Hi Nigel,
Toby Thain is currently without access to email but would like to speak
to you about an RQDX3. He asked me to email you on his behalf. Would you
be able to call him?
Nigel Johnson Ham via cctalk writes:
> Hi folk,
> I am still looking for a DQ696 to allow me to get ES
Hi all,
A colleague and I are trying to get a VT220 working again as it recently
died on us. We are hoping to set up a few items for the mid-80s
(including this terminal) to show the graduands what it would have been
like if they were doing their CompSci degree 30 years ago.
It looks to me like t
Thanks for the information, Peter. It makes me want to try and test a
few of the components around the flyback.
Thanks again,
Peter Coghlan via cctalk writes:
>> Hi all,
>> A colleague and I are trying to get a VT220 working again as it recently
>> died on us. We are hoping to set up
Yes we checked for the glow. It's very dim but it is there. I will bring
one home this weekend and check some of the surrounding
components. Hopefully it is something very simple to replace. I'll have
a probe.
Peter Coghlan via cctalk writes:
>> Thanks for the information, Pe
Hi Tony,
Thanks for the information, that is all very useful! I think I will open
up my VT420 which is working nicely to compare the glow in the base
followed by checking the voltages, as you describe.
Thanks again!
Tony Duell writes:
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Aaron Jack
working fine. Does this mean it is most likely the flyback transformer?
Are there any other bits I should be wary of and test properly?
Thanks again for your help. Your voltage listing and advice in general
has been very useful.
Tony Duell writes:
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 4:38 PM,
Seems to be working fine as a terminal hooked up to the TV which is good
news. I am sure you are correct about me having made a measurement error
I'll take another look at the schematics.
Thanks again,
> On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 2:34 PM, Aaron Jackson
> wrote:
>> The heater and
Unfortunately I do not have an oscilloscope anymore. I've been trying to
find a cheap one on eBay for a few months but the prices seem very high
these days. I might be able to borrow one. For now I just have a true
RMS multimeter.
I've tried both extremes of the contrast and brightness but the scr
I have measured these again because I thought they seemed a bit
strange. I must have probed the wrong pad on the circuit board earlier
(my probes don't fit in the CRT header).
Here are all the voltages and they don't seem too promising:
pin 1, green, 4.3v, should be 50v to 80v
pin 2, yellow, 6.6v
Hi Jon,
I can hear a light crackle but not a whine.
Are you referring to Q202? The centre pin is 11v, the other two are at
Jon Elson writes:
> On 04/29/2017 08:34 AM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk wrote:
>> The heater and control pins appear to be giving sensible volt
> Since it doesn't smoke, I'm thinking the horizontal sweep
> transistor may have gone out. It may have shorted, which
> then may have burned up the primary winding in the flyback
> (if left on long enough). I'd check that transistor for a
> short, and then you can trace a few traces to identify
here is no high voltage to power the tube.
The layout of the board in this terminal is slightly different to what
is shown in the block diagram in the schematics, but of the circuit
diagram appears to match for the most part.
Getting a bit confused here.
Aaron Jackson via cctalk wr
I have a VAXstation 3100 m38 which fails its POST due to problems with
the on board memory. I am not particularly interested in trying to fix
it myself, as I have another VAXstation which I am fond of. However, if
anyone else would like to try and repair it, it is free to a good home.
It seems as
I won't post it again to avoid spamming people, but just one reminder to
say that the below still available. I did have some interest from abroad
but shipping would be far too expensive and difficult.
> I have a VAXstation 3100 m38 which fails its POST due to problems with
> the on board memory. I
Hi everyone,
I am very interested in DEC stuff and I would love a PDP11 to play with
and have in my (small) collection. If anyone has one in the UK that they
would be interested in selling, please contact me off list. I'm
interested in both Q-bus and Unibus models.
Pretty unlikely but I thought I
A VSXXX-AA for example?
I thought it was just a 7 pin mini DIN
emanuel stiebler via cctalk writes:
> anybody here knows what the right name for it is?
> I need to replace some on a vlc, but how to find the right one ...
> Thanks!
Aaron Jackson
PhD Student, Computer Vision Labor
I would love an LK421, although I guess it is taken now. Although
shipping to the UK would be horrific using FedEx.
