> I wonder what it would take to go the other way. I have plenty of C-64's
> and no 8-bit Atari computers. Maybe I'll finally get one at the next PRGE.
A lot more, I should think. This is just Commodore BASIC v2.0, which has
just about zero special hardware support and was ported almost verbatim
I am going to have to check that out! Thanks.
Original message From: Kevin Lee via cctalk
Date: 8/11/21 12:52 PM (GMT-08:00) To: "General
Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" Subject:
Atari 800 to C64 https://redd.it/p24fo8Turns ur 800 in a c64. Cool
I wonder what it would take to go the other way. I have plenty of C-64’s and
no 8-bit Atari computers. Maybe I’ll finally get one at the next PRGE.
> On Aug 11, 2021, at 12:51 PM, Kevin Lee via cctalk
> wrote:
> https://redd.it/p24fo8
> Turns ur 800 in a c64.
> Cool
I wonder what would be needed to connect a C64 module. I have an 800 but no
C64. I have a Forth module for the C64 that I'd like to fiddle with.
From: cctalk on behalf of Kevin Lee via cctalk
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12:51 PM
To: General Discuss