From: Sherman Foy
> Re: the 12, you were either in LINC mode or PDP mode at any given time.
> These were NOT "parallel processors".
I don't disagree. I was speaking of the LINC-8, which was a very different
machine inside - it really was an 8 _and_ a LINC in a single box. The front
On 07/14/2015 01:18 PM, Sherman Foy wrote:
It is possible that something written for the LINC would be run in LINC mode for high
percentages of the time. That code might have some "patches" that ran in PDP
mode after review and revision.
It could be that such code was modified from LINC cod
ATT has gone wierded out on attachments for the moment, so I'm dumping all this
into a long text ramble
Please forward these observations to the appropriate parties, copying me. I am
having trouble sorting out who started the thread and who is receiving replies.
I will respond directly