Anders Nelson via cctalk writes:
> It's an lk421
Aaron Jackson
PhD Student, Computer Vision Laboratory, Uni of Nottingham
ailable then perhaps we
> could combine it into one package and share a bit of the shipping cost. I
> could get it to Aaron later.
> Regards
> Rob
>> -Original Message-
>> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Aaron
My knowledge of Qbus and Unibus is incredibly spars, but I would be
interested in knowing how this pans out. At the very least, I would
expect NetBSD to be able to see a keyboard attached to the VCB02?
Josh Dersch via cctalk writes:
> So I had a random thought in the wee hours this morni
I had a couple of emails about but nothing has come of them (at least,
not yet anyway). The LSI models are perhaps safer to send across Europe?
Maybe an 11/23, 34 or 73?
> Hi everyone,
> I am very interested in DEC stuff and I would love a PDP11 to play with
> and have in my (sm
Hey Henry,
Nice to see you on the list :)
I was just doing a search and it looks like the VT510 has a DIN socket
on the back. Is this just PS2? The earlier terminals used an RJ-11
Henry Bond via cctalk writes:
> It's a 510, cheap on eBay it is a bit new for what I was going
Hi everyone,
Can anyone suggest a source of replacement indicator bulbs for an RL02
drive? Are they fairly standard?
I found this eBay listing, 14v, similar looking bulb:
Do we think they will work? Just looking for some confirmation before I
buy a bunch
> From: Aaron Jackson via cctech: Saturday, June 17, 2017 2:14 AM
>> Can anyone suggest a source of replacement indicator bulbs for an RL02
>> drive? Are they fairly standard?
> The correct bulb is the GE-73, a fairly common bulb:
> http://www.so-much-stuff.com/pdp8/repair/bulbs.php
>> I found
Hi everyone,
Sorry for all the RL02 emails. I am wondering if anyone has a spare
cable and terminator they would be willing to sell to me?
I am not sure of the part number, but would need to go from the ribbon
connector (on an RLV12) to the chunkier connector on the back of the
Thanks Gregory,
I ordered some of these this morning.
Gregory Beat writes:
> CM73 is preferred, due to its ~ 15,000 hour operating life.
> CML Datasheet
> http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/9986.pdf?_ga=2.221200730.354234894.1497893544-1697820496.1468261067
> gb
> Sent from iPad Ai
> I've seen two ways of doing this. One was a clunky RL02 connecter that
> mounted on the BA and took the ribbon cable on the inside and the other
> was the round cable with the molex connector for the RLV11/12 on one end
> and the clunky bit on the other. I'm sure I still have them around here
Just saw this - All good here. I have an LK401 and LK201 :)
Thanks Liam,
Liam Proven via cctalk writes:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Aaron Jackson
> Date: 17 May 2016 at 11:28
> Subject: LK401 Keyboard
> To: cctalk@classiccmp.org
> Hi all,
> Bought a VT420 of
Hi all,
At our department we have few DEC LK201s boards with missing keycaps. In
particular, a couple of the blank F-keys and a compose key. For some
reason every LK201 I see seems to have a missing cap or two. Can anyone
help us out? Happy to pay, but nothing extortionate.
I think this is the third time he has listed RL02K packs with the same
image. Either the buyer doesn't pay or they just have a huge number of
them. I bought some 8in floppies from the same seller. They are from
Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, so I assume the packs are too.
There is another selle
Hi all,
I will soon be getting a PDP-11/73 with 1MB of RAM, an RLV12 and DEQNA
controllers. I already have two RL02 and packs (which need a clean),
with thanks to Dave Wade on this list.
Ideally I would like to run 2.11BSD, on two RL02 drives, I'm not sure
this is going to be possible. Does anyon
> From: cctalk [cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] on behalf of Aaron Jackson via
> cctalk [cctalk@classiccmp.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 2:32 PM
> To: cct...@classiccmp.org
> Subject: 2.11BSD on two RL02 drives? Probably not, but...
> Hi all,
> I will soon
>> On Aug 2, 2017, at 11:32 AM, Aaron Jackson via cctech
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I will soon be getting a PDP-11/73 with 1MB of RAM, an RLV12 and DEQNA
>> controllers. I already have two RL02 and packs (which need a clean),
>> with thanks to Dave Wade on this list.
