machine boots and runs a couple operating systems from the era. Includes: Main Altair 8800 system un

MITS Altair availanle

2022-07-08 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Just wanted to let everyone know that I am still offering for sale my: Original (1975) MITS Altair 8800 (not the later A or B versions) I'm sure most of you know the historical significance of this machine, but just in case: It is often described as "the first personal computer" (before "IBM

Floppy Cables & "twists"

2022-07-13 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
After recently selling my ImageDisk system, and having a few spare older PC mainboards - I decided to make another - I did find a board that seems to have a decent FDC - it does all single density formats (many don't). Alas, it is "slightly newer enough" to only implement one floppy drive on it's

[cctalk] It's been a while - retirement project

2023-11-23 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Hi, this is "Dave Dunfield" - best known here for being the site owner of "Daves Old Computers" and the author of "ImageDisk" No longer have the email I used to use to access cctalk... (hence the change) Just in case anyone is interested: I've been working on a "retirement" project: I am publis

[cctalk] Re: Intel 4004(sp?)

2023-11-25 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Sorry if not linked correctly - looking through the list via the archives.. "reply" option doesn't seem to work (at least for me - older Chrome) >but my understanding was that the 4004 and 8008 were effectively developed >at the same time? And were announced or available about within one month >

[cctalk] Re: VT100 Monitor Board

2023-11-25 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
> Rob Jarratt 25 Nov 2023 8:47 a.m. > Of course the worry is, why? There could be a fault on the board. > I am hesitant just to replace the fuse and try it... An older CRT terminal is probably a bit too much current draw for this, but you can prob use it in a setup to test parts... A very handy g

[cctalk] It's been a while - retirement project

2023-11-26 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
>26 Nov 8:14 p.m. >I was trying to format an HP LIF disk from IMD (77 tracks, 30 sectors, >5 interleave, 512 MFM encoding, 256 bytes per sector). Which I can configure >IMD for using the interactive user interface. EXCEPT it won't >accept entering sector numbering starting from 0 to 29. It always

[cctalk] It's been a while - retirement project

2023-11-27 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
>>[anyone know if there's a usable web interface to CCTALK? I browse it >>through the ARCHIVE on CCTALK.COM >KenUnix - 27 Nov 7:13 p.m. >When I try and connect to it I see in the tab chinese verbiage >CCtalk ???-?? and it tries to send me to Sorry, m

[cctalk] Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-05-23 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
I case anyone is interested... I've just passed on my "Mits Altair 8800" - this is a very historic system from the 70s - it is: First Personal Computer (long before IBM PC) First S100 buss system First system Bill Gates wrote code for (long before Microsoft) I did write a pretty decent emul

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-05-24 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Weill .. I certainly expected lots of "discussion" on these statements about my Altair: I have never claimed to be an "unknown drip"(*) on details of computer history, but here is my reasoning: > First Personal Computer (long before IBM PC) I am well aware of small systems that predated the Alta

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-05-24 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Chuck Guzis wrote: > I don't think the "first" applies in this case. The MCM/70 used an 8008 On the subject of early 8008 designs - there was a Canadian one (1974 I think) the MIL (Microsystems International Limited) MOD-8 - later also released as the GNC-8 (Great Northern Computers) I also cr

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-05-28 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
>With respect, I have studied the 1956 Royal McBee LGP-23 (and later -30) at >length and found one could easily use this computer as a "personal >computer". I've not see one of these - that's a VERY early system! Sounds like it could have been used for "personal" computing - but was it common and

[cctalk] Re: Pragmatically [was: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)]

2024-05-29 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Always good to spark an "interesting discussion" "Personal computer" - Generic enough that it can have multiple interpretations: While technically somebody could have put a Cray1 in his (big :-) basement and used it for his own enjoyment (ie: a "personal" computer) ... I don't think I have ever s

[cctalk] Re: interlace [was: NTSC TV demodulator ]

2024-05-31 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
CAREY SCHUG wrote: > I think I tried a game on a flatscreen, and had issues. I've seen this lots - I'm not sure its entirely "interlace" - I tended to think more of the fact that CRT's scan causing the "pixel dots" to flash at high speed (not detectable to the human eye, but detecting a such a f

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-05-31 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Liam Proven wrote: > It needs to have a microprocessor to qualify. > ... No µP = not a PC. Not entirely sure ... Dave

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-06-11 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Chuck Guzis wrote: > I find myself in the position of trying to figure > out what the latest posts have to do with 'Experience using an Altair > 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)'. Thanks! It's gotten so off-topic, I've all but stopped following this thread. I recently found a new home for my

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-06-12 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Having some fun reliving the memories ... I'll also mention that I do have other emulators for some of the classic systems I had on "Daves Old Computers" (look under "DOS Widgets") again - in case anyone wants to experience actually using one of these systems: NorthStar Horizon (Z80) - also does:

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-06-12 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Chuck Guzis wrote: > I never expanded my 8800 beyond the original 4-slot kit with > limp-wristed power supply. The construction (I built from the kit) I > found to be appalling. More than once I zinged myself brushing against > the line voltage traces on the front panel board. And that awful whi

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-06-12 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Bill Degnan wrote: > > Without looking through everything you have first (sorry)is the > NorthStar DOS genned for a 2SIO card? > Bill Most of the disk images I have in the Altair emulation are set up to communicate via my own homebuilt dual-serial card - There might be one set up for the ori

