On 10/5/2019 7:28 PM, Charles via cctalk wrote:
Does anyone have a matching switch they're not using? I have a spare
black lever, but it's supposed to be blue for that nibble which would be
even better ;)
Thanks for any help.
Surplus is not what it was 40 years ago.
Several people are rehash
Looks like a C&K model with a J60 type actuator and a PCB mount.
Something like this?
C&K has a bewildering selection of actuators and mounting options, so
I'm just venturing a wild guess.
This fall I decided to restore my first homebrewed computer that I made
40(!) years ago and still have... a 2 MHz 8080A, 1K of static RAM, a 1702A
(256 byte) EPROM, cobbled up an S-100 connector for a VB-1B video card, an
8-bit I/O port that used an EBCDIC keyboard (ASCII translation table in th
This is a long shot, but...
There was an Able Computer document at VCF Midwest, and through a
miscommunication, it wound up on the 'free' pile. Did anyone here get it?
If so, I'd like to try and get it scanned in, and made available.
The thing is that documentation for Able products is hyper-rare