>> Ideally I would lik
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 2:14 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk <
> cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> >> On Aug 2, 2017, at 11:32 AM, Aaron Jackson via cctech <
>> cct...@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
Hi everyone,
Is the 2x20 pin bulkhead connector on the back of RL02 drives
proprietary? Is there a source of them? It seems impossible to find the
cables and terminators for these drives, so I was planning to make
I would rather not have a ribbon cable hanging out the back.
Hi all,
I picked up a DECstation 5000/200 over a year ago, which I haven't
really played with until this weekend. I burnt an Ultrix 4.5 iso, as I
have a RRD43 cdrom drive. The installation appeared to go fine, and I
was very pleased to see that Emacs is available in the unsupported
> I am clueless etc, have no idea about how Ultrix does its things under
> the hood, but have you tried setting the proper date when in single
> mode, then reboot into normal mode? I guess some parts of the system
> may refuse to work if they find out that filesystem is "newer" than
> the clock.
>> Thanks for the suggestion - it sounds plausible. If I remember
>> correctly, it asks for the time when you boot up, but I might not be
>> remembering it properly so I'll give it a try soon.
> I think you're tilting windmills with that.
> PMAG-J apparently isn't related to any of the other t
>> >> Thanks for the suggestion - it sounds plausible. If I remember
>> >> correctly, it asks for the time when you boot up, but I might not be
>> >> remembering it properly so I'll give it a try soon.
>> >
>> > I think you're tilting windmills with that.
>> >
>> > PMAG-J apparently isn't related t
Hi all,
The EMI filter in my PDP-11 (11/23+) chassis has failed and appears to
be a dead short. I've had a browse on the web but thought I would ask
here if anyone knows of a fitting replacement?
It's a Corcom F2932C, 5A at 250V. The small IEC sockets with built in 5A
EMI filter was my first thou
lter for the thing to work. But it's good to have one to keep EMI within
> factory specs. So I'd classify these devices as "optional but desirable".
> paul
>> On Sep 22, 2017, at 12:12 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk
>> wrote:
Thanks Andrea,
Yes you are right, it is in a tightly sealed casing and getting it open
is probably going to be very destructive.
As per Rob and Paul's suggestion, I ended up removing it, since I was
considering this open already. It running fine of course, but I will
keep an eye out for a line fi
Hi all,
I'm pretty new to PDP-11s. I recently got a PDP-11/73, M8192 CPU, two
M8067 RAM, M7195 (2 async SLU card with boot ROMs and an extra 128K of
RAM), plus a few other cards which I've removed to try and figure out
what is going on.
While playing in ODT, the console completely stopped respond
Hi Noel,
Thanks for the very useful information. I'll do some investigation this
weekend and keep an eye out for a spare SLU. Being in the UK makes it
quite difficult to find these things.
Thanks again,
Noel Chiappa via cctalk writes:
> > From: Aaron Jackson
> > a PDP-11/73,
reasonably easy to trace. I thought I'd ask first if anyone has any tips
on how to debug this, common components to fail or what might even
result in this sort of voltage droop.
Aaron Jackson via cctalk writes:
> Hi all,
> I'm pretty new to PDP-11s. I recen
> On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 6:33 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Instead of jumping straight in and ordering an SLU, I decided to check
>> the power supply voltages. My +12V rail appears to be only giving about
>> +4.6V
> That does
Just had another look after watching a video about how switch mode power
supplies work On the small control board connecting to J4, there are
two D44Q1 transistors. As expected, there is about 65KHz going into the
base of the transistor for the 5V side. However, there is no signal
going into th
Hi everyone,
I've been trying to figure out what is wrong with the 12V rail on my
H7861 (BA11-S) power supply. It's showing about 4.2V. The 5V rail is
spot on.
Page 39 of the following schematics is the main part board of the PSU.
That's good to know. I'll head over to Maplin after work and pick up
some timers and sockets.
I removed one of the suspicious ceramic caps and tested it and it came
out fine. The other cap is shared with the other oscillator so I assume
it is fine.
Rob Jarratt via cctech wrote:
Picked up a few 555s and sockets and now it works! I am very
happy. Going from not knowing how switch mode power supplies work, to
watching some YouTube videos, and then finally being able to debug the
problem and fix it was a lot of fun.
I wonder what will die next.