[cctalk] Re: Experience using an Altair 8800 ("Personal computer" from 70s)

2024-06-13 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Bill Degnan wrote: > Thanks Dave - It has been many years since I genned a N* disk. I don't > always have success with the port assigning but eventually I get it to work. Although my Altair was "fully expanded" when I first owned it, I was involved with it quite some time before that: At Univers

[cctalk] Re: Intel 8086 - 46 yrs. ago

2024-06-13 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Chuck Guzis wrote: > Scarcely innovative. 64 bit architectures predated the 64-bit x86 by > decades. Call it a natural evolution. I'm kinda surprised that nobody has mentioned this ... But.. even less innovative than that! - the subject mentions "8086" and 46 years - the 8086 was only a 16 bi

[cctalk] Re: Intel 8086 - 46 yrs. ago

2024-06-14 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
ben wrote: >> My own entry into the "microprocessor" >> design fray was something I called the: C-FLEA >> A very tiny/simple 16 bit CPU that was very optimal as a target for >> my C compiler. >> Never did see it to silicon, but did quite a few "virtual machines" >> - this let me efficiently put C c

[cctalk] Re: The magic smoke....

2024-06-16 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Chuck Guzis wrote: > Probably due to the failed film-in-oil (sometimes known as Rifa) line > filter capacitors--a very common failure and nonfatal. I never "just turn on" equipment that's been out of service for an extended period of time ... until I ... Over the years, I've had good luck "reform

[cctalk] Re: MS-DOS

2024-07-29 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
> I can never remember which is which between Windows 2000 > and Windows ME ("Millenium Edition") IIRC (It's been a long time) - 3.1, 95, 98 and ME were all on top of DOS NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 10+ were all NT FWIW - At one time IBM actually gave-away PC-DOS - as part of a free "IBM ServerGuide

Classic equipment available & my bad year.

2019-11-08 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Hello Everyone. I have had a major health incident which means that I have been unresponsive for several months. As I need to move in closer to town, I will be disposing of what remains of my collection (Things like: Altairs, Imsa, PET 2001, Apple II, TRS-80s, lots of S100 carts etc.) I have post

191109 Classic equipment available & my bad year.

2019-11-09 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
191109: Added PDP-11s, KIM1, EDB9301, MMT-85 & FloppyDrives Thanks to everyone for the kind words on my situation. Had lots of correspondence from various people interested in certain systems, but no offers, and very little information on what people think they are worth. Many of these systems ar

191202 Classic equipment available & my bad year.

2019-12-02 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Hi, made a number of updates to the sale pages on my site, and brought back a copy of my commercial site (good for downloads). Unfortunately I screwed up the .html pages and lost some links. Should all me fixed now. Added an FAQ some more parts (eg: 8008 CPI for MOD8), some sample pricing (please

Unable to download Dave Dunfield's ImageDisk

2020-03-25 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
>Patrick Finnegan pat at Tue Mar 24 18:14:05 CDT 2020 > >It looks like the magic that updates the 5-digit number in the URL doesn't >work after the recovery. Try: > > >The rest of the things should be in the same direc

A tool many of you may make find useful!

2020-06-25 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Hi, Don't know if anyone is interested, but I'd guess that a lot of you like me have collected a big pile of digital "stuff" over the years, and also if like me, it may have gotten away from you a bit with a lot of duplication etc. Having some spare time, I've been organizing my collected documen

A tool many of you may make find useful!

2020-06-25 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Sorry, can't respond easily because I read the list on the web, can't deal with the flood of email from it, and can't respond via the web interface. >I'm not clear on what "duplicate" really means. Perhaps you can clarify >things for me. > >Duplicate in name and/or size? >Duplicate in content? >

A tool many of you may make find useful!

2020-06-26 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
>this tool is really similar to "rdfind", which compares file sizes and >content, independently from file name, and is able to create a list of >correspondence, delete duplicate files, and create symbolic links to the >single instance. >This can work on large amounts of files, even on complex direc

A tool many of you may make find useful!

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
>Downloading >gets flagged by Windows Defender on Windows 10 Pro (1909) >as "Worm:Win32/Spybot". A new tool now available on the site: Daves Distribution File Checker I have received reports that Windows Defenfer incorrectly lables some of

A tool many of you may make find useful!

2020-06-28 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
> The file is empty. Not much I go do except stop trying and advise people to ignore all this. I've just downloaded the file from my site, and it is NOT empty and does work. I did notice a small bug, if you specify names not in it's database it doesn't tell you, and produces no output. I have

A tool many of you may make find useful!

2020-07-13 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Continuing to let you all know about developments, I do expect that many of you are facing a similar problem - trying to condense and preserve a lifetime of "collecting digital stuff". The DFF utility has been very helpful, however once I started organizing my files, I realized that although there

What I've been doing lately

2020-09-11 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
Hi everyone, Might not be exactly classic computer related, but I know many of you have been following my progress through my recovery (thanks for the many kind words), and I do think many of you might find this a tad interesting. What I've been doing for the past little while - check out my late

RE: What I've been doing lately

2020-09-18 Thread Dave Dunfield via cctalk
>Very interesting. By the way I've been reading your comments about your >incident in 2019. I am impressed. All the best for you and your near people. >Kind Regards >Sergio Thanks! It's been an "interesting" year! Btw, for anyone who was interested enough to download my DVM demo... I've made a lo