The Magnus Wolf-Watz lab in UmeƄ, Sweden has two openings in structural biology:
One PhD position directed at human protein kinases and their linkage to human
cancer application deadline May 20
One Postdoc in structural biology of silk and cellulose modifying enzymes,
application deadline A
A PhD and a postdoc position in structural biology is available at the
department of biochemistry at the Biocentre (head Prof. Utz Fischer)
of the Julius Maximilians University, Wuerzburg/Germany in the field
of RNP biochemistry.
The successful applicant will establish protocols for the iso
A PhD and a postdoc position in structural biology is available at the
department of biochemistry at the Biocentre (head Prof. Utz Fischer)
of the Julius Maximilians University, Wuerzburg/Germany in the field
of RNP biochemistry.
The successful applicant will establish protocols for the iso
Postdoctoral and PhD student positions are available in the research group of
Timm Maier at the Biozentrum (www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/maier), University of
Basel, Switzerland, to study giant multienzymes, large regulatory complexes and
membrane protein assemblies.
We employ a combination of stru