Rob Jarratt
Thanks! It was very satisfying and not the worst thing to go wrong
for a beginner.
I was also quite surprised that such a simple component would die,
and what I find more confusing is that it died while I was using
the machine.
Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
> > From: Aaron Jackson
Hi everyone,
I have managed to hook up an RL02 drive to my PDP-11 (thanks to Dave
Wade for the drives) . This took me longer than I thought it would - I
tried with a flat ribbon cable with a DIY terminator going straight into
board , but couldn't get it to work. Removed the terminator, and the
Aaron Jackson via cctalk writes:
> Hi everyone,
> I have managed to hook up an RL02 drive to my PDP-11 (thanks to Dave
> Wade for the drives) . This took me longer than I thought it would - I
> tried with a flat ribbo
william degnan writes:
> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctech <
> cct...@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have managed to hook up an RL02 drive to my PDP-11 (thanks to Dave
>> Wade for the drives) . This took me longer than I thought it would - I
>> tried with
>> On Nov 6, 2017, at 10:21, Aaron Jackson via cctalk
>> wrote:
>> I based my terminator off Mark
>> Blair's RL02 to USB project:
>> https://github.com/NF6X/RL02-USB/blob/master/pcbs/RL02-USB-terminator/RL02-USB-terminator.pdf
> H
>> -Original Message-
>> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Tomasz
>> Rola via cctalk
>> Sent: 07 November 2017 18:26
>> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
>> Cc: Zane Healy
>> Subject: Re: List Problems?
>> On Sun, Nov 05, 2017 at 09:46:
A few years back I wanted to study at Manchester uni, primarily so I
could apply to be a demonstrator for the SSEM.
Sad news.
Dave Wade via cctalk writes:
> https://www.theguardian.com/global/2017/nov/08/geoff-tootill-obituary
> Dave Wade
Aaron Jackson
It sounds silly but I don't actually have access to a Windows machine,
but PD11GUI looks nice.
I managed to boot into XXDP today using tu58em and ran the RLV12
controller test. It seems though that the version of XXDP I loaded does
not support the 22bit address (17774400) and defaults to the 16bit
> Aaron,
> Do not underestimate the need for termination, even with a very short
> external cable.
> When you factor in the internal cables runs, crosstalk or signal reflections
> which interfere
> with operation may still be present, especially when data transfers start.
> If you have acces
> Could elaborate a bit on this part of your earlier message.
>> I managed to boot into XXDP today using tu58em and ran the RLV12
>> controller test. It seems though that the version of XXDP I loaded does
>> not support the 22bit address (17774400) and defaults to the 16bit
>> address (17440
You might be surprised how many LCD monitors support SoG. I have several
iiyama LCD panels which work fine with a 3100.
Douglas Taylor via cctech writes:
> I have a couple of vaxes that output 'unique' video, Alpha 3000 300,
> Alpha 3000 400, Vax 4000 VLC, and Vax Station 3100 M76.
> T
Hi all,
I was given an MTI MXV21 controller which is apparently compatible with
the RX02 drive. The card has a 50 pin header, but the RX02 drive has a
40 pin ribbon cable. Does anyone know what am I missing here?
I don't see anything about this in the manual:
Never mind. The manual is not particularly clear. It is for a Shugart
drive, which can read/write to RX02 floppies, but does not work with an
RX02 drive.
Ah well!
Aaron Jackson writes:
> Hi all,
> I was given an MTI MXV21 controller which is apparently compatible with
> the RX
I'm looking after a VAX 4000 for a friend, which has a SCSI Q-bus card
(M5976). If the card did not have the large metal face, would it work in
a Q-bus PDP-11? We are not going to potentially ruin a card by trying
this, but I am interested to know if this is the case.
I'm looking after a VAX 4000 for a friend, which has a SCSI Q-bus card
(M5976). If the card did not have the large metal face, would it work in
a Q-bus PDP-11? We are not going to potentially ruin a card by trying
this, but I am interested to know if this is the case.
Thanks Glen and Jerry.
I think that settled that debate! haha
Glen Slick writes:
> An M5976 KZQSA is not MSCP compatible so it wouldn't do any good with a
> PDP-11 system. It's really only useful for RRD4x SCSI CD-ROM drives with
> VMS on a VAX 4000.
