On 2021-Feb-23, at 1:45 PM, Frank Tuccio via cctech wrote:
> On 02/22/2021 01:31 PM, Brad H via cctalk wrote:
>> A longshot I'm sure - but I am wondering if anyone familiar with MSI
> (Midwest Scentific - SS50 bus system) would happen to have a copy of the
> software for their 1702A EPROM burne
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2021 21:45:24 -0600
From: Jon Elson
To: Brad H , gene...@ezwind.net,
discuss...@ezwind.net:On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: MSI 6800 EPROM Software
Message-ID: <60347a54.5070...@pico-systems.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset
On 02/22/2021 01:31 PM, Brad H via cctalk wrote:
Hi there,
A longshot I'm sure - but I am wondering if anyone familiar with MSI (Midwest
Scentific - SS50 bus system) would happen to have a copy of the software for
their 1702A EPROM burner, I think the model is PR-1. I just picked one up and
Hi there,
A longshot I'm sure - but I am wondering if anyone familiar with MSI (Midwest
Scentific - SS50 bus system) would happen to have a copy of the software for
their 1702A EPROM burner, I think the model is PR-1. I just picked one up and
am eager to see if I can use it to read/burn 1702As