> On Dec 6, 2017 9:47 AM,
Hi everyone,
I originally posted this on VCFed (which was new to me) but the
moderation queue has had me waiting for about 3 days, so I thought I'd
ask here as well, the usual of gurus. :)
I was recently sent an RXV21 controller so I could test out my RX02
drive. When I power up the PDP-11 or res
> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk
> wrote:
>> - Strapped RX01 - I don't know what this means
>> - PDP8 - eh?
> No idea as to the fault (heck, it's not in front of me with a logic analyser
> to hand), but I think
> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Aaron Jackson wrote:
>> Manual says it should be S1=off, S2=on for RX211 and RXV21
> In the photo, I think S1 is on and S2 is off. Check them with an
> ohmmeter if in doubt!
> -tony
Yes - you are right. I switched them back to how they were when I got
> > From: Aaron Jackson
> > Most of the tests now look something like this:
> > ...
> I wonder if there's a problem with the floppy you are using?
> Remember, the RX0x drives can't hard refor
>> On Dec 8, 2017, at 12:53 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Aaron Jackson
>>> wrote:
>>>> Manual says it should be S1=off, S2=on for RX211 and RXV21
>>> In th
> On Dec 8, 2017, at 5:17 PM, Aaron Jackson wrote:
>>>> On Dec 8, 2017, at 12:53 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Aaron Jackson
>>>>> wrote:
Noel Chiappa via cctalk writes:
> > Aaron Jackson
> > if I try to dump using vtserver using a floppy which passed the
> > diagnostics, it fails.
> My copy of of the V7 standalone stuff (which I got from the VTServer
> directory) didn't include an RX driver. Where'd you manage to f
Well, would you believe it. It was the disks after all. I can't believe
they are all bad!
Just booted straight into RT-11.
Thanks all for your help anyway. Time to play.
Aaron Jackson via cctalk writes:
> Hi everyone,
> I originally posted this on VCFed (which was
> > From: Aaron Jackson
> > It was the disks after all.
> Well, I'm glad you got it working. Where'd you get a good floppy?
> Noel
Friend popped over with an RX02 drive and a working RT-11 floppy. The
drive worked with my controller so I tried the disk in my own drive and
it bo
> of course). If you want RX02 media there's an XXDP routine to upconvert
> RX01s to RX02s.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 2:02 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <
> cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> On 12/16/2017 10:43 AM, Fred Cisin
t as it attempts a retry. The number of
>> retries
>> is configurable via a SET command.
>> For files with an RT11 Directory, DIR/BAD/FILES will include the file
>> name
>> of files affected by unreadable blocks.
>> You can do the
> 1.) It is not posible to switch the console from RS232 to the VGA
> Monitor and Keyboard. If i switch the S3 switch in down position i can
> only see the NetBSD Kernel decompression. After that i see nothing on
> VGA and RS232 console. The System starts up anyway. After some time it
> is possible
Now that I have my RX02 drive working I have started to take a look at
the RL02 drives again. I hooked a scope up to the sector transducer and
sector timing test points, and they look nicely aligned. So I moved on.
Then I hooked up the scope to the TP1, TP2 and the sector timing TP and
compared it
>> Does anyone understand what might have happened?
> Simple the heads are designed to fly and have a shape suited for that.
> Flip them over and they are wrong shape, they don't fly, they dig in
> oops!
Yes I understand that, but why didn't it damage my platter when they
were connected (elect
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk
> wrote:
>> Now that I have my RX02 drive working I have started to take a look at
>> the RL02 drives again. I hooked a scope up to the sector transducer and
>> sector timing test points, and they look nicel
>> I wonder if you fell into the 'trap for the unwary' here. The heads are
>> named by
>> the direction they face. So the upper head, nearest the top of the drive, is
>> the 'down' had as it faces down onto the platter. Similarly the lower
>> head is the
>> 'up' head. Yes, it confused me at first,
>> -Original Message-
>> From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Aaron
>> Jackson via cctalk
>> Sent: 17 December 2017 17:56
>> To: Aaron Jackson ; General Discussion: On-Topic
>> and Off-Topic Posts
>> Subject: Re: RL
> On 12/17/17 9:04 AM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk wrote:
>> I unloaded very quickly but I think the damage is done.
> I KNOW the damage is done.
> NEVER attempt to load a pack if you haven't inspected it AND the heads
> first.
The pack was cleaned with lin
Does anyone have a copy of the manual for the ADAC 1664ATTL 64bit
parallel I/O Q-bus card?
TU-58 support wouldn't need to be in the kernel, it could easily run in
user space. Perhaps someone had written an application in user-space to
dump TU-58 tapes.
Bill Gunshannon via cctalk writes:
> Here's a question for someone who has been around long enough to
> remember.
> Why did
Glad the 23 PSU seems to be working again.
My H7861 had a fault a couple of years ago where the 12V rail stopped
working. It turned out to be a dead 555 timer, totally
flat-lined. Perhaps it would be worth checking that in your H7861 if it
is the MJE15030 that is blowing. At least it's a nice powe
Unsurprisingly the DEQNA card in my PDP-11/73 is quite unstable and
results in 2.11BSD panicing. Is there anything that can be done about
this? Other than unplugging it that is... I don't think there very much
broadcast traffic making its way to the PDP. It's usually when I'm
transferring files.
On 15 April 2019 at 07:35 BST, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 1:16 AM Kevin McQuiggin (SFU) via cctalk
> wrote:
>> Not in the UK, but Mitch Miller at Keyways Inc (keyways.com) has
>> tested/working cards at reasonable prices. I had the same issue on a recent
>> MicroVAX II upgrade
There is a TCP/IP stack available for RT-11, although I've never tried
it. It apparently works with both DEQNA and DELQA cards, and I suspect
you've got one or the other in your 11/23.
It is possible, but also very painful, to view websites using the telnet
Very nice photos although I am confused by some. Some of them appear to
be moving but a lot of stuff stays still. What is happening??
This one for example:
I have a full book case of DEC binders, each containing one or more
manuals. I went through the lot of it this evening and checked to see
what was on bitsavers. It seems an awful lot of it is not available. I
cannot bring myself to dispose of any of it until it is digitised, but
keeping hold of thi
> On 24/08/2019 08:18, Aaron Jackson via cctalk wrote:
>> I'm going to try to scan as much as I can. The full list of what I have
>> is available at the link below. It is mostly mid 1980's VAX/VMS
>> stuff.. If anyone would like one of the manuals for the cost of
> On 8/24/19 12:18 AM, Aaron Jackson via cctalk wrote:
>> I have a full book case of DEC binders, each containing one or more
>> manuals. I went through the lot of it this evening and checked to see
>> what was on bitsavers. It seems an awful lot of it is not available.
Dispatch July 1986
http://aaronsplace.co.uk/dec-manuals.html This page has been updated to
reflect what has already digitised.
Aaron Jackson via cctalk writes:
> I have a full book case of DEC binders, each containing one or more
> manuals. I went through the lot of it this evening a
Dispatch July 1985
> AD-L034A-32VAX / VMS System Dispatch July 1986
> http://aaronsplace.co.uk/dec-manuals.html This page has been updated to
> reflect what has already digitised.
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> Aaron Jackson via cctalk writes:
>> I have a full book case
> Starting around the VMS 5.5 era, isn’t anything from then or later on
> the Condist documentation CD’s? And thus we don’t have to make a
> priority for scanning?
The stuff I have is mostly pre 4.5.
Awesome! thanks for sharing this.
On 21 October 2019 at 14:37 BST, Mattis Lind via cctalk wrote:
> I got heaps of documentation from an ex-DEC field service engineer.
> Among them there were a VT420 print set. I didn't see any schematics for
> the VT420 on bitsavers so even though this o
I have a DEC VR290 colour monitor for use with VAXstations. It was
working fine when I last powered it on (2-3 years ago), hooked up to a
3100 M76.
It's free to a good home (preferably a home with a VAX), absolutely
collection only. I'm in Nottingham UK. It's too heavy and large to ship
>> 1. If the EHT lead was not properly connected to the CRT anode, could
>> that cause problems?
> Possibly. I have VT220 terminal which was making a smell of ozone when it was
> running which I should have done something about but never got around to.
> This could have been due to corona disc
I've had a VAX 4000/300 sitting around for the past couple of years. The
second time I tried to switch it on there was a bit pop from the power
supply. The 12v module of the H7874 PSU is completely dead and despite
my best efforts I have not been able to fix it.
Tonight I decided to remove tha
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